Chapter 8

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The cell door clanged open after three days since his simulation pain test. Brooklyn wearily opened his eyes, seeing Watson yet again. But he came in with something different besides the remote to the shackle; a glass of water.

He pulled himself away again, heaving softly, still barely recovered from before, and it had only been three days. Watson set the glass down, but Brooklyn wouldn't touch it, despite his mouth being quite dry, and his stomach craved the water more than food right now.

"Here's a little water... I don't want to lose my young prize experiment gargoyle to dehydration..." he said in a sick, smooth voice. Brook growled hoarsley, eyes glowing.

"I won't drink it." he grumbled, still remembering how Thailog had given him water just like this, getting him all drugged up and hallucinating. He wouldn't let it happen to him again! The shackle squeezed him from this, making him shudder, kneeling over. Watson had a dangerous gleam in his face, getting close to his experiment guest.

"You will, and you will be grateful. If you're still stubborn, then this will keep happening!" Watson said forcefully, pressing the other button, the spikes coming out again, going through his flesh, and he gritted his teeth from the pain. This reminded Brooklyn all too well about how Thailog had threatened him that year ago.

"A-ah! P-please!" he sobbed, more tears coming from the punishment from this evil doctor, who was enjoying this still.

"Then drink your water, and follow our instructions!" he snarled. Brook whimpered again, clutching his tummy around the shackle, as those spikes poked further inward. It hurt so much, it made him nod in the end. Watson himself nodded in approval.

"I can see you're learning, Beast. Very good, but you aren't quite ready for his mark. You still have a long time yet, Devil..." he laughed sinisterly, leaving Brooklyn be with his water after having the spikes retreat from his stomach and the shackle to stop squeezing.

Brooklyn whimpered some more, shaking, as he then eventually took the glass that felt cold in his hands, shakily taking a small sip. It felt cool and nice down his throat. The water felt good, but Brooklyn didn't like what Watson was doing to him to get it. He hated it, cold sorrow and anger making the red one shake with shame for what he might end up being reduced to, again.


And with that, Brooklyn remained for a few more days trapped in his cell, shivering from occasional shackle squeezes and spike pokes, reluctantly drinking water from his enemies. So far, nothing bad or anything happened to him, making the red one sigh a bit, knowing now that the water was undrugged.

Now that he was past the pain of the simulation test, his stomach demanded even more for food, getting worse each passing day. Brooklyn had tears show, lip trembling, as he leaned against the wall, wondering when his next meal would be. Or if all these pain tests he would have to endure will have his stomach forget what it is like to be hungry! It scared him to think about that, shaking even more from both fear and starvation.

This is probably a starvation test they're throwing at me... but what's gonna happen? When are they going to want to see me? Brook thought nervously, watching his cell door with anxiety. All that had happened so far was the men bringing him water, and that was it. Possibly, they wanted to build up his stress and anxiety levels to the point where it really hurt his head and brain.

Watson had come in, smiling at one point. "Hungry?" he asked, placing down Brooklyn's water. Brooklyn wouldn't answer him, just trying to ignore his stomach growling. Watson pushed the button, making the shackle squeeze from it, and it made him gasp out, lying on the floor weakly.

"I'm sorry, but you still won't have any food yet. This is my next test for you: To see how long gargoyles can go without eating. But please, let me know how hungry you are right now... I would love to know..."

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