Chapter 38:

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Harmony's POV:

Things seemed to be looking up. I was in love, and love always seemed to shine through.

A day after Ross and I made up, I was talking to Rydel.

"Your beginning to show." She smiled. "And your glowing."

"You think so?" I blushed. "I'm just really happy. Really happy."

"I'm so glad sweetie. You were put in this terrible position and I'm so glad you made it out."

I sighed and rubbed my belly, "I still haven't heard from Rocky what he wants to do about the baby."

She shrugged, "he's just having a terrible time right now."

"I know i know. I just wish that he would come and talk to me."

SHe nodded and asked if I wanted anything; she was going into the kitchen to grab a snack. I declined the offer and I swear I caught a smile plastered on Her face, as she walked up the stairs.

"Hey look. It's my two babies." Ross smiled, kissing my cheek, "Come with me." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs, out of the garage, and out to the car.

"Where are we going?" I Asked him, buckling my seat belt.

"You'll see: but for now, put on this blindfold." He handed me it, and I tied it around my eyes.

"What is going on Ross?!" I asked again, excitement filling my body.

"you'll see babe" I didn't have to see him to know that he was excited too.

We drove for about 30 minutes before pulling up...

"why are we back home?" I asked him when he told me I could go take off my blindfold.

"I'm not sure," he smiled, clearly lying. "let's just go up to Melody's room and find out."

"okay!" To say that I wasn't excited was a lie.

I ran up the stairs and gasped, walking into Melody's room to see another baby bed perfectly made with little toys tucked into a little pale blanket. Next, I saw a trunk next to the bed filled with toys from little toy animals, to barbies, to cars and tracks.

"Hi Harmony." I looked up and saw hi was behind all this.


Better Together? (A  Ross Lynch and R5 love story)Where stories live. Discover now