Chapter One - Breaking Free (pt 3)

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     I cross the hall with confidence and purpose to the surveillance room, inside there's just one person at the desk, watching the other prisoners and drinking a beer, I stab him in the back of the neck and twist, he slumps over and I get on the computer and cut power to the cameras then dig in the files a bit until I find what I'm looking for - the videos of the experimentation and training of myself and the other prisoners, I grab a few 5 terabyte flash drives and download my files onto one, the rest on the other two, I then place them in my bag and delete ALL the files on the computer and use the computer to print myself an ID card and then I remotely override the locks on the four other prison cells so they can escape as well then I use the cattle prod to give a high powered shock of electricity to the computer for good measure, frying it. I take my ID and put it away in my bag and go through the door at the other side of the room and into the short hallway to the elevator leading to the surface into the security shack. I enter the elevator and get a knife and my pistol ready, after a few minutes the door open and I waste no time in taking out the three  rather surprised guards - shooting two and stabbing a third in the eye socket. Then I run out the doors and outside, taking in a deep breath of the first fresh air I've had in months - and the first free air I've had in years.

     I run to the fence and climb over it swiftly, landing on my feet, I then start running North towards the Canadian border - I'm going to cross over into Canada. When I get close to the border I go up in a tree and change my clothes, putting on the only shirt that doesn't have NECC written on it - a black long sleeve - and matching black pants and black sneakers, then I get out one of the knives and use it to cut my hair, which I then hold in my hand and look at before I light it on fire using the same hand, then I comb my fingers through my hair and focus slightly to draw on Ember a bit making my hair and eyebrows black with red stripes and my eyes a light aqua blue with a black ring around the iris, with a little further concentration I remove the red stripes from my hair and eyebrows, leaving it a deep black color and then - satisfied that I no longer look like the secret NECC experiment - I put the clothes I took off in the bag and put my duffle bag over my shoulder and climb back down the tree and start walking through the woods to the border, after a couple hours I can hear the sounds of a border patrol officer checking people's identification and letting them through, I climb the nearest tree and start moving between the trees, going from branch to branch, when I can see the border patrol officer I head off to the side a bit and watch until his attention is elsewhere and then I jump across the border, landing on a tree branch on the other side, I then start quickly going from tree to tree, further and further into the forest.

    After a few more hours I climb back down and start walking again, going between trees and over streams, this continues for awhile until I reach a hill and start climbing it, only for my foot to hit something metal. I frown and kneel down, inspecting the ground below me, I clear a small portion of dirt, leaves and other debris away and see a curved piece of metal. I tilt my head and follow the piece of curved metal downwards to the flat ground and pull back bushes and peer around tree roots till I see a hatch door {I wonder what this is....} I think to myself, pulling the multi tool from my bag and pulling the saw blade out, I then start cutting away the roots blocking my way and cutting the brush until I  can see the hatch door properly {it looks like an old World War II bunker...} I think as I step back.

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