twenty three

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The whispers and conversations along the hallway made Ruby wanna claw her ears off. She walked towards her locker with such quick footsteps as she grabbed her bag "holy shit can you believe what just happened! Hope is a real bitch".

"Tell me about it Olivia, I gotta go so get a ride home with someone else today" Ruby pushed her locker shut as Olivia looked at her. "Is this about James? Because I don't care if he's into drugs or something, I mean he used to always bring me candy in the morning before class".

"Which is why I have to go help him and make sure he doesn't relapse again, I'll text with any updates" Olivia grabbed Ruby's arm "let me go with you, I can just hang around in case something happens".

Ruby was hesitant but the truth was she didn't wanna be alone in case James actually did relapse. "Okay, let's grab Anwar too while we're at it, he's coming with" they walked off down the hallway.

Anwar yelped when Olivia grabbed his arm and dragged him outside "woah, what's going on! We still have class". Olivia huffed "it's a code red, or midlife crisis if we're being specific. We gotta go!".

James' trailer door wasn't locked when Ruby walked towards her, she looked back at Olivia and Anwar as they gave her thumbs up. She walked inside "James?" The place was dark and a mess as she made her way towards his bedroom. "James don't do anything drastic, I just wanna talk is all".

She pushed open his bedroom door and let out a breath of relief at the sight of him sitting on his bedroom floor. "I didn't take anything, if that's what made you come running here, I'm getting better".

He looked up at her and she could see the tears that stained his face as he sighed deeply. Ruby kneeled down in front of him as she set her purse down "I know, I just came here so you weren't alone".

"My life's ruined Ruby, I don't know what to do and Daisy's threatening me now, she's gonna have Andrew get taken away if I don't do what she wants. She's like mentally insane or something".

"Look, we can stop her, she can't do anything if you're stable and sober. We just gotta pick up around here and then if she tries anything, I'll kick her ass all over again, I told you she was crazy".

He huffed "don't pull the I told you so card" Ruby chuckled "well I did happen to mention she was a bit psycho, I mean look at who her mother is for goodness sake. She likely takes after her. Come on then, get off the floor and go shower".

James groaned as he stood up "alright fine, but don't even think about touching anything in here. I can pick up here on my own, thank you very much". He winked at her before he walked into the bathroom.

James for the most part was slightly surprised to find most of the trailer cleaned by the time he stepped out of the shower. Ruby sat on the couch with Olivia and Anwar both on opposite sides of her as they talked about what happened at the school.

"I mean gosh it was horrible and just depressing to watch, I can't wait to see the look on Hope's face later at opening night, she's gonna absolutely lose it". James pulled the towel off the top of his head as he looked at the trio with a stern expression "have you just been sitting here the entire time?".

Ruby smirked as she stood up "of course we have, you gotta come back to the school for opening night, everyone put together the perfect plan to save the school and I think you'll love it".

James walked along the corridor as he held onto Andrew's hand "alright you gonna see some pretty cursed things on the screen when they start it, I did warn you in advance. You could've stayed with Josh tonight if you wanted". Andrew shrugged "I wanna sit with Ruby, you can drop me off at Josh's after, he got this cool new game I'm dying to try out".

𝘙𝘦𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴-𝘙𝘶𝘣𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘸𝘴 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن