Chapter 11

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Nobody came to check on Brooklyn ever since his water test, leaving the red gargoyle not feeling too well. He felt shivery and sick all over; plus feeling lightheaded.

Brooklyn moaned softly as he lay against the wall; wings wrapped about his body, though they too were still wet and didn't provide much warmth. Brooklyn shivered terribly along with sneezing a few times, and sniffling in sadness from these humans mistreating him. Brooklyn could claim this kidnapping was about the same or as worse than his time with Thailog.

Thailog's red eyes and evil laugh still haunted his waking moments after feverish sleeps, where he would laugh mockingly at the poor Second.

Brooklyn quivered as Dream Thailog towered above him. "It sends me such pleasure to see you this way again, Plaything. And don't worry, you will soon have my mark," Thailog assured/threatened him. Brooklyn hissed back weakly.

"Go... just- just go away!" He sobbed, cowering and looking away from the spirit of his abuser. He shut his eyes; wishing for Thailog to disappear. Thailog cackled, turning and fading away, leaving his victim alone in his misery.


Watson watched Brooklyn's reactions from his cold water experience in his cameras; clearly suffering from fever and starvation, looking quite miserable. He smiled. This was another good set up for a future stomach test on his prize. He turned to his men, who were laughing at their gargoyle's position.

"I have a new kind of test for our little toy. We are to test his stomach strength after we've starved him for a bit," he announced gleefully. Carlos grinned at this, he already liked the sound of it.


Brooklyn's soul felt sorrowful after the humans hadn't been to see him for three days. He was rather famished, stomach growling, and his shackle squeezed him each time it did. He grimaced from his stomach pangs, holding it, scared of what would become of him if he was trapped here any longer.

His cell opened. Brooklyn flinched from Carlos's presence, who held a bottle of water in his hands, setting it down in front of Brooklyn.

"Watson was willing to give you water just for today. You'll need it for what is next for you..." he said in a scary tone. Brook trembled fearfully, watching him leave. Gulping silently, he gingerly took the not so cold water bottle in his hands, opening it, and taking a small drink. He sighed a little from the liquid, glad to be given anything that didn't involve splashing him again.

What will they do with me next? I can't take anymore! Brooklyn thought, holding his legs close to himself in fright and to try and comfort himself too, after his stomach let loose a noisy rumble.


"How much longer, Boss?" grumbled a guard on the fourth day. Watson continued to watch his victim as Brooklyn winced from a loud stomach growl, now literally starving again. He turned to the guard, glaring.

"His test will start at some point tomorrow, we're just making sure my toy is ready for it!" he said darkly to the guard. Watson next glanced at Charlie.

"You think you can set it up?" he asked him. Charlie nodded. "It will be my pleasure," Charlie said, smirking.


Brooklyn was crying now. His stomach wouldn't quit demanding for food, sometimes making him squirm and occasionally tugging his shackle. The cuffs burned him each time he tried, which had led him into sobbing openly.

Help... please... somebody! Brook prayed each night, after groaning from another stomach growl. He glanced at the door.

"I-if you want to; just kill me already!" he pleaded, not caring that he was crying like a hatchling. He wondered if anybody here would be merciful enough to end his pain. His door opened after he spoke.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now