Chapter 24

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Brooklyn kept doing his best to rest as what Hudson and the rest of the clan required, but sometimes, he felt jealous of his clan going out to protect the city while he lay here, bedridden and useless.

Elisa's visits sometimes cheered him up, even though he still didn't want any humans near him for a while, her books though were rather enjoyable.

The one thing too that was able to cheer him up was to be able to sometimes walk around. Hudson kept an eye on him of course to make sure he didn't over exhaust himself.

One night, he was walking when Brooklyn noticed the balcony. Goliath, Broadway, and Angela were on patrol, leaving Hudson and Lexington to watch their sick clanmate.

Brooklyn felt a rush of energy and longing within his veins, wings ruffling. He wanted to glide again so badly. Tears fell down his face, feeling his feet walking towards the outside. The red gargoyle jumped every now and then from outside city noises, but didn't want to let that stop him.

He managed to reach the balcony ledge, leaning over, closing his eyes from the wind blowing in his face. It just felt wonderful. And the night was especially nice. Brooklyn's wings opened a little more. The temptation threatened to consume him.

"Gotta fly..." Brook whispered softly. He climbed onto his old perch, just sitting there for a while. He now didn't want to return to his room, but to fly far away, to not burden his clan anymore.

"Yes... fly away. And if you die out there, you come home to me..." Thailog taunted him. Brook winced, suddenly feeling his footing slip.


Lexington went to check on Brooklyn in his room, still wondering when his red brother would eventually talk to them. But when he opened the door, no one was there.

"Brook? Where are you?" Lex asked in worry, pulling up bed sheets and looking under the bed. Then Bronx came, whining, looking at the door. Lex then knew, his face paling. He wasn't ready yet!

He ran as fast as he could, then suddenly, with round eyes, saw Brooklyn sitting on his old perch, wings open a little, until he staggered.

"Brooklyn!" The olive gargoyle cried out in horror, rushing in to save him.

Brooklyn fell off the perch and started falling downward. He gave a shriek of surprise when he first fell off. Lex jumped off the ledge after him.

Brooklyn had fallen off backwards, but he knew what danger he was in if he didn't turn around. He had felt the updrafts on the wind tonight. He quickly righted himself and even though his wings hadn't been really ready for gliding again yet, in reaction to his situation, he quickly spread them out. The wind caught his wings and he stopped falling instantly.

Spreading his once broken wing, it didn't hurt when he did it. Brook breathed a sigh of relief, as did Lexington.

A bad thought still ran through his head though. "Good save, my Plaything... but you are still mine. You always will be mine." Thailog taunted. "Your clan doesn't want you. You are useless to them now."

"Brooklyn!" Lex called out.

Brooklyn looked up and instantly had a panic attack and ended up gliding away from the castle. "No! I won't go back to him!" Brooklyn yelled out.

"Brooklyn, wait up! Who?! No one is after you!" Lex called out to him. He followed his brother.

The red male was considered the fastest glider in the clan. He was the most acrobatic in the air, not to say that the others couldn't match his skills, but right now, Brooklyn was running in fear from something that just couldn't be seen physically.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now