Chapter 19

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Meanwhile, back at the castle, preparations were being made, and the whole clan was more anxious than ever to bring their lost one back again.

Angela made sure she had enough supplies, which she figured they would probably need. Goliath said they would need to depart before sunrise, since Queens was far out of their way.

Hudson was the most worried, gazing out at the city. Goliath put a hand around his shoulder.

"He will come home. We will find Brooklyn."

Hudson sighed a little. "I jus' hope the youngin isn't badly hurt." Goliath nodded. He hoped so too. If he was, the humans that took him will pay.

The clan made ready to leave, all out on the balcony together. Xanatos came up to Goliath with Elisa. Broadway would carry Bronx.

"I pray you get Brooklyn back, Goliath. I never thought that this would happen again..." David said, still having memories of when Thailog caused trouble to the young red gargoyle last. Goliath nodded at him.

"We will."

Elisa hugged him. "Good luck," she said softly. Goliath hugged her back. Lex jumped onto the edge to get ready.

"Be strong, bro. We're coming." The olive gargoyle said quietly, as the clan took off into the night. Broadway hoped he could apologize to Brooklyn for allowing him to get caught.

It took a good long while to fly out of the city. But the clan fortunately were able to arrive in Queens. Goliath found a hidden area where they could roost for the day, so they could continue the rest of the way to their destination. He was grateful that Puck could find where Brooklyn was, looking out to the horizon as he felt the sleep taking him over.


The clan yawned the next night when they awoke. Goliath was the first to take off, since they had to get to Brooklyn as quickly as they could.

"Do you think he's still alive?" Angela asked in worry while they neared the outskirts of Queens. Goliath looked at his daughter, but felt like he couldn't find words now. His fear for Brooklyn's life kept him silent now that they were getting closer.

They glided for a time, trying to keep an eye out for the old building in Alex's vision. Hudson worried they wouldn't find it in time. But then, Lex with his sharp eyes, spotted something.

"Hey, look!" he called. The others glanced his way and saw that familiar brick building coming into view. Hudson smiled in relief that they managed to find it.

Goliath and his clan landed in a hidden spot a safe distance away, for guards stood outside. Bronx woofed frantically for Brooklyn, but Broadway held him back from charging in.

"How are we getting in this time?" asked Angela, studying the building. It was different from the last one. She didn't see anything on the roof, either.

Goliath looked at the wall. "We might need to go through a window this time around. Look through each window until we find him."

The others nodded, sneaking as close as they could. Once they got to the wall, Goliath went first, climbing up the wall.

Goliath looked through the windows, seeing empty rooms almost all the time. But then, he noted one in particular. It had a crack in it. Bronx had smelt Brooklyn's scent when they were at that window, and woofed.

"Brooklyn must be in that room," Lex said. Goliath narrowed his eyes, going up to the ledge; punching the window with his fist, breaking the window open. The clan climbed in through the broken window, praying Brooklyn was really in there.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now