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Jason was glad for the break, but he couldn't sleep. The thought of relaxing and kicking back while Percy and Annabeth were on the verge of death was to much. After about an hour, he had decided to iris-message Piper to see where they were, but when he tried, he got an automated message.

I'm sorry, but your message cannot be completed as spoken. Please check the name and try again.

He tried again and this time got a different message.

I'm sorry, Piper McLean is not available at the moment. She is either dead, battling an insane flesh-eating monster, at a petting zoo, eating a hotdog, injured or sleeping. You may leave a message at the tone.Beep.

Jason left a message telling her that he was coming to look for her.

Would you like to send this message with normal delivery, or urgent delivery?

Jason told the voice urgent, and cut the connection. He then proceeded to call Leo, who answered immediately.

"Hey, Leo. Wassup?"

"You might want to come down here, man. Were at my sister's house."

"Wait, what?"

"I'll explain later. Just come down here. Piper's hurt."

Jason decided to ask questions later and cut the connection after Leo told him the address. He got there about 5 minutes later, panting insanely. When he managed to catch his breath, he saw Leo pacing the floor. Hazel and another girl who had a leather jacket, curly brown hair, and eyes the same color as Leo's trying to calm him down.

"She's going to be fine, Leo."Hazel assured him.

"Hazel, it was poison. Poison! She's on the verge of death!"

"Leo, I promise you, we'll find a way." The other girl offered.

"Stay out of this, Alexa! You didn't even know her."

"Guys?" Jason spoke up after watching this go on for about 2 minutes. His face was pale and he could tell who they were talking about.

"What happened?" Jason mannaged.

Leo and Hazel took turns explaining.

"Great. I'm really warming up to this quest."He said bitterly. "So, what's this about Leo's sister?"He asked, trying to find something to take his mind off Piper.

"Alexa Valdez, pleasure to meet you. I just wish it could've been under different circumstances."She offered her hand and Jason shook it.

"Jason Grace." Jason introduced himself, before giving Leo a look that clearly said And this polite, sweet, caring girl is actually related to you?

Leo returned the look with one that said I know, right? Doesn't she make you want to throw up?

"So, how much did you buy this house for?" Jason tried to strike up conversation, and he was curious after looking at the crumbling brick hallway and the beautiful wood ceiling and walls.

"Buy it? Oh no dear, I built it. I barely have enough for my supplies anyways. That hallway there? It was part of the original building. This used to be one of those old hole-in-the-wall restraunts. The owners didn't need it anymore, as they had found a better quality...hole. They gave it to me. The only cost was I would have to Renovate their new restraunt, but that was esily done in two days. Tea?"

"Yes please."Everyone else nodded as she walked to the kitchen area.

"So what do you mean by supplies?" Jason asked cautiously. "I mean, you've already clearly renovated. What would you need to build?"

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