Chapter 19:

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Hey guys here it is! Sorry but it's a shorter chapter then normal! I just got back from Vacation! If you want to be in the story, follow me on twitter (NikkiZbear) and comment in these comments who you want (Nobody can have Ross or Riker, but Rocky, Ryland, Rydel, and Ratliff and available)... Enjoy!!!!

***IMPORTANT!!!!!!: Once again, Harmony is sick with Aneroxia, she cuts, and she is depressed, if anybody reading this has/is going through this and needs anybody, I'm here. I used to do all of these things, so I can help. <3*********

~Nicole xx

Jade's POV: 

Looking down at my big belly bump, i sighed, rubbing it gently. I was seven months along; just two more until I had to push out a baby i didn't even want. I was doing it for Riker, he wanted this baby, he wanted a family, and he wanted me. So I was going to give him what he wanted.

A baby.

 As I glanced around the living room of the Lynch kids, I watched in silence as they sat, tears streaming down their eyes. Me personally, I didn't have any tears left,  not even fot this news. This news chilled me to the bones and made me want to cry, but like i said, I couldn't.

"I can't believe it..." Riker said, sitting down closer to me. "They said we can go see her in a hour." 

"I just want to see her now..."  I glanced around, noticing that everybody was here except for Ross and Harmony.  I knew that Harmony was sitting by her desk in her room, curled up in a big sweatshirt, her skinny legs up by her chest. 

Harmony had only gotten worse, and even at the worst possible time. Her bones became fragile and noticable. Her ribs stuck straight out. Her hair was falling out in chucks, making her wear beanies and hats almost everyday. Her fingernails were britle and a yellow color. Blood streaked down her wirsts almost everyday. There was nothing I could do besides hold her when she cried. I couldn't lie, I was freaked out for her well being, and I knew that me being worried and not focusing on me so much, was going to effect my baby. 

Was I being selfish about Harmony? No, I was seven months pregnant, worrying too much about somebody else was harmful for both me and the baby, and nothing could make me loose this baby. Not now, not ever.

"I know baby, but don't worry, we will go..." Riker wiped a tear drom his eye, "I just cant believe that it ended up like this..."

"Me too.... Riker, I'm so scared for her..." I rubbed my belly a he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"I am too, but let's not think about that... let's think of the miracle that we will get to hold when it comes..."

I smiled, looking down at the belly again, "Yeah. They are going to be perfect." 



"I can't believe we are having a baby girl..." He smiled big. "My little girl and my beautiful wife."


Riker stood up, and took my hands. Then he kneeled down.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, holidng up a dimaond ring. 

Harmony's POV:

I laid down in my bed, my pillow was wet from tears. As I let out a long sigh, I sat up, wipping the tears away from my eyes.

I was broken.

Looking out the window to yet another sunny day, I was diguisted. Today of all days should not be happy. My bestfriend left for surgery and now.... this.... Thinking about it made the tears start rushing back. So instead, I made myself throw up in the bathroom, and then grabbed my own razor and yet again made another cut, tears still streaming down my eyes. 

I need help. 

I gazed in the mirror, and the reflection was not the girl I remenber. This girl was fat, her hair falling out, her nails a putrid yellow color. Her stomach bulging out like a 9 month pregnant lady, her legs jiggling as she moved. I saw some food in her hands, some chocolate cake. I watched as she ate it and grew more and mor aggitated until I just couldn't watch this anymore. I grabbed them mirror and screamed, punching it and watching as the glass got stuck in my hand. Screaming, I ran into the bathroom, holding my hand over the tub. I watched the blod drip out, over thre chucks of glass caught in my hand. Laughing, I watched it go down the drain as the voices in my head said to keep doing it, to kill myself. 

I coudn't take it. 

Everything went so fast. I didn't even think about what i was doing until I had the pill bottle in my hands and I was reading the label. 2 pills for somebody my size. Perfect. 



"HARMONY!!" I heard a scream of somebbody getting closer. I tried to open the cap, but the lid was locked on. I felt the sweat accumilate as I heard the person's footsteps as they ran up the stairs.With my rapid heart beat, I smashed the pill bottle open and popped four in my mouth before.


"HARMONY!" I watched Ross standing at the doorway. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

"For once, I have done a good thing..." I said as I passed out.

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