Chapter 21

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While the gargoyles were stone for the day, Elisa and the Xanatos' were sitting in the living room, wondering if Brooklyn would recover a second time through the trauma. David had seen that mark on Brooklyn, disgusted that this crazy doctor had caused that much trouble and damage to the red gargoyle.

Elisa was pacing, anxious for sunset to come so she can check on Brooklyn's condition with Goliath. She knew he would be frightened again, and possibly see visions of Thailog too, which worried her.

Fox herself remembered Brooklyn's first trauma and how he was nervous when she offered to clean his blanket. That one thank you was a small sign of recovery that she wanted to see again.

Eventually, sunset came after the day had passed all too slowly.

Brooklyn awoke, yawning weakly, still lying in the recovery room with Hudson still by his side. His body felt a bit better after four weeks without the proper stone sleep, though his fear was still present inside, shaking again. Hudson noticed, trying to put on a friendly smile, taking the young one's hand.

"Good mornin', Lad. How did you sleep?" Brooklyn's face was sad, but he shrugged. "Ok, I guess..." he replied in a quiet voice, tears moistening his eyes. Hudson felt pity, rubbing Brooklyn's hand gently. He didn't know about the arsenic in his system, yet.

"We will help yeh get better again. Just trust us to help you," Hudson murmured softly to comfort the Second, who was quivering from his fright. A tiny smile showed for a couple seconds before it was gone.

Sato and Broadway arrived, while the others waited their turn. Broadway attempted a smile when Brooklyn pulled his legs up under the sheets, still scared of doctors.

"Hey, how are you doing, bro?" Broadway asked, while Sato approached. Brooklyn didn't speak this time, heart thumping fast and hard, eyes rounded pretty big.

"I came to do a check up on you, Brooklyn, to see if the worst of your injuries have healed okay. I'll have to undo your bandages to see them," Sato explained, ready to reach out to do so, but Brooklyn startled, gasping in fear, digging into his pillow. "Don't... don't touch me...!" he whined tearfully, tears soaking his face. Hudson felt concern.

"He won't hurt ya, Brooklyn. He isn't any of those evil men that caused harm to you. I know you don' want to be touched, but can you be brave fer me? It will be okay," he asked, gazing at him gently. Brook still looked scared, but Hudson's hand soothed him a little, relaxing a little.

Sato sat on a chair to gently unwrap the stomach bandages, Brooklyn clinging to Hudson. After he took them off, Sato saw that stone sleep had healed the worst of the injuries, though it still looked tender there. He also took off the patch on his arm gently, and thankfully, the scarring on Brooklyn's bicep seemed to be toning down as well.

"Your injuries seem to be healing well enough for you to return to your room, Brooklyn. But we may have to keep them on for a few more days for precaution. We will help you to your room and we will get you something to eat there."

Brooklyn just stared shyly, shaking, while Sato prepared a gurney to wheel him to his room.

The red one sighed a bit from seeing his old room after finally leaving the medic bay, the clan watching from a distance. Sato said they can see him after he ate.

Once they got Brooklyn into bed safely, Sato then asked Broadway to get him a bit of soup and water. Brooklyn curled up in bed, his stomach then suddenly feeling a little funny.

Broadway returned with the delicious smelling soup. He gave it to Hudson, then stepped back while Hudson helped Brooklyn try eating it. Brooklyn attempted to swallow the first bite.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now