Chapter Ten - Final Decision (pt. 2)

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Once she has that written down she asks the next question "Have you shifted yet? If so what is your Animal?" "Yes I have - my Animal is a Tiger" I reply honestly "Very nice - are you experienced in hand to hand combat?" Sandra asks once she has my previous answer written down "Yes" I respond simply and she quickly writes it down "Are you trained in the use of weaponry?" she asks "Yes" I reply again "What is your weapon of choice?" she asks "Sword and short sword" I respond after a few moments "Oh you're a dual wielder?" she asks as she looks up at me and I nod, she writes that down then asks the next question "Do you currently go to another school or have an occupation?" "No I do not" I say "Do you have permission from a parent or guardian to enroll in this school - provided you have one?" she asks "I have no parent or guardian" I say and she nods as she writes that down "sorry to hear that - do you have any other family members?" she asks "No - it's just me" I say and she writes that down "Any pets?" she asks with a slight smile and I pick up Growler. She laughs and says "One fox - and what is his or her name?" "His name is Growler" I respond as I pet him.

Sandra writes down my response and asks the next question "What is your age?" "I'm sixteen now - I'll be seventeen in October" I say and she starts writing "On what day?" she asks "The thirty-first" I reply and she writes that down "Alright then - what is your Demon Warrior Rank?" she asks "Rogue" I say after a second "I see - did you previously hold another rank?" she asks "No I did not" I say then wait as she writes down my answers "Well the answer to this question is obvious now - are you currently a member of a clan - no you are not since you're a Rogue" Sandra says and writes that down then asks "Are you more active during the day or the night?" I think about it a bit before replying "I'm usually more active during the day" she writes that down "Do you get along well with others?" she asks "I guess I can" I say with a shrug and she smiles slightly as she writes my answer from "Do you work well under pressure?" she asks "I'd like to say that I do" I respond "Does blood, gore, broken bones, corpses, or detached limbs bother you?" she asks as she looks up at me and I raise both eyebrows "No - but what kind of school is this?" I reply and she laughs "This question has more to do with your capabilities as a Demon Warrior than it has to do with what to expect at this school" Sandra says reassuringly before writing down my answer

After she's written that down she says "Okay two questions left - Do you get scared easily?" "No I don't" I say and she writes that down "Alright then - last question - what is your Animal's name?" she asks and looks up at me. After a few seconds I answer honestly "Her name is Ember" I say and Sandra writes that down "Okay then we're done with all the necessary paperwork - I'll get you a school schedule, dormitory assignment, Moonlight Academy pin, and school ID card soon then I'll let you choose your uniform jackets - so please go take a seat" she says and she stands up with the now filled out question sheet "Okay then" I say then put Growler down and go take a seat near a window while Sandra puts the information into her computer then goes to the back to file the paper away.

After that she goes through a door that was partially hidden behind one of the plants lining the room and goes into the next room. About twenty minutes later she comes back with a small box and an armful of jackets and goes back to her desk then calls me over as she starts laying the jackets out. There's five different styles of jacket "These are all the different Academy jackets" Sandra says and picks up a rather simple jacket "This plain one is just a casual jacket - good for wearing around campus or in town - it is resistant to tearing as well as water resistant - so it's good for a light drizzle but if it's pouring you will get wet" she says then picks up a somewhat sporty looking jacket "This is a School Field jacket - good for wearing during classes since it's water proof, shred resistant, fire resistant, and heat reflective - meaning it will take your body heat and throw it back at your " Sandra says then points at the bands on the sleeves "These bands carry your Demon Warrior Rank and - for those in the Student Guard - your Student Guard Rank" she says before pointing at the seams where the sleeves meet the body of the jacket "These are breakaway points for if your jacket gets caught on something and you can't get free of it - this way the sleeve rips free and you can get away" she says and I nod at her "Seems like a decent design" I comment and she smiles and holds up a thicker coat that has a hood a diamond pattern on it

"This is the winter coat - it's thermal and waterproof - you could get buried in the snow wearing this and stay perfectly warm and dry" Sandra says then picks up a jacket that looks simple like the casual jacket yet also looks rather nice "And this is the Stealth Field jacket - it's what the Stealth Specialty students wear during class as well as what students wear during field missions - the Student Guard also wears them during patrol - this jacket is water proof, shred resistant, thermal, tear resistant, fire proof, and there's an optional tracking chip" she continues then picks up the last jacket that looks like a cross between the Stealth Field jacket and a suit jacket"And this is the Formal jacket - worn during ceremonies and celebrations - it is water proof, shred resistant, and fire resistant" she finishes and lays the jacket back down and I notice that all but the Stealth jacket have a breast pocket with the school crest on it.

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