Chapter 1

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*I want everyone to know that my friend, @LilDragoHanzo, and I made this story years ago and since my account was banned a while back I will be reuploading all my stories again. I will be marking my stories as mature since that's the reason my account got banned. I hope everyone enjoys and please follow my friend!!!!*

Shay and BB walked through the school hall discussing about the Jeff and Jane pairing they talked about last night on the phone, "I don't think Jeff and Jane are good for each other, they did kill each other...twice." Shay said trying to make a point as they stopped at their first class.

"True, but you have to look back to their past, Jane had feelings for Jeff and before the crap hit the fan; I would agree that OTP is strong between those two. But now they fight like siblings." BB said protesting.

"Whatever you say BB, we have to get into class." Shay walked into the classroom BB following her to the back of the class. Shay sat at her desk, there has been open seats in front of her and BB for days. She counted them, they added up to eight desks; she leaned over to BB who was drawing all of his favorite pairings, "Hey BB," BB looked over at her, "did you ever notice the new desks that surround us?"

"Yeah it's kind of weird. Wait, aren't we supposed to get new students?" He said going back to his drawings.

"I heard the teachers talking about it, but it's 'eight' new ones. That's strange." Shay said looking for the teacher.

"Eight! Jeez can they add more people to this school?" BB exclaimed.

"BB, be quiet the teacher is coming." Shay shushed BB as Mrs. Diane, the teacher, walked into the room. Mrs. Diane stood in front of her desk with her hands intertwined, "Hello students, we will be welcoming eight new students to the class; if the new students could come inside please." BB leaned over to shay and whispered, "Shay I'm scared."

"Me too, but I'm more curious as to how someone has eight kids and lives under the same roof?" Shay questioned.

"Have you seen Kate +8?"

"No, I haven't, we may watch reality TV shows together, but I haven't heard of that one."

"Crap did she just say our names?!" Shay looked at Mrs. Diane who was standing over them, a look of anger on her face, "If you two could be quiet so the new students could introduce themselves please." She walked back to the front and waited for the new ones to start talking. BB and Shay hold back their laughter for the new students to introduce themselves. The first one to speak was a short blonde headed boy who wore green shorts and a green short sleeve, "My name is Ben." The next person was tall; he wore a white hoodie with black pants. He had one hand in his sweatshirt pocket and his other hand was intertwined with a girl's beside him, "My name is Jeff."

The girl Jeff was holding hands with wore a dark grey knee length dress, knee high black socks and black and white converses; she spoke with a soft voice, "My name is Jane."

A boy who wore tight, but baggy jeans; his jacket was a green gray color with stripped sleeves. He had these yellow and brown goggles on his forehead, but he had a speech impediment, "My-My-MY name is Toby."

Next to Toby was a tall boy with blonde hair that covered his eyes and wore a yellow hoodie, as he spoke he sounded shy, "My name is B-Brian."

The kid next to Brian was a head shorter and wore a tan jacket; he spoke a bit quiet than everyone else, "My name is Tim."

Next to Tim was a kid a few inches shorter than Brian. He wore a black hoodie with both his hands in his pockets and wore black jeans with blue and black converses. His auburn hair covered his left eye; he blew it out of his face and said, "My name is Evan Taylors."

The last kid wore a black and white striped long sleeve shirt. He ruffled his shaggy hair and said, "My name is Jack." The whole class said hi to them at the same time. Mrs. Diane calmed the class down before speaking, "The desks in the back are for you all, near the troublemakers, Shay and BB." The students started to stare at the two. "We're not that troubled." BB whispered to Shay. Shay looked BB; "I am..." the new students had already sat around BB and Shay.

"Don't scare them Shay, they don't know you yet." BB poked Shay on the nose. Shay shook her head, "They eventually will; this school knows me more than I know myself. It's creepy."

"Yeah I know and I'm the one no one sees." BB went to grab his assignment from his backpack when he accidently hit Brian in the head with his, "S-sorry Brian, I didn't mean to hit you in the head." BB rubbed the back of his head from the pain. "H-How d-did you know m-my name?" Brian said with a worried tone in his voice, "Because you just introduced yourself to the class." BB chuckled while Brian tried to hide the blush forming on his face with his hood. Shay saw as the two were talking while writing on a piece of paper and passing it to BB, it read, 'This Jack guy looks almost over 6 feet.' BB mouthed 'I know' and brought Shay's attention back to the teacher.

The bell rang for class to end; BB and Shay gathered their things and headed out of the class. BB and Shay stopped at their lockers and then were surrounded by the new kids, "Shay should we help them to their classes?" BB asked. Shay grabbed her chemistry notes and books, "Sure, you ask." BB got all of their attention, "Hey um, do you guys need help finding your classes?" He said shyly. None of them spoke, Evan walked up to BB, "We need to find room 102, Chemistry." BB said to Evan, "Just follow us we're actually going there anyway." He said sheepishly. While BB was talking to Evan, Shay and Jack would share glances. BB thought to himself, 'God why does Brian have to be so good looking?' He looked at Shay and mouthed help. Shay walked up to the group, "Let's get to class." They all followed Shay down the hall to room 102, Chemistry. 

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