Chapter 16

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Dr. Watson watched for hours as he saw his plaything drift in and out of unconsciousness. He moaned and cried in his sleep. From things that he recognized that the gargoyle said in his sleep, he couldn't help but grin evilly from remembering some things that had been done to him previously.

He also felt Brooklyn's face to see how his temperature was. He was still warm, but the fever had gone down thanks to the medication. When he didn't wake up that first day, he left him alone so he could rest himself too. But he would be back in tomorrow morning.

The next morning, Brooklyn was still out of it, but Watson came in to sit with him again. "Come on. It's time to wake up, you devil!" he exclaimed. He wanted some more action from this creature. Then he glanced down at the bandaged belly. What fun it had been getting all the reactions from him just from his wounded stomach. But he wanted to do something else with him when he woke up.

Watson then glanced at Brooklyn's ears. How sensitive were they, really? He thought of using an ultrasonic device on him to test his hearing again.

"Oh... stop... please..." Brooklyn spoke in his sleep again.

"It's time to wake up, Red. Stop talking to yourself." Watson said.

Brooklyn was still out.

Hours later, Brooklyn finally woke up from unconsciousness. His vision was blurry at first. He just saw an ugly, gray room again. It was nearly sunset. He was still a bit disoriented.

When his vision focused and his head finally stopped spinning, he saw a human shape in his vision. He focused on the doctor. He gasped in fright and pushed away from him. "Stay away... from me!" he cried out in despair.

"Oh, but I had to be the first one you saw when you finally came out of your illness." Watson smirked. "You have been so much fun to toy with. And soon, it will be time for another one."

"I don't want- to do anymore tests! They are worthless!" Brooklyn exclaimed.

Watson glared and then pressed the button. Brooklyn saw the remote and the look in the man's eyes. His eyes widened and knew what that meant. "OH!" He cried out as he felt the shackle tighten on his stomach again. He clutched his poor belly, wincing in pain. He could feel some stinging beneath the shackle.

Beneath the shackle, some red began to show through, indicating that the wounds had opened up again. The pressure against the wounds was so tight this time.

Brooklyn just held his belly, trying hard to breathe. His chest heaved for breath. "Oh, stop it... please..." he pleaded.

"Those tests you spoke of do help find out results on you and your body anatomy and condition, and what you are capable of doing." Watson proclaimed.

Brooklyn knew what he was capable of, and right now, all he wanted was to kick this guy's butt. But he was in no condition to fight. He would need time to heal first. But he certainly wasn't going to heal here. He wanted Hudson still and to get out of here.

He had tried to not let these evil maniacs do this to him again, but they had managed to take his confidence away once more.

"Oh, and because we saw you throw up after we told you not to after we fed you, you will be getting a good punishment for that." Watson declared.

"You... poisoned me... didn't you? Again? There's no way... I would have been... in that much... pain by myself..." Brooklyn stated weakly and breathlessly.

"So what if we did. It wielded some good results from your reaction." Watson replied heartlessly. "Now, it's time for your punishment before your next test..."

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now