twenty two

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Everything was going absolutely shitty for James, he had spent most of his time trying to pretend like he was losing his mind. After the trip to France, he returned home and practically passed out the second he laid down on his bed. He didn't care about anything else except finally letting himself rest.

So waking up with a massive headache and his body aching made him groan as he sat up. He could hear Andrew walking around the kitchen, likely making toast or cereal before he runs off to Maeve's. He had a habit of making sure the girl was alive and well every morning before they all left for school.

James walked out of his room to find Andrew sitting down on the counter as he spread butter onto his toast. "You were snoring pretty loud last night" James chuckled at the boy's words as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cup of coffee for him.

"Normally I try my best to not snore since it's always waking you but the air in my room was dry. I didn't wake you did I?". Andrew shook his head as he stood up "I just sorta woke up and heard it before I went back to bed. I'm gonna go see Maeve real quick before we leave, don't forget to eat something".

Andrew ran off and when the door shut James wavered as he leaned into the counter for support. He sighed deeply as he rubbed at his head to ease the ache it was experiencing. He always was good at covering up how he was feeling around Andrew.

He walked into the bathroom and showered before he put his uniform on. For the most part at least he could tie it properly this time, he always had trouble with it and Maeve would do it for him in the car. At least for once he was capable of doing something on his own again, even if it was a small task.

The sound of knocking on his door made him quickly walk towards it "did you forget your key again Andrew?" he opened the door. Daisy smiled at him slightly as she waved "morning, I figured you'd be here still given it's pretty early".

James frowned deeply "what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in France for another day since you didn't feel like coming back and dealing with your mother". Daisy shrugged as she walked inside "I'm technically not suspended anymore but there's no way I'm going back to school yet. Look I just came here to talk real quick and I'll be outta here and on my way back to France".

"Of course, what did you wanna talk about?" He grabbed his cup of coffee from the counter "I'm pregnant, and before you try pulling the are you sure card, I'm like very positive about it. And yes you're the father and I'm keeping it to prove to my bitch of a mother I don't need her for anything. We can like a coparent or something, or even just get married...".

James couldn't focus, his mind was spinning like crazy and Daisy kept going on about babies and marriage and it made him move forward. "What! There's no way we're getting married, or even remotely getting together, I barely know you and we only slept together like one time".

Daisy laughed lightly "oh but we will, because this thing inside of me is from you. And I didn't just sleep with you for nothing, so you're going to help me raise this baby the second it's born, I don't care if you don't want to, if you even try to deny it I'll literally ruin your stupid life. I'm sure one little word to the right person and little Andrew will be thrown into foster care. You'll be all alone in this disgusting trailer. Ruby will never get back with you again".

"Are you threatening me, what the fuck you're literally insane" Daisy walked towards him "you'll lose everything if you don't help me, and I'm pretty good at getting what I want. You're stuck with me until the day you die James, we'll get married inside a nice chapel and I'll name the baby something pretty".

She kissed his cheek before she walked towards the doorway "if you try to even remotely back out, I will have Andrew taken away from you, I'll make sure you never see him again, and that's a promise. Because I'm pretty damn resourceful these days, and I will ruin you so badly you'll never test me again".

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