Chapter Twelve - Moving In (pt 1)

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When I get to Fog Meadow Valley I sit down and pull out my phone and call Sandra. After a few rings it picks up "Hello Alexa!" she says happily "I was actually just about to call you - are you all set to go?" "Yes I am" say as I watch Growler sniff at the grass by my feet and paw at it "Alright then - I'll send Bruce to go pick you up" she says "Sounds good" I respond "Okay - he should be there in about twenty minutes" she says "Alright then" I say "Okay - I'll see you when you get here Alexa" she says "Yeah see you" I reply before hanging up. A little over twenty minutes later the black SUV once again comes into view and parks at the side of the road not too far from me and Bruce steps out of the car.

Bruce waves and says hello then takes my bags and I get in with Growler as Bruce carefully sets the bags inside and shuts the door then gets into the driver's seat and starts the car and starts driving back towards the the school "I just realized - I never asked what the name of the town Midnight Academy is located in is" I say as pet Growler "Oh - it's Shadowvalle" Bruce says as we come to a stop to let a couple pedestrians cross the road.

When we get moving again Bruce asks "So what brought you out this way in the first place if you don't mind me asking?" after a few moments I reply "I just....needed to get away" Bruce nods "Rough home life?" he guesses "Yeah- something like that" I say before turning my attention to the window. Bruce is quiet the rest of the trip back to Shadowvalle then Moonlight Academy. When he parks the car outside of the Administration Building he apologizes "Alexa I'm sorry if I brought up a sensitive subject" "It's alright Bruce - and you can just call me Alex" I say before getting out of the car with my backpack and duffle bag Growler following behind me "Alright then Alex - I'll get your luggage bags" Bruce says as he gets out of the car.

I walk over to the Administration Building right as Sandra walks out "Hello Alexa" she greets me "Hello Miss Quills" I greet her in return. She looks at me and Growler and then looks over at Bruce getting my luggage out of the car "Is this everything?" she asks, looking from the bags I'm holding the the luggage Bruce is bringing over "Yeah that's all" I say as I take the luggage bags from Bruce and thank him "I see - alright then let's get you to your dorm then - shall we?" she says and I nod. Suddenly a phone rings and Bruce quickly pulls out his phone and answers it. After about a minute he hangs up "Sorry I need to go - a couple of the rookies got hurt in a training expedition" he says "Alright then see ya" I say "Oh my goodness - yes you need to go check on them - and tell them to be more careful!" Sandra says.

Bruce nods and starts running off towards the rear school grounds where all the classes are. Sandra watches him for a bit before turning back to me "Follow me please" she says and I nod then she starts walking towards the Girls' Dormitories and I follow and we stop at Dorm 5A - it's a short walk seeing as how it's one of the dorms closest to the Administration Building. Sandra knocks on the door and after a few minutes a girl with tan skin, blonde hair in a ponytail, amber eyes and wearing a dark blue casual school jacket, a white shirt, faded blue jeans, black ankle boots and an old and worn dark blue visor opens the door "Sandra! What brings you here?" the girl asks with a smile "Your new dorm mate - Allyssa this is Alexa Knight - Alexa this is Allyssa Skye" Sandra says. Allyssa turns her smile to me and holds out a hand to me "Nice to meet you" she says as I take her hand and she shakes it "You too" I say before letting go.

There's a pinging sound and Sandra pulls out her phone "Oh - looks like you girls will have to get Alex settled in without me - Denise had to leave early so I need to head back to the Administration Building" "Alright then" Allyssa says "You girls take care - and tell the others I say hi" Sandra says before rushing off to the Administration Building "Okay Alexa - time for the grand tour of your new home I guess" Allyssa says, turning to me. I nod and say "Sounds good" she smiles then opens the door to the dorm and walks inside and I pick up Growler and follow.

We step into a short entrance hall with a door to either side and one on the end "To the left is the communal gear storage and then the sick rooms - to the right is the kitchen and pantry then the pet room - that's where we play with our pets and let them socialize" Allyssa says, smiling down at Growler before walking to the end of the short hall "Through here is the common room - where we all hang out during our off days or after school for a bit before heading to bed" she says before opening the door and walking through.

Inside there's nine other girls all through the common room and they all look up at us. Three of the girls are playing cards at a table spread out between two chairs and a corner sofa, two are playing a video game sitting in front of one of two large flat screen televisions, and the other four are sitting on the other corner sofa. Allysa walks into the room and smiles "Alright girls this is our new dorm mate Alexa Knight - Alexa this is Dorm 5A - c'mon girls line up so you can properly introduce yourselves" she says and the girls all get up and walk to the middle of the room where they stand in a line.

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