Chapter 17

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Watson and the men had allowed Brooklyn a few days in his room to let his hearing return. It was difficult for Brook, sometimes weeping softly after Carlos would sometimes come in and tease him about not being able to hear.

"Deaf little devil! This is what you deserve!" leered Carlos, striking Brooklyn harshly, who recoiled, unable to hear what he said, but knew the man had insulted him, shutting his eyes.

"Go away!" He cried, hiding against the wall, scared at not being able to hear even his own voice. Carlos just laughed meanly, kicking their toy to the floor.

"This is just so much fun!" Carlos told him, grabbing Brooklyn's hair, yanking up the poor gargoyle, who screeched, then threw him back down in a heap.

"Have fun being deaf!" He jeered, leaving Brooklyn alone to cry, wanting his hearing to return so they would stop teasing him this way, but at the same time didn't want to hear their insults anymore.

During the days he had been crying hard, and wished for Hudson to be here to help him.

Hudson... I- I can't hear! Help me! He whimpered in his head, shaking, longing for the elder gargoyle's comforting hugs more than ever, eventually crying himself to sleep, wiping his eyes. Nobody answered his cries for help.

One day though, Brooklyn woke to a faint noise: sounding like his own breathing.

C-can I hear again? Brooklyn thought in small joy, a faint smile on his face. To test it, he coughed to see if he could hear that, and he could.

He shook with relief from this, but with nerves, about what Watson had in mind for him with another test, holding himself timidly, eyeing the door.


Meanwhile, Watson and his men were talking about their next test; a second hunger one.

"Ya think that devil still remembers real food? After what we were doing to him, I hardly think so," Charlie said, watching Brooklyn in the cameras, who was so thin you can see his ribcage, eyes sunken and terrified, staring at the door.

Watson himself smiled, placing his fingers together. "I actually had this sort of test in mind for him. If he can't hold in real food anymore, it will give us the advantage of being able to keep feeding him by that special tube. I want you all to get my little plaything's test ready, I'm going to go check on him. You two come with me," he told the thickset guards, who always looked forward to restraining that red monster.


Brooklyn jumped, eyes rounding as his cell opened at last, revealing the doctor and those two awful thugs.

"I trust you can hear me again?"

Brooklyn just ignored him now, looking away. "I'd rather not to..." he said hoarsely from most of the screaming he did. Brook flinched from the shackle pressing into his skin.

"Well, be grateful that we didn't take away your hearing permanently, ungrateful demon!" Watson snarled. "And soon, after your eventual final test, you can learn who to respect!" he threatened. Brook turned, eyes glowing. No way would he respect this mad doctor!

Watson ordered the guards to haul Brooklyn to his feet. He rubbed Brooklyn's belly. Brook moaned softly in pain from his hand touching those wounds.

"Perhaps you're hungry, hmm?" Brooklyn wouldn't talk, shifting weakly in the guards' arms. He just didn't have an appetite for any food. Watson growled, smacking him. "Answer my question; are you hungry?"

Shaking, he replied. "Y-yes..." the red gargoyle whimpered. Watson smirked, tracing his gloved finger along his bruised cheek. "Well done for responding to me. And to reward you, we have a special little treat. Come, Toy." He crooned.

Brooklyn Kidnapped: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now