Chapter 13:

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Happy Sunday! Have fun at school tomorrow!

 I cant thank you guys enough for 9,000 reads! Because of you fans, i've decided this story is going to keep on going until you get sick of it!


~Nicole xx

Harmony's POV:

"Where are we going?" I asked Ross as we walked down the street. The sunset was decending down the sky in a burst of pink and yellow. As I looked over at Ross, I saw his blonde hair whipping around, his smile big with his pearly white teeth. His muddy brown eyes staring back at me, full happiness.

"You'll see!" He smirked, taking my hand as we LEGIT SKIPPED down the side walk, laughing as Ross did funny impersinations.

We stopped skipping and walked slowly for a while: letting the sky turn darker and darker as the minute flew by. We walked through the park; the beautiful, healthy trees were swaying in the wind. The wind chilled me to the bones, and Ross and so generously let me use his comfy black sweatshirt. Then he wrapped his arm around me as we continued to walk.

We appeared by a lake. The water gently rolled onto the land slowly, the shimmer of the mon ejecting onto it. I sighed as I smelled the fresh breath of the clear air (something that reminded me of home). Smiling, we walked past it, talking about things about each other. With each step I felt more and more comfortable with Ross as a person and as my boyfriend. 

"Well, here we are." Ross smiled as he sat down on a small dock. 

The dock was dark wood; clearly very old. It draped over the clear water like Ratliff draping over the taco's on Taco Tuesday. The wind was whipping against my back quickly and rapidly. I found myself taking steps closer to the cool breeze. My toes curled over the edge and i jsut sotd there, the wind making my hair blow back as it started to come from the front of me. Ross took this oppertunity and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. 

We just stood there for a moment. I could feel his pulse through his hands, his heart was beating rapidly. So was mine. 

"It's beautiful." I smiled big, turning my head so our faces were close. 

Ross's arms rested on my waist. "I always come here when i have writers block or with somebody special."

We were quiet for a split second, which apparently gave Ross enough time to creep closer to my face. I bit my lower lip and he cuped my face gently and leaned his face towards mine. Our forheads were the only thing seperating us. Smiling, he kissed me, ajusting himself so he was right in front of me. Then, starting to make out with me, palced both his hands on my face. The only thing heard was the moans and pucker noises. 

As we madeout, he backed out and apperantly, fell into the lake, dragging me with him. We both fell straight into the lake.

Riker's POV: 

"Riker, now that Harmony and Ross are gone, we need to talk." Jade rubbed her stomache. "What are we going to do with the whole 'baby' thing? I know i'm really not ready to have a baby. And i'm not sure where you stand but I know that personally i want to have the baby and give it up for adoption." 

I paused, rubbing my hands through my hair. I knew eventually she'd come around to want to keep our child, which was my perferance. "Yeah, whatever makes you happy."

She stopped talking and gave me a strange look. "No arguements? Come on, I wanna know what your say i this whole thing. Riker, it's been two months, you can't still be under that much shock."

"Well, i personally want to keep our little angel, but your the one carrying it around for 9 months so you can decide. and i know you will make the right descison for you, me, the band, and our baby. I trust you completly." 

"Do you want to keep the baby or not?" Her eyebrows arched. 

"I do."


"I'm up for it if you are."

Rocky's POV: 

Me: where r u?

Ross: Out with the gf

Me: Which is..?

Ross: The dock by the lake!

Me: But that's for important people only!

Ross: she IS important. I really like this girl, Rocky

Me: I just don't want you getting hurt.


I flung the phone to the wall in anger and watched it explode into a bunch of pieces. Then ever so slowly, it fell to the ground, defeated. I rolled my brown eyes and went to pick it up. As i slowly bent down to the ground, i thought about how I should be the one to take Harmony out on a nice date. it should be ME to hold her when she cried. I deserved her way more than Ross, i know that sounds mean, but it's only the truth of the matter. 

"Rocky? What was that lo-" Rydel tapped me on the shouldwer, breaking me away from my daydreams. 

"What Rydel!? I was having a good fricken daydream!" I snapped, turning away. "What do you want?"

"I have to tell you something... and i don't know how your gonna take it.." Rydel cleared her throat and proceeded to tell me what was on her mind.

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