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We had actually won this years X Factor season. OMG !! I still can't believe it.

The top 12, everyone's families & friends, Luke Jacobs and the judges were all at the after party. I was spending time with family and they all got to know Nicole a lot better. But then she had to leave to go spend time with her family and Will.


I was spending time with the family for some time. It was great seeing them again. I miss them heaps. I can now start mucking around with my brothers for once. Hahah !!!


I finally got to see the family again. It was awesome. Seeing them with massive smiles on their faces made me so happy. I'm so glad I auditioned again this year. I wasn't going to. But I'm glad because I have made 4 great friends who are more like my brothers. 


To see the family & Keeda at the after party with massive smiles OMG ! I ran up to Keeda and hugged her so tightly. I kissed her for so long. That's how much I have missed her. And now I won't be known as Aaron's brother as much it will be Aaron known as Zach's brother. 


OMG !! Me and Nicole were so happy to see the family. It was amazing. It was great to see Mum really good. And Dad. Even Bec and her boyfriend were really happy together. We all had a group hug. I lifted Nicole and told her "Thankyou for everything bub. You're the best. Loveyou sis so much !!" Then I saw like a million flashes OMG and even from the boys !!!! Why !!!! Hahahah !!!! She then replied "Same goes to you bro !!"


I loved seeing the family again. It was amazing. Seeing the boys so happy really made my night. Jayden, Trent and Zach even introduced me to their familes.

I went to go talk to Rebecca so I could apologise to her. "Rebecca, I hate this fighting between us. I'm really sorry for everything. I miss you !!!!" "Nicole, me too. I'm really sorry too. I missed you heaps. Can we be how we used to be again please. I want my Bubba back !! I missed her !" She told me. "OMG !! YES !!!!" I exclaimed back. We had a massive hug. We walked over to the boys holding hands. They were talking to Ronan and had their heads back to us. Ronan told them that there was a group singing Surrender tonight. We already knew who it was. It was me, Sherlyn, Niki,  Rebecca and Imogyn.

The boys turned around and they were shocked completely. We explained and they gave us all a group hug. We were all so happy.

I was sitting down thinking of something. I'm gonna get Jayden & Sherlyn together, Will & Niki together and Trent & Imogyn together. Hmmm ... My head was down the whole time and when I looked up I was shocked. 

Sherlyn & Jayden were kissing, so were Niki & Will and Imogyn & Trent. I was so happy. I didn't have to do anything. "How ?!" was all I could say. "Well, I asked them all who they liked & they all admitted it." Julian told me. "Well that was quick & easy. Hahahah yayyayyy." I said. Then Julian walked up to me & kissed me as well while Zach & Keeda did the same thing. So now all of us were kissing. Hahahah.

Me & the girls were all dancing and singing when Ronan walked up to us and told us it was time. "You ready to sing Surrender girls ?!" He asked us. "Lets do it girls !!" They all agreed with me. We got to our postions on the stage. Ronan walked up to the microscope on the side waiting for the whole party to go quiet so he could talk. I looked at the front of the stage & all 5 boys were looking at us confused. Keeda was sitting with them but she knew what was going on though.

Ronan explained "Now, everyone there is a song these 5 beautiful girls will sing for us all."  I looked at the boys and they were looking at each other confused, excited & shocked at the same time. Us girls decided who would sing what. It was really easy. I was so nervous to sing Surrender in front of the boys considering the boys won & that's their winners single & I'm really close to them and Will's my brother and Julian's my boyfriend. 

We were all in our positions & the music started. Here we go !!! I noticed the boys had ear plugs. Ronan did say he'll give them thumbs up so they know when to take them out. That will be when I am about to sing. They take them out & they listen to me singing. They realise it's Surrender and they're just sitting there crying with their mouths open while I was singing. I smiled at them and they made hearts with their hands.  

It comes up to the rap and I can feel Will just staring at me. It felt really good to sing in front of them for once. We finished the song and the boys all ran up to me and hugged me, kissed me on my forehead & my cheeks while Julian kissed me on the lips for a long time. That gave time for the boys to go over to THEIR girfriends.

~~~ Hours later ~~~ 

Finally the party had finished. It was such a great night. Me & the boys were laying in our beds and I was with Julian. Trent then said "Niki, did you seriously sing our winners single tonight ?!" I replied with "Yes !" while laughing. Then Will asked "And did you actually sing my rap ?!" "Yes I did bro !!!" I told him. They all hugged me joining mine and Julian's hug. 

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