Chapter 2

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The teacher, Ms. Nina, walked up to the big group, "Hello BB and Shay, are these the new students?" She smiled gleefully shaking all their hands. "Ms. Nina, this is Ben, Jeff, Jane, Brian, Tim, Jack, Evan, and Toby." Shay said pointing to them as she said their names. Shay and BB sat in their regular seats in the back, but the new students followed them and sat around them. Jack sat in front of Shay and turned around in his seat, "If you're wondering I'm 6'5." Shay gasped, "How do you get that tall, that's amazing."

"I only eat candy, all day every day. Want some?" He grabbed a candy out of his pocket and put it on Shay's desk. It was wrapped in gold foil, Shay unwrapped the piece of candy; it was brown and dark brown stripes. She stuck it in her mouth, the great taste flooding her taste buds, "It's so good, and it tastes like coffee."

"I call it Coffee Candy, hey BB, want some?" Jack took one out of his pocket and held it in BB's face. "Sorry dude not a huge candy fan but thanks for offering though." BB said while smiling awkwardly. "So what do you guys normally do? Like for fun anyways?" He questioned. Ben turned around in his seat, "Play video games." Jeff and Jane ignored the question. Brian answered, "Eat cheesecake." Tim put is hand up, "Me too." BB turned to Evan, "So what do you like to do for fun?" tilting his head to the side. Evan looked at BB, "I help around the house unlike these lazy craps." BB and Shay laugh a little, "Sounds like her when she's given homework." BB said while sticking his tongue out at her. Shay flicked BB's tongue, "What did I tell you about sticking your tongue out at me, I'M GOING TO FLICK IT!" Jack laughed at Shay's fake anger. BB yelped in pain, he gets up and challenges Shay to a battle of dare and dare, "My friend Shay, I challenge you to a battle of dare and dare." He said loudly earning a few 'what?' faces from the class. Ben said, "Uh what is that?" "Oh it's something we do to try and humiliate each other, it's, fun but really embarrassing." He chimes in. "I accept the challenge of dare and dare." Shay said louder. The whole class was so interested that they surrounded them. "Alright now since I won last time you go first." BB said with a smirk. "And no cheap shots like last time." "Okay then BB, this may not be as good, but... give someone your phone and let them send one text to anyone in your contacts." The class went 'Aaaaaah' "Alright this will be fun." BB said laughing, grabs his phone from his backpack, "Alright now who will it be?" He Looks at Jeff. BB hands Jeff his phone, "Just don't go crazy with the text alright?" Jeff nods and takes his phone. Jeff looks through the contacts and finds one that says 'Ex'. Jeff smiles evily. He starts to text, "Hey baby, I just wanted to say I miss you and I want to be with you forever XOXO." Jeff sends the message and hands BB the phone back. BB looks who Jeff texted, "Ah titfuck, the classic Ex hookup. Well played sir, well played." Putting is phone away he looked at Shay, "I believe it's your turn Madame." "Fire away, I can take it." Shay said cracking her knuckles. BB looks around the room, "How about you switch clothes with a person that is closest height of yours. And you have to keep them on for three rounds." Shay looked around the room and saw Evan, "Hey Evan, wanna help me out with this dare?" "Ohh the new, kid sorry Evan" BB said with an apologetic look in his eyes. "You could stay in the bathroom for three rounds ya know, if you don't want to be embarrassed.""It's not going to be that bad; I'm wearing a shirt and jeans. He's wearing a hoodie and jeans. Come on Evan, just for three rounds." Evan rolled his eyes and started to strip in the middle of the classroom. Shay had a tank top and shorts on under her clothes so she stripped too. They got each other's clothes on and resumed the game. "You seem comfy Shay and sorry Evan." "I'm very comfy, your turn BB." Shay chuckled while holding the baggy jeans up. BB cracks his neck, Come on, let's see what you got."Oh this is going to be fun. Let the person to your left...Brian, draw on your face." Shay clapped to herself as the class gasped. "Pick a color Shay."The miracle color the amazing and beautiful purple." "Imma be a grape, cool." BB grabs the purple marker, "Brian, make me beautiful." BB hands Brian the marker and Jeff looks up. "Forewarning, draw a dick on me, you better run." He smiled. Brian started to shake nervously; he started to draw a mustache as Jeff slowly walked up behind Brian and 'accidentally' bumped into him, "Sorry Brian, I didn't mean to bump into you." "Brian just breathe okay, you can do this." BB said holding his hands steadily, "and Jeff, thank you for also making me beautiful." BB smiled and Jeff slowly backs away back towards his seat. Shay busted out laughing; she sat on the floor as she was dying. She couldn't handle the purple mustache on BB's face and Jeff's reaction, "You win! You win! HAHAHAAA!!" "Yes victory, now give Evan back his clothes and I might keep this moustache." BB grabs his phone and looks at himself. "Brian, you did a good job on my mustache thanks." "N-No problem" Brian said trying to hide another blush. While Shay was dying on the floor the bell rang for lunch. She struggled to get off of the floor se she needed help from Jack. She took off Evan's clothes and gave them back to Evan "Let's get to lunch before the line gets long and so we don't run into Brittany and Lela." "Agreed, so do you guys want eat lunch with us, you don't have to if you don't want to." BB said looking at the new kids, "Shay, remember I brought lunch for the both of us this time." "Yaasss, you are an amazing cook, let's go!! New Kids are sitting with us!" Shay ran out of the classroom, leaving everyone in there awkwardly. "She gets like that a lot, don't mind her." BB said to them,"Come on the lunchroom is this way, follow me."

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