Chapter Ten - Final Decision (pt. 1)

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After the tour I spend the next couple days days training Growler - teaching him to Stay, Roll Over, Crawl, Fetch, and Sneak.
And while I'm training him I'm thinking - thinking about the NECC facility I escaped, the NECC Rangers undoubtedly hunting me down - and thinking about Moonlight Academy, wondering if going to that school would really mean I wouldn't have to constantly be looking over my shoulder, waiting for the Rangers to find me and drag me back to that Nightmare Lab.

I eventually come to the decision to enroll in the school - but be ready to bail out if needed. So I dig out the blank ID card and my laptop then put the ID card in the laptop run it through a custom program that is especially for creating authentic false identification cards - something I had done a few times before. While the laptop is scanning the ID card and loading the template I get out my phone and use it to take a picture of myself for the ID. Once I'm done with that and the laptop has finished loading up the template I put in all the standard basic information - my approximate weight, my height, gender, hair and eye color. Then I put in the name I had given Sandra Quills - Alexa Knight.

I pause when I get to date of birth - I had always been trained to use a random number - I hadn't even known my own birthday for years until I happened to see it on a document someone left out - this is also how I learned what my real name was. After a few moments consideration I put in my birthdate - 10/31/2005 - the date I was actually born. Once I put all that in it gives me my identification number and adds a watermark.

Once the ID card is ready I head out of the bunker to call Sandra. On the third ring she picks it up "Hello Alex! Have you made your decision?" she greets me "Hello Sandra and yes I have - I would like to enroll in Moonlight Academy" I reply "That's great! If you want you can come by today and we can get you all set up so you can start attending Moonlight Academy next Monday - how does that sound?" she asks "That sounds good to me" I respond "Great - I'll contact the Student Guard and have them send someone to pick you up at the park again" Sandra says "Alright I'll be there in a couple hours" I say "Okay Alex - see you later - good bye!" she says "bye" I say before hanging up.

I go back into the bunker and change into clean clothes then get Growler and put his harness on him before grabbing my jacket and a couple knives then I pick up Growler and his leash take him up out of the bunker and start heading towards town. A little over an hour later I get to the town and head towards the park then sit down and wait.

Fifteen minutes later a black SUV comes into site and parks at the side of the road ten feet from where I'm sitting. I stand up and walk over to the SUV as the driver's side window rolls down and a familiar voice says "Hello again Miss Knight - Miss Quills said you were enrolling but I didn't entirely believe her" Bruce Clawe says with a grin as he sticks his head out of the window "Good to see you again Senior Officer Clawe" I say as Bruce gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for me and I get in with Growler.

Bruce closes the door and gets back into the driver's seat and starts the car "So you're really enrolling into Moonlight Academy huh?" He says as he starts driving "That's right - took awhile to make my final decision but I feel like it's the right one" I say as I pet Growler "You won't regret it Miss Knight" Bruce says, grinning at me over his shoulder "You seem very proud of your school" I comment. Bruce nods and says "Yes I am - this school has been very good for me and for so many of the other students here - I hope it will be good for you too"  "So do I" I reply as we continue down the road.

Soon enough we're at the school and Bruce is pulling into the parking lot of the Administration Building. Once the car is parked Bruce steps out of the car and opens my door for me. Growler hops out and I follow him before we all walk into the administration building. This time there is one other person working at the large desk - a younger blonde woman - both the blonde woman and Sandra look up at us as we enter. Sandra stands up and walks over to us with a smile "Hello again Alexa - I'm really glad you've decided to enroll - now let's get started on that shall we?" Sandra says and I nod.

Sandra goes back to her station and I walk over to the desk as she pulls out some paperwork "Alright then - let's start with your full name - is it just Alexa Knight or do you have a middle name?" she says "No middle name" I say and she writes down my name "Okay then now for the questions - question number one - have you been to a Demon Warrior Academy before?" she asks "No" I say. Sandra writes down my response before asking the next question "Question two - have you received basic education both academically and in relation to Demon Warriors?" "Yes I have" I reply and she writes that down "Have you ever attended a public or private school with humans?" she asks "No" I say "Homeschooled then I'm assuming?" she asks and I nod "Alright then - do you know your specialties? And if so what are they?" she says and I think for a moment "My specialties are Combat, Blacksmith, and Hunter for my Master specialties, Elementalist, Stealth, and Spellcaster for my Adept specialties, and Beast Tamer, Sentinel, and Shadow Traveller for my basic specialties" I say and she nods as she writes them down.

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