Chapter 8

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BB walked into the cafeteria as Jack, Hoodie, Ben Toby, and Jane ran up to him asking him so many questions about where Shay was, "She went home sick," he lied, "So guys I was wondering if you guys want to come over for the weekend and I don't know have a sleepover?" he questioned. Jack went up to BB and out his hands on his shoulders, "We would love to have a sleepover, but I can't go a day without my sugar baby!"

BB laughed, "It it's okay with your sugar baby and your parents, your fine." BB sat down next to Brian and Tim.

Jack's POV

"Have you guys seen my sugar baby anywhere!? I haven't seen her since this morning!" I was freaking out, 'WHERE'S MY BABY!"

"Okay Jack you have like, a lot of them, who are you talking about this time?" Jeff asked. I stood over Jack, "My only Sugar Baby, Shay!" I was getting angry, 'How do they not know who my sugar baby is? The only mortal I give MY candy too.'

"I thought kidneys were your Sugar Baby Jack," Jane added. "She and BB are like inseparable, so they are most likely together like those numbskulls." She pointed to Brian and Tim.

"First of all Jane, Evan likes kidneys dumb shit; second of all, I like candy." Jack said getting in her face.

"And Jeff likes putting people to sleep." Jane said raising an eyebrow.

"AND I LIKE TO STAY SANE!" Jack's eyes started to become a black and white spinner. "J-Jack sit down BB's coming over." Brian said to Jack. Jack walked to BB, he asked if we wanted to go to his house for a sleepover, "We would love too, but I can't go a day without my sugar baby!" BB laughed at me and told me she was sick, I calmed down a bit knowing she's okay.

*Time Skip to the end of the day

I walked with my family out of the school and towards the portal we walk through every day to get to school. "Wonder what the sleepover will be like?" Tim said out loud.

"It's weird to be invited somewhere by mortals." Jeff said with his arm around Jane, "It's weird we are not killing them," Jeff added, "but this will be interesting to see what events will take place." Ben looked at Jeff, "Who are you and what did you do with Jeff; you sound smart."

I laughed, "What happened with you and Evan, Ben."

"What do you mean?" Ben asked.

"You guys have been together for who knows how long, all lovey-dovey and now, you guys don't even look at each other."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Ben rushed over to Evan and jumped on his back. Evan kept walking and turned his head to look at Ben, "Baby, what's wrong? You okay?" Evan pet Ben on the head.
"Hold me." He said. "I can't hold you if you're behind me, come here." Evan said as he put Ben down and picked him up.

"Awww now look at the cute couple." Jane teased. Jack and the others walked into their house, "I just needed to say something; I am magical."

"Oh hush Jane." Ben said sticking his tongue out at Jane. She stuck hers back out of him. "Kids are you home already?" Jack saw his so-called mom come from the living room in a dandy red dress.

"Whoa, what's the occasion usually it's like a meeting or something that you wear that dress." Evan chirped. She smiled happily, "Me and your father are going on for reservations while you guys are going to the troublemaker's house."

"And who would that be?" Jeff asked in a snarky tone.

"Watch is mister; those two are pretty decent, so behave yourselves." Mom chimed in, "You all know them well, so it wouldn't be hard for you guys to cooperate with them."

"The last time we-we went somewhere Jeff-Jeff killed someone." Toby said. Their mom sighed, "Get your crap together and leave already." Diane said fixing her dress. They all sighed, "Fine, but if they end up dead it's not our fault." Jeff said.

"Actually they can overpower some of you pretty easily so they are fine on their own." Mom said. I wasn't listening to any of them, I was eager to see my sugar baby. I walked out of the house with everyone, I was almost running. "Jack, damn it hold up." Jane said. "I MUST SEE MAI SUGAR BABY!" I yelled.

"Who cares about your 'Sugar Baby' one!" Jeff stopped Jack by grabbing his arms and pulling him back, "Dude we need to get our stuff together." He said to me.

"But I can't wait any longer!" I whined.

"Then you go with Toby, Tim, and Brian, we'll grab your shit together." Jeff walked off with Jane, Evan, and Ben.

"Fine, I don't see why we have to get your shit every time." Tim said.
(Le time skip)

I knocked on BB's door waiting eagerly for someone to answer. "Calm yourself we're coming." BB opened the door with Shay standing behind him. Jack smiled, "Can I come in?" Shay tackled Jack, "Of course," she looks up, and "who wants a tackles hug?"

Third POV

"My Sugar Baby!" Jack tackled Shay to the ground and gave her kissed all over her face. "Get a room," Jeff said.

"I should say the same for you and Jane, Jeff." BB said. Jeff smiled, "Do you have an extra room?"

"Maybe" BB smiled. Jeff looked at Jane as she walked away, a sway in her hips. "H-Hey B-BB" Brian said standing beside Tim.

"Hey Brian," BB waved and walked up to Brian, "Guess what?"

"W-What is it?" Brian twirled his fingers. BB leaned up towards Brian's face, "I kinda want to know you better." BB said as he pressed his lips against his. Brian was surprised, but kissed back. Shay saw everything as Jack was kissing her all over her face, she growled, but stopped automatically, 'I'm too protective." After they broke their kiss, both of them were bright red. "You're cute when you blush, ever since day one Brian." BB said pecking his cheek. Brian stood still, "I-I-I'm going to...this way." Brian walked off as Shay stared at Brian as he walked away and back to BB. "BB" Shay said angrily. "What?" He said.

"I know that wasn't you who did that, DD." Shay sat beside Jack on the couch.

"Actually that was all BB that time." DD said to Shay. "We promised that we will be good so we will."

Shay growled, "I just don't want you to get hurt that's all." DD ruffled Shay's hair, "Don't worry we will be okay."

"I wasn't talking about you two." Shay hugged Jack's arm. BB headed towards the kitchen, "Who wants cheesecake?" BB yelled. Tim ran to the kitchen, "I DO!" BB hands Tim the cheesecake, "You can add whatever you want on it." Shay stood in the hallway and out her hands up, "If anyone wonders where I am, I will be in the bathroom!" they all looked at her and nodded. Shay's POVAfter I yelled to the group I was going to the bathroom, I walked down the hall quietly. Since my hearing has increased, I heard someone...crying in the bathroom. I knocked on the door, "Hello, are you okay?" "Y-Yeah," Brian said from behind the door."Are you okay Brian?" My eyes turned all white to use my powers to look through door. Brian was sitting on the floor with his head in his lap."Y-YEAH just emotionally exhausted now," he said raising his head form his lap, "Why do you think he kissed me? Was it a joke?" I opened the unlocked door, "Why are you crying then?""It just took me by surprise that's all. I'm not sure if he likes me or if I like him." I sat beside him, "Are you sure that's all, is that all you're thinking about, if he likes you or not?" "Well I just don't want anything going down to hell when night hits that's all." I felt my fangs come out, 'Crap!' I tried to hide them when I spoke, "Don't cry, it's okay, you go out there and you attack that boy, you kiss him everywhere. Now get out of here, I have to pee." Shay picked up Brian and pushed him out. "Oui." He said. Shay shut the door. 'Why do they have to come out now, hopefully BB doesn't have any trouble,' I thought to myself. Just as Brian was about to leave the bathroom, 'Crap, I actually have to use the bathroom'. The toilet flushed and I walked out, "There you go." (Le time skip thanks to yaoi and cheesecakes)Third POVThe group was watching a scary movie, Annabelle. Brian, Jane, or Ben would jump into their lover's arms. Shay would flinch, but wouldn't jump as bad as the others. "Pause it, I need more popcorn." BB said. Everyone looked at BB, "What did you say?" "When you're tired and need energy drink, you tend to say things. Me, if it's pop, I extend the 'o', or I'm just bored." BB explained. "And the answer is that we're tired and somewhat bored." Shay jumped off of the couch, "Spin the bottle!" "Uh oh," BB stuck his head out from the kitchen doorway, "this won't end well for any of us huh Shay." BB asked. Shay smiled and nodded, "Get a bottle. Everyone sit on the floor." "Ugh fine." BB said. "Heads up." BB threw the bottle to the living room. Jack caught it before it hit Shay in the head, he slowly sat down, "Are you okay Sugar Baby?" "Hell, BB you better run before I know yo' ass out." Shay yelled. She looked at Jack and pecked his lips, "Thanks and yes I'm fine." "I didn't throw it." BB said. "Okay...let's get to playing." Shay spun the bottle and it landed on Tim, Jack wrapped his arms around Shay's waist, "Don't touch my Sugar Baby!" "Like I want to." Tim said sarcastically. "Ooooo, I can hear sarcasm a mile away, you want a little peck Tim-boy?" Shay said as she leaned closer to him. Tim blushed and scoots closer to Toby, "No!" Shay sat down with her hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay, I won't; you missed your chance though." "How about you kiss Jack then that clown could use it." Tim spat back. "Come here my Sugar Daddy." Shay almost made out with Jack until Toby stopped them, "You two-two-two stop it, eww!" they stopped and Jack spun the bottle, it landing on BB. BB blushes, "Ummm. Imma hide in here." BB pulls the hoodie over his face. "Awww, come on BB, I'll let you kiss Jack," she went to BB's ear and whispered, "It'll be hot yaoi, my Sugar Daddy and my best friend." BB gets a bloody nose and slowly opens his hood as his right eye twitches. "Yaoi!" Shay pulled out her phone as the two were about to kiss. Jack stopped them for a second, "Never thought I'd be kissing my Sugar Baby's best friend." He kissed BB gently, Shay having a massive nosebleed dripping down her nose. BB blushes and kisses back with more force. He says out loud, "Maybe later I can lick your lollipop and try out your gumballs." BB said tracing Jack's jawline. Shay's eyes roll to the back of her head as she falls back, blood gushing out of her nose. Jack and BB looked at Shay, "She's fine, and someone wake her up." BB said. Jeff poked her face, "Wake up!" Shay opened her eyes, "Yaoi overload, sorry." Shay looked at BB and Jack as BB licked Jack's jawline looking at Shay, "You did this Shay." Jack said blushing.Shay wiped the blood her nose as she growled at BB. The growl was deeper and louder, her eyes flicking red to brown. She sat on Jack's lap and started to make out with him, "Fuck you BB, he's mine.""We know." BB and Mimic said. Shay led Jack out of the room, leaving the others there quietly, and "Okay then BB, you spin." Jeff said ignoring the two who left. BB spun the bottle, it landed on-

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