Chapter 33: He Was a King

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 Eventually I do reach the room Kili walk talking about, although he bids me goodnight at the door. There is a huge carved-stone bed frame covered in dusty old furs, an adjoining bathroom and a desk in front of a window-A WINDOW! I rush to it and strain my neck to see the stars. I can just catch the faintest glimpse of them out the glass panes. However, I can see Laketown-or what was once that settlement- quite well. Bonfires blasé at the edge of the water. One puzzling thing, however, is the sheer number of fires. They surround all of the lake that I can see, encircling it in a necklace of flame.

Soon, however, I leave the window and curl up in the bed, covering myself with my tattered cloak. It takes me a while to fall asleep, even though this is the softest thing I have slept on in weeks. I'm nervous about Blibo's plan, and Kili's kiss did nothing to calm these feelings, if anything, it made it worse. But the real reason it was so difficult for sleep to take me was how alone I was. Over the past few days I had gotten used to having Kili's warm arms around me. Even though he is only a few feet down the hall I miss him. The bed feels cold and empty without him.

I wake in the morning and meet the dwarves in a common room for a meager breakfast and more war plans. Although I am loathe to hear anything of the impending violence, I listen intently so as to make sure there is no flaw in Blibo and I's plan. Bilbo sits across the table from me, next to Thorin. We exchange knowing glances, but don't speak during the meeting. Thorin looks to Fili for a report from last night's watch.

"All was quiet. However, around midnight bonfires were lit that surrounded the lake."

Those were the ones I saw.

"In the morning we found that these fires were lit because their the army's numbers have increased, by an elf-hoard."

"What?!" Thorin booms.

"About 3,000 elves have joined then men's camp. I believe they are Tharanduil's doing for I saw Mirkwood's flag."

"Tharaduil would seek to rob us once more. First of our freedom, and now of our precious trophy." Thorin barks. "That detestable elf-scumb... They are the greedy ones. Those pointy-eared dandelion-eating mincers! We will cut them to bits every one, slash them to pieces..." He trails off into inaudible grumbling. The longer he grumbles the more I want to plunge my dagger in his throat.

Larien. It's not his fault. Stay calm.

The meeting continues. Kili's best guess is that the men of Laketown will not arrive for three more days. An he hears a rumor from the ravens that Dain Ironfoot's army will arrive sometime today by the east entrance. The storm is brewing and I will only have one chance to stop it. As soon as the meeting ends, Thorin sends all of the dwarves deep into the mountain to search for the Arkenstone, the jewel that Bilbo and I conceal.

Apparently I am not to be trusted and I must wait in the top levels. Bilbo, conveniently, is left to babysit me.

As soon as the others are out of earshot the hobbit blurts, "You must forgive him Lady of Mirkwood! He is not himself! He would not say such things if we were not so sick, he-" I cut him off.

"I know. Kili is not himself either. I wish that the army would hurry up and arrive. I do not like this waiting."

"Aye, me too. But you must believe that Thorin is truly a good man and a great king. You just have not had the chance to see it."

"I will have to take your word on that."

Bilbo and I sit in his room, speaking the unspeakable and expressing our concerns for our comrades.

"Kili was always so giving, you know? I mean, the first time I ever laid eyes on him was when he gave me a drink of water. I was a nobody then. I just can't stand to watch him. The worst part is that everything seems normal. He's still playful and clever, but any, any mention of the hoard in this mountain darkens his face."

"Aye miss, I know. As I said, Thorin is good. Deep down he really is. Temperamental yes. Protective, yes. But he is the best man I've ever met. No matter what happens in the next few days, I will never forget the Thorin Oakenshield that arrived on my doorstep all those months ago. That Thorin, he was rough around the edges, but the only one to thank me. He was quick to yell, but swift to protect too. Do you know how many times he has put himself between me and harm? He leaped of a ledge to save me. He stood before a dragon. He was proud and strong and brave. And I loved nothing more than being at his side and doing everything I could to aid him. Thorin Okansheild was a leader. He was king. So please," Bilbo ends, his voice breaking, "Please do not judge him as you see him now."

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