Chapter Nine - The Tour (pt 2)

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As we approach the gate it a guard steps out behind it "Name and Rank please" he says and Bruce calls out for the second time "Bruce Clawe - Silver Citizen" and the guard nods and opens the gate and we again pass through "Decent security" I note as the gate shuts behind us "Yes but it gets a bit tedious - I know both of those guards" he says and I can hear Ember laughing in the back of my head while I smile a bit "Anyway this is the Residential District" Bruce says as we pass rows of houses, they gradually get bigger until we start getting near yet another gate and they become huge family houses then mansions, I notice that this gate is solid iron and encased in a stone arch. As we come to a stop a female voice comes through a loud speaker in the top of the arch "Please state your Name, Rank, whether you are a Student, Staff member, or a Guest, or member of the Student Guard, and the nature of your business" and Bruce calls out "This is Bruce Clawe, Silver Citizen and Senior Officer of the Student Guard in escort of a visitor to the school" there's a slight pause then I hear a buzzing sound and the gate starts to open as the female voice speaks again "Welcome back to Moonlight Academy Senior Officer Clawe"

We go through the gate and into the school, I look around at all the buildings as we slowly drive up the cement road that loops around a small park of sorts that has a black marble fountain with silver decoration and a black marble bench all the way around it as well as a few dark wood benches underneath the tall black oak trees "Senior Officer of the Student Guard .... didn't realize a simple visitor escort warranted the use of a man of high rank" I say with a raised eyebrow as I look up at the back of his ears "I volunteered" Bruce says and I mentally chuckle as his ears turn pink as we make a turn into a parking lot in front of a small building.

Bruce parks the car then get out and clears his throat as he opens my door for me "Here we are Miss Knight - Mrs Quills is waiting for you inside the administration building here" he says as I step out of the car and Growler hops down with me I thank him and start walking towards the front door of the building with Growler and Bruce goes ahead of me and opens the door, I raise an eyebrow slightly at him but say nothing and walk inside.

Inside there's a square dark grey rug with silver trim and what I'm assuming is the school crest on it just inside the doorway - the crest is a silver crescent moon with a grey sword going straight down through both the points and a small black shield over the blade and within the curve of the moon on a deep blue background with silver stars around the border. I look around the room as I step inside and see that the floor is black marble tiles and there's four long benches along the walls on the near side of the room, along with a couple potted plants, water coolers, and trash cans. In the center of the room is a long reception desk in the shape of a half circle with a black marble countertop with three computer stations on it, only the center one is occupied however - by Sandra Quills. As I approach the desk Bruce follows a couple feet behind me. When I stop in front of the desk Sandra looks up and smiles at me before standing up "Alexa Knight - good to see you again!" she says and I nod.

Sandra stands up and comes around the counter to me "Let's get this tour started then shall we?" she asks, looking up at me and I nod again. She turns to Bruce and says "Are you coming along or would you prefer to stay here Bruce?" "I don't mind going along on the tour" Bruce says with a shrug and Sandra smiles "Alright let's go then!" she says before she starts walking out of the building with me, Growler and Bruce following behind her.

Sandra stops right outside of the building and says "As you already know this is the Administration Building - across from us on the other side of the fountain is the Visitor Center where family and friends of our students go to meet up with their loved ones, The building off to the left of us back towards the main gate is the Main Supply Room where we keep all sorts of things we use around the academy in storage lockers, and across from that building is the Main Infirmary where any student with a more serious injury will go for treatment - anyone who needs emergency care will be taken to the hospital in town" she says before she starts walking again, turning right towards the massive three story building with a wrap around porch and balconies. Sandra looks back at me and sees me eyeing the building and says "That is the Clan House - where some of our students family members along with some of our teachers and physicians live - the others live in the town houses and our Mayor Lucien Reins and his family - the two buildings before it on either side are the garages" she says before turning onto a path leading to the right where there's a bunch of large buildings, Growler is hurriedly sniffing at everything as we go and occasionally starts growling but I stop him with a quick "Ffft".

"These are the Girls' Dormitories - the Boys' Dormitories are on the other side with the Visitor Center and the Main Infirmary" Sandra says as we follow the path along the Dormitories "The small building up here next to the Clan House is a Student Library - there's another one on the other side for the boys to have easy access to" she says, pointing to it before turning and walking in among the Dormitories. When we get to an intersection in the path Sandra takes the path leading in the direction we originally came from and we continue along the path till we get to a long building "This is the Girls' Student Armory - we keep all kinds of gear, weapons, and supplies here for general student use - however you are perfectly welcome bringing your own if that's what you prefer" Sandra says before we turn along a path that takes us towards the Main Supply Room and I notice an area that's walled off behind the Girls' Armory "What's behind the wall?" I ask curiously noting the smooth stone wall reinforced with steel "The Prison - this was the only secure place for it and because we have to keep it on school grounds we are very vigilant in watching the prisoners kept there - you wouldn't need to worry about a prison break - it would be stopped before it truly began" Sandra says reassuringly "I see" I say as we continue walking.

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