Chapter Six - Stash

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The next morning I take Growler out so he can go to the bathroom and when he's done I take him back inside and set him down in my room so I can start fixing a spot for him to sleep that's not just the shirt on the floor I had given him the night before. While Growler starts running around and playing with everything he can find I go get an empty box I had found in the pantry and set that under my bed and put the shirt he had slept on inside of it "That should do for now" I saw to myself "Okay Growler come he-" I start to call him over when I suddenly hear a click and I spin around to see that Growler must have found a hidden switch playing by the posts against the wall on the other side of my bed because a small room had just been revealed - not even a small room - more like a four foot by four foot box. I move over to it and investigate it and the end of my bed until I find the small hidden switch at the foot of one of the posts {Well this is interesting...} Ember says {yes....quite interesting} I reply as I continue to examine the small space.

I look around inside the small space and feel around for any more hidden switches inside before I stand up {looks like we have a stash now} I say to Ember {yes it does} she replies. I go to my duffle bag and take everything out then I put the rifle,   chain, NECC clothing and shoes, gas capsules, rifle ammo,  and cattle prod in the space and hit the switch to close it back up before I put everything else back in my bag and pet Growler "good boy Growler - you found a place to hide some of my things" I say as I pick up one of the lengths of rope I still have and use it to measure his neck "I'm gonna have to get you a collar, leash and some other stuff little dude" I continue as I stand up.

I put the rope away then put Growler in my bathroom and close the door "I'll be back in a bit" I tell him before I climb up and out of the bunker and head back into town and go to the little grocery store and start looking around for any kind of pet supplies. After a bit I find a collar and harness that will fit Growler then I grab a couple of pet bowls, a leash, a small dog bed, and a small bag of puppy food then I go up to the counter and place them on top for the clerk to ring up "you got a puppy?" the clerk asks with a slight smile "yeah - he was a stray" I say casually as I look outside as if checking the clouds to see if it's going to start raining soon when I'm really checking to see if there's anyone suspicious - there's just some old man walking his poodle.

The clerk finishes ringing up my items  and puts everything but the puppy food and dog bed in a paper bag for me then gives me my total and I pay "Have a nice day - and good luck with your puppy!" she says and I nod as I take my things and walk out of the store and start heading back to the bunker. When I get back I let Growler out of the bathroom and put his new food and water dishes next to the bathroom door and fill them then put his bed in his box. Growler goes over to his food and sniffs at it for a bit before he starts eating and growling softly while I get out his collar and sit next to him and start petting him. As soon as my hand touches him he starts growling louder and I chuckle "Easy there killer - it's just me" I say as I continue petting him. When he calms down I put the collar on him and he immediately stops eating and starts scratching at his collar "Hey stop that - that needs to stay there stupid" I say as I flick his paw "No" I say firmly "Just eat your food" I say pointing to his food bowl. He stares at me for a bit before he goes back to eating.

When he's done eating I take out the harness and leash and call him to me and put the harness on him and start petting him, giving him a bit of time to get used to it before I add the leash. After a while I attach the leash - still wound up and bound - to the harness and take my hands off him to see how he will react. He turns around to try and investigate the leash but the leash moves so he keeps turning, going faster and faster until he's spinning in circles trying to catch the leash and I start laughing. Growler keeps spinning in circles until he crashes into my bed and falls over and I laugh harder "Oh fuck.... are you okay?" I say as I move over closer to him and pet him as I try to stop laughing, in response he pukes on the concrete floor - I laugh and hang my head before I get up and go get something to clean up the mess "Leash training you should be interesting to say the least Growler" I say as the dizzy fox cub sits there watching me.

Once I've cleaned up the mess and Growler has calmed down and isn't so dizzy I take the zip ties off the leash and unwind it before I start trying to lead him around the room - he plants all four feet and doesn't move. I can hear Ember laughing at me inside my mind and I growl at her {Shut up} I grumble {I'm sorry this is just really entertaining} she replies. I frown and whistle at Growler "Growler c'mon" I say as I lightly pull on the leash and he takes a few steps. I try to get him to take a couple more steps and he just grabs the leash and starts shaking it "No Growler I'm not playing... c'mon!" I say in frustration {Oh this is gonna take awhile} Ember says with a laugh {Ugh be quiet} I mutter back in reply.

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