Chapter 39:

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Chapter 39:

Hey guys sorry for the crap last chapter!!!!! And I'm sorry for not updating at a nice schedule. I think from now on I will update at least 4 times a week, a chapter or 2 per night I update. Don't quote me on that tho ;) but yeah if you guys are still with me than thank you I love you guys.

~Nicole xx

Current day:

Jade's POV:

"MOMMY!" I screamed for the tenth time. I was satisfied and shut up after hearing his footsteps against the wood floors.

"Yes?" The annoyance in her voice was almost comical.

"Nothing. I was just wondering when the maid is coming again?"

"Not until 2 weeks. And until then: I am not your maid. Your a big girl with a baby of herself."

"Yeah a baby I am not allowed to see."

"It's so ridiculously stupid how you can't see her. If I were you, I would file custody rights. There's way more room here then there is in that house"

"SHUT UP MOM. Gosh." I rolled onto the couch and said, "It's not that big a deal. Jeremy would not like to have her around anyway."

Ah yes, Jeremy. The shimmering blonde hair kid with the musky scent and the muddy brown eyes. I never thought that in a million years, this wonder boy would be interested in me. Even after a month and a half of having a baby.

"You don't want that cocaine head around you." My mother said, angrily folding her clothes and arranging them neatly in the dressers.

"He's more than that mom. He's... Sweet to me. And I need that right now."

"Riker was nice to you.. Until you fucked up."

"No need to remind me."

"Just saying."

"Just saying." I mimicked her with a high, shrill voice.

"I swear Jayden, you are acting like you are in high school. You were on the right path... But what did you do? You fucked it up. You really did it this time."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MOM! Or I will smack you."

"YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THIS. I was so happy to welcome you into my home, but if you are going to talk to me like this, then I am not going to let you stay....are you listening?!"

"Yeah yeah." I nodded. To say that i wasn't drunk at this point was a total lie. "OH JERMEY IS HERE!" I said, looking down at my phone.

"He's not going to come to the door?" My mother and her big mouth.

"No he's going to come up. He's a gentleman."

"Gentle man." I heard her scoff as I opened the door to see him.

"I was honking the horn." He sighed, "Come on bitch."

Jeremy looked at my mother and then said "Sup?" With a smirk and walked out to his car, wanting me to follow.

"Defiantly a keeper." My mom said, rolling her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut behind me.


Harmony's POV:

"WAAAAAA!!!!!" I grumbled and stood up, despite the attempts from Ross to keep me in bed, I had to get Melody.

As I say with what seemed to be a parasitic bug in my arms, I noticed how much she really looked like Jade. They both had those muddy eyes and the dark black hair (Melody was born with a lot of hair on her head). The real only thing Melody had from her father was the pale skin trait.

"You know, you don't have to get her." Riker said, looking down.

"I can tell you wouldn't."

"Your right. She's too much like Jade."

I sat in the rocking chair Jade used to sit at and rocked back and fourth.

Riker came and sat on the floor. "Can I ask you something?"


"If I offered giving you guardianship of Melody, would you take it?"

"I mean.. Yeah..." I can't believe Riker was saying this.

"I know I sound like a terrible person but I can't be a father...not without Jade, and she's gone. I know she will not be coming home..."

"no I understand, your not a terrible person,"

"I'd just rather have her go to somebody who can take care of her and be in the family."

"yeah. I mean-" I was cut off by Riker planting a small kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry..." He said, running out of the room.

That was crazy.

I looked down at Melody.

Melody Moon.

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