Explanation (Not a chapter)

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I wanted to explain some things so it's less confusing. Other things you'll be able to figure out on your own.

Basically dragons are found and sold when they are eggs (this is actually better then being left out in the wild. The mothers often leave the cluster of eggs.) Witches and wizards are normal the ones to buy the eggs because they are one of the wealthiest classes.

The dragons are guards for the family (main the children). They live for a VERY long time so they go through many people but stay in the same bloodline. Example, the parents pass the dragon down to their kids.

The dragons are treated like a member of the family. If they aren't treated well they are aloud to rebel. 

When a child is born, once they are 10 they write who the dragon will go to if they don't have a spouse or children before they die. All living siblings must decide together. If one was to die, the list is allowed to be changed. 

Children of the magic family often didn't live long due to attacks and magic issues or malfunctions.

The dragon also has to approve on the person they'll be given to. The same rules apply to that person as it did to the original family.

Dragons often don't go by a certain gender. One because they can't communicate and tell their owner. Two they have both reproduction part. 

So, many go by the name given to them by their first owner and they/them pronouns. 

They also don't cut their hair because it is a sign of age and knowledge. 

And the beginning of some chapters will start with the past. You'll know when it's back to the present time in the story because I'll use this: 【┘】

If the story gets confusing at all let me know and I'll explain it :]




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