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When Captain's in a bad mood, everyone just acts normal and pretend they haven't realised anything. Captain can get SUPER grumpy when he's in a bad mood.

Kwazii goes insane sometimes, and will just run around making as much noise as he can. Everyone is pretty used to it by now, so no one really questions it or tries to stop him. Unless they're doing something important, or they're Tweak. 

Peso doesn't have a bad mood. He's always happy and willing to give you a hug for no reason. Everyone takes his hugs because his feathers are really soft and warm, and who can do no to him. 

Whenever Tweak's in a bad mood, no one bothers her because she could possibly bite their head  off. Kwazii likes to bother her when she's in a bad mood, and she yells at him every time, but he still apparently doesn't get the memo and keeps doing it anyway. Tweak has the worst bad mood of anyone you could possibly imagine. She has an explosive temper, too.

Dashi sometimes gets a bit grumpy, but never anything that bad. Tweak has found out that if you give Dashi a hug while she's in a bad mood, she'll immediately quit being grumpy and be happy again. 

Shellington doesn't have a bad mood, but if you interrupt his info-dumping he will give you a death stare and continue blabbing.

The Vegimals are too cute for bad moods, none of them have ever been in a bad mood. They're always happy and chirping while they cook or plant things in the garden. They're too cute help me. 

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