Chapter Eight - Deliberation (pt. 1)

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The day after Sandra Quills offers to enroll me in the school I'm out in the forest hunting for food and gathering mushrooms and berries on the way {You know.... we wouldn't have to worry about hunting and gathering if we went to that school...} Ember starts as I start making a snare for small animals and I roll my eyes {I like hunting} I say back {So do I - just not all the time} Ember counters and I shake my head at her {Lazy} I say as I finish making the trap and set it then move on {Hey!} Ember says defensively as I climb a tree {Just because I don't want to spend my time hunting and gathering doesn't mean I'm lazy! Besides we're being hunted ourselves remember?} she continues and I pause in my climbing {Yes Ember I am aware of this} I say before I continue climbing up the tree.

I continue to travel about the forest around the bunker, gathering berries and mushrooms and setting a few hidden snare traps for small animals on the ground and a couple up in the trees. Once I've finished setting the traps I head deeper into the forest to try and catch bigger game. After a couple hours I find a small deer so I creep up behind it before I tackle it and break it's neck {There - you see? fun} I say to Ember as I pick up the deer and start heading towards the river by the bunker {Yes Alex I see - but wouldn't it be nice to NOT have to hunt and gather all your meals?} she says and I groan in annoyance {Seriously Ember? I thought you hated being around other people more than I do!} I say as I walk over a fallen tree.

When I get to the river I take the deer to a tree that hangs over the river and I take the remains of the rope I had brought with me and I hang up the deer by it's back legs and slit it's throat so it starts draining it's blood into the river {There a reason you're doing that?} Ember says {Yes - it's less messy, easier, and easier to cook this way - and it'll put off less of a scent} I say as I step back from the deer and look around. I spot a black berry bush and start picking and eating berries. After a bit I stop eating the berries and go over to the deer and look at it {Hm.... this'll be awhile} I think to myself {Well yeah-} Ember starts and I cut her off {oh you be quiet} I say back as I start walking towards the bunker.

Once I get back to the bunker I go down and get Growler, his harness, and his leash and go back out then put the harness and leash on Growler and start walking him back towards the river where I left the deer, Growler occasionally stopping to sniff and growl at a bush or rock. When we're almost there Growler stops and sniffs at a bush and doesn't move as he growls "C'mon Growler...." I grumble as I lightly pull at the leash. Growler plants his feet and the fur along the ridge of his back stands up and his tail fluffs out and I frown "What are you going on about fox?" I mumble before I close my eyes and take a deep breath to try and figure out what he's growling at. After a few seconds I laugh and pick him up "It's a porcupine dude - trust me you don't want any of that" I say right before the porcupine comes walking out. Growler sees the porcupine and growls louder and I put a hand on his snout as the porcupine freeze and raises it's quills slightly "Shut your mouth cub - if I get quilled because of you I will shave and muzzle you" I say in a low voice and Growler whines softly but stops growling and I let go of his snout. After a minute the porcupine starts walking away again.

Once the porcupine had gone out of sight I set Growler back down and start walking towards the river again "C'mon Growler let's go" I say as I pull at the leash and he follows with a yip and I chuckle. After about ten minutes we get back to the river and I take off his leash before I go check on the deer. I examine the deer then go back to Growler who is chasing his tail. I call him to me and he comes bounding over while I chuckle "Alright Growler - time for you to learn a thing or two" I say and he tilts his head to the side. I go over by the river and grab a rock  that I had seen a frog on earlier and bring it to him "Smell" I say and he sniffs at it and starts growling.

I pull away the rock and lightly tap his nose and he stops "Good boy" I say before I offer the rock again with the same results from him and me. I do this a few times then he stops growling at it so I go grab a branch and offer it to him and when he starts growling at it I tap his nose again but this time I say "Ffft" and he stops and looks at me. I continue to offer him things that he growls at and I keep tapping his nose and saying 'Ffft' until he stops growling with just the verbal command then I take him on a short walk around the area by the river and whenever he stops and growls and something I just say "Ffft" and he stops. Afterwards I pet him for awhile before I go back to the deer again.

I take out my knife and start skinning the deer. Once I have the deer's hide off I take it over to a large boulder and drape the hide over it before I start scraping the inside of hide clean using first my knife then a rock. After I've finished doing that I take the deer skin into the river and clean off the outside and rinse the inside. When I've finished cleaning the hide off I set it out to dry then get to work on gutting the deer. While I'm pulling the innards from the deer I see Growler playing with a flower near the tree I strung the deer from. I smile and continue cleaning out the deer then I start to pull the meat from the bones.

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