Chapter 45:

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Hey guys!

Here's the new chapter!




Riker's POV:

The room was dark. My eyes focused on the glass of water next to me, because nothing else was interesting enough to me.

"So how do you know Jade?" The man stood, pacing around, and leaning on the back on the chair.
He was dressed in a grey suit with a red tie, and black dress shoes. He had his hair slicked back, and beads of sweat were evident on his pale forehead.

"She was my fiancee." I responded, my voice coming out deeper than I thought.

This was all my fault...

"Hm, never got married?"

I Shook my head.

"She said that the two of you were married."


"How do you know Jeremy Cox?"

"I don't."

The man nodded, sitting down at the table. "This is not your fault, kid. Don't blame yourself for Jeremy and Jade's actions from last night. They are going away for a long time."

"I just can't believe that she would do this..."

"From what I understand neither could anybody else."

"And any word on the rest of the house? Rocky?"

"You haven't gone to see them?" He raised his eyebrow, "They are your family."

"I would feel responsible."

"The home invasion is not your fault."

"I know." I sighed, looking down.

Last night.. to think about what happened sent shivers down my spine. It baffled me that the woman I so dearly loved would become this crazy. It didn't add up. A part of me wished that I never met her, but knowing that, I knew that Ross would have never have met, and there wouldn't be a baby on the way. And I wouldn't have my angel. Melody; even her name sent a smile to appear on my face, and my heart to skip. I would not trade her for the world, and I kicked myself, knowing that It took her almost leaving me to realize that.

I vowed to be the best father, for all she had was me.

Last night, as Jade was upstairs, Jeremy and Jade prepared for the second part of their attack. Apparently it was her plan to be in Harmony's room, and everything was going perfectly. Jeremy knocked on the door, and Harmony went and opened it. He pressed the gun to her head and she was screaming for him not to do it, holding her bump, crying. I will never forget that scream that came out of her mouth as I ran into the room to see Rocky on the ground. Ross ran down with me, and we had restrained him with little effort, feeling quite proud of ourselves.


"MELODY." I said, running up the stairs, feet barley touching the ground.

I busted through the door and she was still there... thank god. I picked her up and held her to my chest, feeling her breathing and the little gurgling noises that seemed to comfort me.

"Hi Riker." I turned to see Jade almost appear from the shadows.... sketchy.

"Jade, you can't do this. Please. Let's talk this out."

"Fine, you're a fucker. I want my baby."

"Our baby."

"Fine, I want OUR baby."

"Lets keep it civil."

"I want her. And I never want her to see her daddy."

"I love her." I said, rubbing her sleeping head.

"No you don't. I can see by the look on your face."

"She's everything that your not."

"THIS IS THE COPS. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP." I never thought that that one sentence would make me so happy.

"Shit. Gotta run. But first-" She pressed her lips up against mine, then smiled, climbing out the window.

They found Jade two hours later at a McDonald's with a big bag of french fries and ice cream, her two comfort foods.


Ross's POV:

"Hows he doing?" I came in with a coffee for me, and a bottle water for Harmony. Even though you can have a cup of coffee a day while your pregnant, she refuses.

She turned to face me, a tear rolling down her cheek. "He's still not moving."

"Hey, hey." I smiled, pulling her in for a hug, "It's all going to be okay."

Okay, that was a lie. But I'll never forget that look on her face when she let out that scream. That scream; enough to shake the entire planet, enough to bring my heart at a standstill thinking about it. I never heard a scream like that, let alone the look of terror o that pale face. Thinking about it even today, brings tears to my eyes.

"He sacrificed himself for me. For this baby." She said through fits of sobs, "I-I never wanted any of this."

"I know." I said, closing my eyes and just holding her.

Better Together? (A  Ross Lynch and R5 love story)Where stories live. Discover now