Chapter Seven - An Offer to Consider (pt. 1)

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After about a week Growler is almost completely house and leash trained - although he still growls at anything unfamiliar. It's currently early morning and I'm bringing Growler in from his morning walk "C'mon buddy let's get you inside so I can go to town and get you more food" I say as I bring the reluctant fox inside. Once I've got him in my room I take off his leash and harness then I grab and my wallet and restock it with cash and put on clean clothes "Alright Growler - you be good while I'm gone" I say as I pet him {Aw look at you, being nice} Ember says teasing {Shut up or I'll skin him alive} I growl back as I go over to my bag and get a knife then put it in my boot {We both know you won't do that} Ember replies and I grumble as I go up the ladder then continue up and out of the bunker. Once I'm out of the bunker I close the doors and rearrange the bushes in front of it so it can't be seen easily then I climb the nearest tree and start walking and jumping from branch to branch, heading towards town in a way that avoids as much of the border patrol as possible.

After a little over an hour and a half I reach the road leading to town and I look around carefully before I climb down from the tree I'm in and start walking along the road heading towards town. Once in town I decide to go into the thrift shop first to get a couple more pairs of jeans. When I go inside I start looking around at the clothes and I grab three pairs of jeans and two long sleeve shirts then when I take the clothes up to the counter I spot a pair of nice wrap around sunglasses with lenses on the sides {grab them} Ember says quickly {yeah?} I reply in my mind as I set the clothes down {yes they will look good on you - and besides you deserve to get nice things for yourself} Ember says seriously and I give a mental chuckle and grab the sunglasses {alright then} I say as I set them on top of the clothes.

After I pay for the clothes and sunglasses they get put in a bag and I leave and start walking around town, looking at the stores trying to figure out where to go next when I see a pet store. I go inside and start walking down the little aisles until I find the pet toys {You thinking what I'm thinking?} Ember asks and I smile slightly {Get Growler some toys so we can see what he will do? Besides growl at them} I reply {Yes!} Ember says back and I grin and grab a tennis ball, tog of war rope, and a frisbee then I take them and the bag of puppy food to the counter for the lady to ring up.

As she starts scanning my items she starts talking "Looks like you just got a new pup - how old is he?" she says "Uh...I don't know exactly" I say "Oh I see... do you know what breed he is?" "He's a mutt" I respond as I get out my wallet. The lady gives me my total and puts my things in a bag after I pay "Well I hope he enjoys his new toys - have a nice day!" she says as she hands me the bag "you too" I say with a nod as I turn around and leave

Next I go to the grocery store and I go grab a stack of paper plates and a loaf of bread then a package of sliced ham and another of sliced cheddar cheese as well as a bottle of honey mustard and a bottle of barbecue sauce. As I start heading back to the front of the store I pass the snack food aisle and I grab a each of pepperoni sticks and beef sticks and after a bit of thought a large bag of potato chips and I take those up to the counter as well. As the clerk rings everything up I look over at the candy at display and I shrug and grab a chocolate bar and add that to my things {One would think impulse buying wouldn't work on you} Ember says with a laugh {Hey it's been six years since I've had chocolate give me a break - besides you told me I deserve to treat myself} I say grumble as I pay for my things and take the two bags then turn around and walk out while Ember starts laughing {What?} I growl {I was just joking around Alex - I didn't expect you to get so defensive!} Ember says as she continues to laugh hysterically {Ember I swear if you keep laughing at me I'll-} I start to say but I abruptly stop talking as well as walking as I sense the presence of another Demon Warrior nearby.

I quickly look around and see a lady in jeans, a sweater, and sneakers exiting a book store across the street. Before I can start walking towards the corner she stops and turns around towards me {Crap - her primary element must be Spirit} Ember says as the woman starts walking closer {Must be - because my scent is completely masked} I reply as I watch the woman cross the street {She doesn't appear to be a NECC Ranger - not even an undercover one} Ember says {No she doesn't...} I respond as the lady gets closer.

When the woman is just a few feet away from me she stops and smiles at me "You're certainly a new face around here - hello my name is Sandra Quills - and you are?" she says as she holds out her hand. I look at her hand for a few seconds before I reach out and take it "My name is Alexa Knight" I say, having already had a fake name ready "Well Alexa it's nice to meet you... now might I ask what brings you to Fog Meadow Valley?" she asks. I think about for a few seconds before I shrug "Just trying to get away from my past - get a fresh start y'know?" I say "Really? Well I know the perfect place for you to go to get that fresh start" she says with a note of excitement and I raise an eyebrow in response "There's this town not too far from here - it's hidden from humans and is a safe haven for our kind" she says, lowering her voice "There's this boarding school that's just for teaching and training young Demon Warriors such as yourself - I'm the Director of Admissions for the school so I can get you in" she adds "I don't know...." I start to say but she cuts me off "You would be safe there - we accept all of our youth no matter their past - you could start over, live on campus, make new friends - and not have to worry about where you're sleeping at night or where your next meal is coming from" she says quickly, concern written on her face {She seems to think I'm homeless and can't take care of myself...} I mutter in my mind {Alex calm down - she's likely a mother or possibly an Empath} Ember says in return.

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