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"Suspended! You're lucky she didn't expel you James" the boy chuckled slightly as he pulled his tie off and turned and looked at Maeve. "I only got like a few days, besides it just means a little vacation until I can come back. I'm still going on that trip to France anyways, just gotta hitch a ride with someone else is all. Me and Andrew are gonna totally bring you back some cool stuff, he'll likely be more excited than me".

"I'm kinda surprised you're even going, the price was way too much for me" Andrew climbed into the passenger seat as he smirked, "I told you, we're hitching a ride another way. I'm practically going there for free, just gotta buy gas. Me and Andrew already bought snacks for the road. You could tag along if you'd like, it's not like we'll get in trouble. It's just like a vacation, and I got suspended so I wouldn't have been able to go anyways".

The loud chatter of shouting and cheering made James frown deeply "what's going on now!". He got out of the car, he could see a group of kids all surrounding along the entrance way of the school. "You reckon someone's fighting? I totally gotta see this".

He ran toward the crowd pushing through people and his eyes widened at the sight of Daisy and Ruby. The girls were fighting like wild cats, Ruby screamed as she punched the girl and pushed her into the grass harshly "you bitch!". James ran toward the girls "hey! Break it up already" he grabbed a hold of Ruby tugging her off of Daisy.

He shouted when Daisy stood up and punched Ruby, making the girl kick the air like crazy. James struggled as he quickly pushed Ruby behind him "enough!" They both looked at him as he looked at them like they were crazy. "I don't even have to be an idiot to figure out what this is about. It's clearly about me".

Ruby huffed "don't be so stupid, nothing these days is even remotely about you". James sighed deeply "clearly it is if you're causing fights, in case you didn't learn the first time. You're the one who ended our relationship, I can sleep with whoever I want".

"Why did you have to do it with her! She's a skank! She's only using you so her mother will pay attention to her!". Daisy moved forward angrily and James moved in front of her to stop her "look, you're both being ridiculous, we're all individually capable of seeing and sleeping with whoever we want. So don't go judging me Ruby, when you did far worse".

Daisy swung at Ruby again hitting the girl in the side of her head. "Bitch!" Ruby pushed James out of the way as she pounced on Daisy. The girl yelled as she landed on the ground in a heap. The cheering and chants of "fight" entered the atmosphere.

James wiped the dirt off his jumper as he quickly stood up and pulled Ruby off of Daisy. She kicked at the air as James angrily forced her to walk away. "Stop acting like a child!" he held onto her arm gently as he led her away from Daisy.

Ruby moved back "you're the one who's being childish!" he pinched his nose as he looked down at her. "What are you trying to accomplish here Ruby? You think fighting that girl will make you feel better? She didn't even deserve that, Daisy doesn't deserve that at all, she's nice and kind".

"She's using you for some stupid game against me James, why can't you just see that! Why can't you just see that I still care about your wellbeing".

"If you still cared you wouldn't have cheated on me or left me out here all alone! You still have Otis, go running back to him for all I care. You're being reckless Ruby, and I won't stand for it".

"You don't get to say that, not when you're being reckless too. I've seen the way you've been acting, the way you're lying to everyone around you. You're destroying yourself James". She pulled his sleeve upwards harshly and he grabbed a hold of her wrists to stop her "you're using again, you're gonna get yourself killed one of these days".

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