Chapter 48: Help

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I wrap my hands tightly around the rough rope and begin my descent. Besides a few heart-stopping slips on my way down, it goes smoothly. My feet crunch on the icy ground and I release the rope gingerly.

My feet haven't touched grass in over a week. I still love open spaces.

The river has frozen over and I need to cross. I gently extend a foot and test the thickness of the ice. It creaks in protest, but doesn't crack. Slowly, I put both feet on the ice. My heart is in my throat, but I continue.

You won't fall. You'll be okay. Slowly.

I release a breath when my foot touches the opposite bank. I nearly jump onto dry land. However, in my excitement, my foot slips and I land, hard, on my chest. I groan and roll over.


Getting to my feet, I look about for someone in charge. Elven soldiers are all around but they pointedly ignore me. I scoff at them.

Idiots. I could take you out in a second. Don't overlook me.

Naturally I'm exaggerating my ability... but I'm a little bitter. I walk right under their golden-clad noses, trying to make my stride look purposeful so nobody asks questions. No one stops me, but the puzzled look on their faces reveals their thoughts. I'm making a b-line for the tents in the distance at a slow jog. One soldier nearly breaks ranks to watch me pass.

"What's the matter?" I call sarcastically. "Never seen a half-blood before?"

Now probably isn't the time for obnoxious, but the startled look on his face gives me a twisted sort of satisfaction.

After 15 or so minutes of running, I reach the bustle of the camp. I press my back to a red tent on the edge of camp. I've yet to be noticed.

I sorta stand out...

I peek around the blood-red fabric and look around.

Elves everywhere.

Some carry swords, others pails and bundles of food. A dull roar of elvish fills the air. Everywhere I look I'm met with their tall, slender figures clad in gold. I had planned to find my brother, but that is a lot harder than I expected. I figure that my best chance is to head towards the center of camp. With a deep breath, I walk into the open.

I don't make it far before I'm stopped. A  hand grabs my shoulder and my hand snaps to my weapon instinctively.

"Easy there, child!" A woman's voice calls smoothly in elvish. I turn to meet a female guardsman. "What is an elf-child doing out here! This is a battlefield, not a place for little girls."

She thinks I'm a child.

Her hair is braided back like most elves, but it is a deep red, nearly matching my color. Her hazel eyes look me up and down, fixating on my white-knuckle grip on the knife at my side. I slowly release my hold.

"What are you doing here, Mirkwood's daughter?" She repeats. "Why do you have weapons?"

"I -err- my brother got them for me." I explain. "I'm looking for him."

"Well your brother is a fool, giving a near-toddler the power to take a life." She mutters under her breath. "I cannot have you wandering alone. Who is your brother? I may know him."

"Legolas Greenleaf" I answer quickly.

Her eyes widen in recognition and she takes me by the hand.

I do not like being treated like an infant, but I suppose it is better than being a mixed outcast.

Our path winds its way in and out of tents, through busy streets and, finally, to a huge golden tent in the middle. To my delight and surprise, Bilbo Baggins sits on a box just outside the door, blowing smoke-rings.

"Bilbo!" I yell excitedly, pulling away from the woman.

He looks up at the noise.

"Larien!" He shouts, getting to his feet.

We embrace immediately.

"You are well I assume?" I ask.

"As well as can be expected. What about you? Why are you here? Have you been cast out too?!" He continues with growing concern.

"No, no. I'm here as a messenger." I correct.

"Thank goodness! And how is Thorin? Has the distance helped?"

"A bit. He is less violent, but I would not describe it as a full recovery. That's actually part of the reason I am here. Have you told them of the assassination plots?"

The curve of the hobbit's smile lessens at the news.

"Aye. I told them." Bilbo answers.

"Where is Legolas? I wish to speak with him." I turn to the woman.

She points a slender finger at the tent. Tentatively, I grasp the golden fabric in my hand and drag it aside, revealing a meeting of oddities. In one corner sit Thranduil and Legolas, across from them a well-dressed Bard resides, and standing before them all is a man of complete grey. His robes are grey, His long beard is grey; even his eyes share a similar hue. From the tip of his very large hat, to his long robes, he was all the same shade.

The rustle of fabric notifies them of my arrival. I'm met with varying hospitality. Thranduil grips his chair tightly, however, the look on his face confuses me. Is that relief? I opt to ignore the elf-king.

"I bring word from the mountain!" I announce, and share the feelings of Thorin Oakenshield. "The rest in the mountain wish to fight, if for differing reasons. If any of you have something that may convince him to help, I wish to hear it."

Bards voice breaks the following quiet. "If the rest are for it, why not overthrow the foolish leader now?!"

I ball up my fists.

The good of dwarven hearts is that they are fiercely loyal. I do not wish to see Thorin overruled.

The grey man, agrees with my sentiments. "If there is one thing that dwarves are, It is loyal to fault. They would never consider that. We must be diplomatic about this."

My brother smiles at me and I return the gesture.

My step-father's anxiety is not diminishing. "Are we ignoring the fact that there is a criminal in our midst?! An escape from my very dungeons! We must send her back to my prisons!" I can tell he is restraining himself.

My brother jumps to my defense. "We let Bilbo stay! Be silent father." Surprisingly, this works as Tharnduil is stunned into quiet.

I open my mouth to agree with the grey man and bring the topic back around, before realising I have no clue as to what his name is.

Startlingly, he speaks. "My name is Gandalf the Grey, Laurien Telrunya. What is it you were going to say?"

"Uhh... Master Gandalf is right. Although, I think I know what might help change Thorin's mind." I pause. "But I need Thranduil's cooperation."

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