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       Like most mornings his body was coated in sweat. His hair was stuck to his forehead and his annoying neighbor was pounding on his door.

He sat up the sunlight hitting him so harshly he thought he was in hell for a moment.

"Piss off!" he sighed as he rubbed at his eyes glaring at the clock.

He stood up from the bed leaving his room quickly as he opened his door.

His neighbor glared at him as she puffed on a cigarette. "What is it now Jane?" he was tired and didn't have time for this.

"Keep your damn rubbish off my lawn!" she rolled her eyes at him as she walked off.

He cursed to himself as he slammed his door shut. "Stupid bitch" he walked towards the small bathroom and grabbed a random bottle of mouth wash.

While he let it move along his cheeks he texted Eric and Otis he'd meet them soon.

He pushed his hair away from his forehead as he grabbed random clothes throwing them on.

He walked out of his house grabbing his bike as he put a cigarette in his mouth.

Mornings weren't his friend, and they never would be. He pushed sunglasses onto his face as he rode off down the road.

At the sight of Eric arriving at Otis's house James smiled at him as he stepped off his bike.

"Hey! E-Man I love the outfit" Eric laughed lightly as he hugged James.

"Gosh how can you smoke that, it reeks" James threw the cigarette onto the ground stomping on it.

"Problem solved" a man walked out of the house at the same time Otis ran out.

"Looks like Jeans got herself another man toy" Otis walked forward smiling at the duo.

"Your mums new boyfriend is a big hot sticky wet dream" Eric patted Otis's shoulder with a big grin.

"Yeah, mum doesn't do boyfriends" Otis grabbed his bike helmet.

"Ah so what you're saying is, your mother sleeps around" "James!". "Alright sorry! I didn't mean it as a bad thing".

James got onto his bike "what's with the sunglasses?" James pushed them further up his face.

"It's dramatic and I happen to like dramatic things Otis, and besides it's fashion".

Eric looked at a couple walking towards the house. "Are those the ones that like to do it in animal costumes?".

James looked holding in a laugh. "No, he wants her to wear a strap-on. She's really not into it".

"A strap-on, gosh I reckon that'll hurt, no wonder she isn't into it. I wouldn't be".

"It's a classic power dynamic issue" Eric laughed loudly. "Aww! I wish my mum was a sex guru".

"Trust me, you don't" "I think it would be a cool thing if my mum was around of course".

They road down the small pathway they took everyday for school. Eric spoke a lot most of the time but It didn't bother James much.

"So, did you do it?" Otis didn't say anything just looked forward. "Don't tell me you choked again".

James looked at Eric "what is it we're talking about?" "Otis here can't masturbate".

𝘙𝘦𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴-𝘙𝘶𝘣𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘸𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now