Fluff and Love

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The Octonauts are an affectionate group, always telling each other they love them.

Kwazii never actually says it, but they know he means it. Except for that one time he accidentally said it to Tweak, and she was so surprised that she literally just got up and ran away.

Dashi says there's no words for how much she loves them. And she makes sure to tell them that at least once every day.

Peso will randomly come up to one of the others and give them a hug, and everyone hugs him back because they love him way too much not too.

The Vegimals will sit on one persons lap for a while, and then get up and move to the next person. No one minds a bit. The only exception is that Barrot is scared to go near Tweak because he thinks she's gonna eat him.

Captain sometimes just randomly stares at the others like they're his favorite things in the whole world. He gets some pretty weird looks for doing this, and sometimes the others find it slightly creepy.

Kwazii and Captain love to cradle Peso, because he's small enough to fit in their arms. Peso loves this, and will wrap his flippers around them.

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