Chapter 4

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Brooklyn felt exhausted the next night, after struggling to sleep during the day. He gazed at the window, feeling loneliness coming back to engulf him once more. How could he have let himself get kidnapped again? The red gargoyle growled silently, hands clenched despite being cuffed and held upward.

I can't let these humans torture me again... can't... He thought quietly, now turning his gaze to the floor as the cell door suddenly unlocked, causing Brooklyn's head to look up in fear, afraid of seeing Carlos again.

But it was somebody different, somebody worse: Charlie. He looked more sinister than ever, wearing that horrible metal glove that made Brooklyn wince, feeling memories of being hit by that thing coming at him.

Charlie sneered at him, pleased that Carlos had allowed him to visit their prisoner.

"Well... I'm glad you've returned to us, Devil. I've waited so long in prison for this...!" He snarled threateningly, towering over their victim, who glared back, holding his legs and tail close to his body.

Brooklyn didn't speak a word this time, just watching Charlie carefully at what he would do, eyes narrowed. Charlie paced. "Not talking right now, eh? And you look like you've been well fed since your precious family rescued ya. But me and the boys will soon take care of it..."

He flexed the metal fingers, raising the metal fist, causing Brooklyn's eyes to widen at what Charlie was going to do to him.

That fist came down, ramming Brooklyn hard in his poor stomach, causing the Second to give a loud gasp of pain, the wind knocked out of him, making him all dizzy. He slumped in his cuffs. He felt the nausea that rose. He tried hard to breathe.

Charlie felt quite satisfied after that. "Now that felt wonderful. Plus we saved a small welcome home present..." Brooklyn looked up at him. He pulled out that familiar device that Brooklyn never wanted to see or wear anymore; the shackle! The squeezing one! He felt sweat coming down his face, starting to shake.

But Charlie wasn't through with Brooklyn just yet. He also had another gift for him. He put the shackle on the floor. "And I suppose you remember this too?" he said as he pulled out a taser gun out of his pocket.

Brooklyn's eyes widened. He didn't want to be shot with that again, either. He quivered in fear.

"I've been waiting a long time to do this too." Charlie exclaimed. But instead of being shot from a distance, the man instantly made sure to get the taser gun past Brooklyn's legs and he put the gun directly to the gargoyle's stomach, pressing it into the skin.

As much as Brooklyn was trying to not show his fear rising, this was going too far. "Oh, don't... Don't do it, please!" he pleaded desperately.

Charlie loved hearing this monster plead for mercy. "And I missed your pleading too. Makes it all the more fun to do it to you." he sneered. Then, he pulled the trigger.

Instant pain flashed into Brooklyn's flesh, making him scream in pain. He scrunched his eyes closed tight, baring his teeth from the pain. If his eyes were open, they would be glowing from the shock of it. His stomach stung in agony. He tried desperately to breathe even more.

Charlie removed the taser gun from Brooklyn's belly. He put it back in his pocket, but then, he picked up the shackle. He couldn't wait to get it back on his prisoner. That shackle had been so much fun to see what it did to its victim. The man held the shackle out and he was ready to put it on again.

Brooklyn heard him and opened his eyes. His eyes glowed from the adrenaline cause of his pain. "Keep... that... thing... away... from me!" he rasped.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Charlie exclaimed. He stepped forward and he went to try to put it on the bound gargoyle.

Despite his pain, Brooklyn began to struggle. He used his right foot to kick Charlie in the side, away from him. He knocked him over, but the man wasn't deterred. He ordered the two biggest men to come in then and they were to secure Brook's legs. They held his legs down, as well as his tail.

Brooklyn grunted in despair as he tried to move around. He knew where that shackle was going to be placed on him. "No. No, please, no!" he pleaded some more.

With his legs and tail held down and his arms in cuffs above his head, there was nothing he could do as Charlie got closer to him with that shackle. He placed it around his belly once again. It was a size too small, and it instantly squeezed his stomach inward. It had been placed over the tasered spot in his skin. He felt the still burning spot underneath it. Brooklyn winced. He hated feeling helpless to do anything!

Charlie smirked evilly. He used the old remote control to get the shackle aligned.

The shackle squeezed Brooklyn's stomach, hard. It made him cringe, causing Brooklyn to feel pretty bad, and it rubbed painfully against his taser burns.

"Let go of him now." Charlie ordered, and the two men did as they were ordered.

Brooklyn brought his legs up again. The shackle was super tight on him, making feel like he could barely breathe. Nausea welled up inside him as the shackle tightened some more, making him wince.

"You're not getting that off anytime soon, Devil. Enjoy it!" Charlie went off, cackling evilly.

Brooklyn was left in misery in the room. He just wanted his family. He looked down at the shackle. There were more tie on parts to it, on all sides. What did that mean? But the shackle felt tighter than it did before. If anything, it was too tight. There were creases in his skin of where it was pressing into him.

Oh... please find me... guys... Brooklyn prayed silently. These guys are really going to kill me this time!

He could only lay back against the wall and try to sleep or try to get away. He had already hurt his wrists. But he couldn't give up like how Thailog did it to him last time. Surely, there would be an opportunity that would present itself to where he could get away. He had to try. He wanted to rub his belly so badly from it hurting so much, but he couldn't. He could only accept his fate for what it was for right now, but he wouldn't stop fighting to get away.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now