Most Likely To

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Most likely to forget someone's birthday: Probably Kwazii or maybe Shellington.

Most likely to eat something off the ground: Kwazii. For sure.

Most likely to get scared watching a horror movie: Peso, definitely, and probably Dashi too. 

Most likely to use all the hot water: Kwazii, because he could spend hours in there, singing along to the worst songs in history.

Most likely to hold a grudge: Tweak, probably at Kwazii and Shellington for crashing the Gups.

Most likely to get lost in their own home town: Shellington, but make it home kelp forest instead of home town. 

Most likely to lock themselves out of the house: Kwazii, Shellington, or maybe even Tweak.

Most likely to have the most children: Dashi, because she is obsessed with cute things.

Most likely to not keep a secret: Kwazii or Shellington. Kwazii just wants to tell people, and Shellington won't open his mouth at all because he's scared he'll tell the secret accidentally. 

Most likely to wear 2 different shoes by accident: Shellington. No questions. 

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