Chapter 9

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Alex slammed his bedroom door shut making Denis and Sub jump.

"What happened?" Sub mumbled, relaxing a little. Alex sat down on the bed and stared at the floor.

"My parents want to send Elijah to stay at the castle," Alex explained. "My dad thinks they'll be safer there, but the reason this happened in the first place was because he was at the castle!" Alex flopped face first into his pillow.

Denis sat down next to him and rubbed Alex's back.

"It's ok-" Denis was cut off by Alex. He shot up and yelled,

"No it's not!" He stood up. "The person that raised me better than my own parents did is being set away for god knows how long and I can't do anything to stop it!" Tears streamed down his face.

Everyone went silent for a moment. Sub suddenly perked up. He turned to the others and smiled.

"I have an idea,"


The moon's light shone through the windows. Alex, Denis, and Sub quietly walked down the hallway to the master bedroom. Light came from the crack under the door.

Alex lifted one of his hands and a small, barely noticeable chain of sparkles went under the door. Alex closed his eyes and watched through the cloud at the scene inside.

"Do you feel better?" Mrs. Orman said. She sat down on the bed, next to Elijah. The dragon laid curled up. A few sounds came from them. Mr. Orman nodded.

"They don't feel fully themselves yet," Mr. Orman translated. "They're still a bit out of it." Mrs. Orman looked down and sighed.

Her husband walked over to the bed. He tapped Elijah's shoulder and they turned to face him, their eyes barely staying open.

"Do you want to stay at the castle?" Mr. Orman asked. Elijah lightly shook their head. "Yes you do."

Elijah looked at Mr. Orman, confused.

"It's safer there," Mr. Orman's eyes glowed a deep blue. Elijah's eyes glew as well. "I'll ask again, do you want to stay at the castle?" Elijah nodded. Mrs. Orman buried her face in her hands, a few sniffles coming from her.

Mr. Orman smiled and walked over to the door, Mrs. Orman whipped her face and followed him.

The door opened. Alex quickly threw his hands up. His parents walked past the three, unfazed. Alex sighed and lowered his hands.

"How'd they not see us?" Denis whispered.

"Invisible spell," Alex replied while opening the door. Elijah was sitting on the bed, staring at their hands. Alex ran up to the bed and hugged them.

He let go and looked at the dragon's eyes, they still glowed slightly. Alex sighed and turned to Sub. He walked over with a cup of tea in his hands. Alex took it and held it up to Elijah.

"Drink this, ok?" Alex mumbled. "We'll stay here until you wake up. We're gonna take you somewhere safe." Elijah stared at the cup for a moment before taking it.

Alex sat on the bed, watching the clock. The other two were playing a game of cards. Elijah was covered by a blanket.

Alex turned around to the dragon and lifted the blanket. A small figure was under the shadow that the blanket casted.

Alex wrapped the blanket around Elijah and picked them up. Denis and Sub both jumped.

"You shrunk him!" Denis whispered. Alex shook his head.

"I put a drop of April's blood in the tea," Alex explained. "It made them turn 4"

"And you have her blood, why?" Sub asked. Alex rolled his eyes and opened the door. Denis went out first.

"You remember what the ring looks like, right?" Alex asked. Denis nodded and disappeared down the dark hallway. Sub downstairs and Alex walked down the hall to Elijah's room.

Inside was a small round mattress covered by a few blankets on the floor and a dresser. Alex sighed and laid Elijah on the mattress.

"'We tried them like royalty' my *ss," Alex grabbed a small bag and began stuffing things in it.

Alex stood up and closed one of the drawers after taking the clothes out of it. He noticed a cracked picture frame sitting on the top of the dresser.

He picked it up and looked it over. There was a man holding a small dragon in his arms with a big smile on his face. The dragon looked only a few months old. Alex looked back at Elijah then at the picture. It was black and white so it was a bit hard to tell, but the dragon looked very similar.

Alex smiled and put the picture into the bag.


"You got everything?" Alex came down the stairs with the bag on his back and Elijah in his arms. Denis and Sub stood in the kitchen, each holding a bag. Denis gave Alex the ring and he slipped it onto his finger.

"I put the tea to change Elijah back in a container with the rest of the food." Sub said and patted a small cooler. Alex took a small bag of coins out of his pocket and sighed.

"Hopefully this is enough for now," Alex mumbled. "Alright. Let's go."

"Wait!" A voice whispered. The trio spun around. Alex's grandmother walked donw the stairs. She walked up to Alex and sighed.

"I'm not here to stop you," She mumbled. She handed Alex a pocket watch. "Take this. It'll guide you. Take you somewhere safe." She smiled, a tear falling down her face.

"Thank you Grandma." Alex smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Be careful." The old woman mumbled. "I love you, Alex."

"I love you too,"




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