Chapter 5:

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Harmony's POV:

The dinner went great with smiles and laughs. Who knew that R5, he greatest band of all time, is like a normal band of family (And friends, In Ratliff's case). I just loved being around them. I could always be myself.

After, Ross and I walked on the beach, holding hands. The sun was setting, and everything was so beautiful. But he didnt ask me out yet. It started to worry me. 

By the time we were done with our walk it was dark. We both gazed up at the stars in excitment. They were so enchanting and beautiful, flashing across the night sky like boltsof lightning, hurling towards the earth.

Ross smiled and  gently laid back on the sand, pulling me down next to him. I smiled as he gripped my hand with his and starting pointing out all the stars.

"That's the big diper." He declared, pointing to the LITTLE diper.

"Isn't the the little diper?" I question, contining as i saw the look of confusion on his face. "The Big Diper is over there." I motioned to the real big diper.

His face became red. "I knew that." He lied.

I giggled and sat up, looking around and shivering.

"You cold?" He asked me, quickly slipping off his black jacket and slinging it around my shoulders. He used that as a excuse to put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulders.

I felt mixed emotions of Ross- i loved his charm, smile, everything about him made me want to stay in his arms forever. But there was another piece of me- who thought that relationship was wrong to my Xboyfriend, Jake.

So i might had lied just a bit. My parents did move away and not want to take me, but i moved months before because of a- problem. Just promise not to hate me alright?

Riker's POV:

"Aww they are so cute!!" Jade giggled to herself, watching Harmony and Ross skip (Well, Ross ran) around the water at sunset. They came up close to the water, then sprinted away when the tide came in. Harmony even fell once and Ross literally picked her up and threathened to throw her into the water. Harmony screamed and clung to him, and he let go and tried to throw her in the water. She stayed clung to him screaming, "ROSS LYNCH PUT ME DOWN ON THE SAND!!!!"

Of course, Ross and Harmony had NO idea that we were here- we were just here in case Ross or Harmony screwed up (Mostly Ross though.) We would be here to save the day, becasuse from what I and Jade had heard- they both liked each other but couldnt express it.

"Lets go for a walk!" I insisted, not waiting for a awnser. I picked Jade up bridal style and carried her down the beach, laughing as i placed her down on the light sand. We both laid down, talking to ourselves. Pretty soon it became dark. I gave her my jacket and we cuddled to keep each other warm. It was so cold out there!

"Rikey?" Jade asked as she laid on my chest. I  wrapped my arms around her.


"I love you." She smiled, looking up at me.

"I love you too. Since the day i met you i loved you." I smiled and tapped her nose.Then , i slowly leaned down as she leaned up, resting my head on her forehead (The only thing seperating us.) We kissed sweetly.

Jade's smile turned in shock as she broke apart and said, "Look!"

There, was Harmony running away from Ross. He was still sitting on the ground, just begging for her to come back.

Ah, shit.

Better Together? (A  Ross Lynch and R5 love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя