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He didn't know the time when he woke up to the constant buzzing of his phone. He inhaled slightly as he shifted to his side and reached towards his nightstand to grab his phone. It kept buzzing and he groaned in annoyance as he pushed it against his ear and weakly hit the accept button.

He could only hear breathing and it made his head feel fuzzy as he tried to focus on anything remotely important. He tried to speak but all that came out was a weak breath as he pushed his face more into his pillow while he waited for a voice.

"James?" the air felt thick, he could feel himself tensing as he sat up almost in a panic motion. He felt wide awake as he looked at the clock beside his bed, the bold red numbers made his head wanna explode.

4:38 AM

"why... why are you calling me?" he let out a heavy breath as he quickly walked towards his doorway and pulled it open. He wiped at his face as he walked towards his kitchen counter. The air was freezing as he grabbed his car keys quickly and made his way towards the trailer doorway.

"I need a bit of help, my car broke down. I didn't know who else to call". He sighed deeply as he grabbed his shoes and quickly made his way outside "could've called a tow for all I care, what on earth are you even doing out this late".

He rubbed his eyes as he let out a frustrated breath and unlocked his car "I don't know, couldn't sleep so I went for a drive. You're the only person I know in this god forsaken town, can you help or not?".

James groaned "where are you? I can't be long, Andrew's sleeping thankfully but that kid will notice I'm gone. I swear he has powers or some shit". He started his car quickly "it's somewhere near the school, hold on I'll find a sign".

5:00 AM

James parked his car on the side of the road as he quickly got out of it. He ignored how tired he was as he walked forward in search of the girl. He could see the hood of the car was pulled upwards and smoke was loosely lingering along the air.

He saw the dent in the bumper making him tense as he quickly rushed towards the passenger seat. The window was broken and shards of glass dug into the bottom of his shoes as he pushed his head through the window. "Shit" the driver's seat was empty aside from shards of glass and a few specks of blood.

"James!" he turned and let out a breath of relief "are you alright! What the hell happened?" his gaze lingered on her face as he walked towards her. "Something ran in front of the car.... I didn't wanna tell you, I knew you'd freak out".

He let out a light breath as he grasped her face and looked at the cut on her forehead. "You're hurt, why didn't you just stay home. You gotta stop leaving and being reckless, are you high?".

The girl grumbled in annoyance "no! I haven't taken anything in weeks. You're the only person I could think to call. mom's gonna kill me". James sighed "you're so damn childish, it's no wonder dad took you away when we were like ten. Come on, get in the car I'm dropping you off at the hospital and I'm going back home so I can sleep".

"Oh come on don't do that James. We haven't seen each other in years and this is how you treat me!". James rolled his eyes "you're a junkie that's why Jamie, I cut you out of my life the second you sided with our shitty parents. You're lucky I even came here to help you, just get in the car Jamie".

Jamie huffed as she got into the passenger seat "thanks for the very kind words, you sound just like mom when you talk like that". James sighed deeply as he got into the car "At least I don't take after the bitch like you did. I bet you're higher than a kite right now, you were always good at hiding it".

𝘙𝘦𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴-𝘙𝘶𝘣𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘸𝘴 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz