Chapter 14

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Jack saw BB fall from the ceiling and caught him. Brian ran over, "What the hell? BB!" Hoodie also rushed over to Jack, "What happened?"

He just fell from the ceiling. Mom, we need your help!" Jack yelled as Diane teleported downstairs. "Someone get Shay!" Hoodie yelled out, "Yes?"

"Shay isn't here, she went to go find BB's Aunt." Ben said, "Mom, something is wrong with BB."

"Retrace everything, what happened, how did it happen, and who did it?" Diane said putting BB in her arms.

"Um...he teleported to the ceiling trying to get away from Offender, Offender went after him." Jack said trying to remember.

"I am going to kill that asshole. Kids watch over him, you dad and I have something we need to take care of."

"But your the only nurse." Jack said as he made a dumbfounded look at Diane.


"You have to take care of him, what if he might die?" Hoodie asked, a hint of worry in his voice. Diane sighed, "Okay, I'll see what I can do for him. Brian, I want you to watch him once I'm done."

"Okay." Brian followed Diane upstairs. "Brian?"

"Yeah Mom?"

"Have you thought about doing anything with him in the future?"

"Um...sorta, but I haven't talked to him about it." Brian rubbed the back of his head and blushed dark.

"If he wakes up?"

"I don't think he'll want to, it's me, a Creepypasta."

"That may be the truth, but he'll have to learn to deal with it. You've seen the way he acted towards you at school, so why not make him feel like that and mix that and here together when he's around." Diane sounded persistent as they were gaining close to the room. "Okay, I'll talk to him."

"Once he wakes up." Diane and Brian walk into the room and set BB onto the table.

BB's Mind-

Offender: I hear my calling

"Evan noooo!"

"It's too late."

Offender: Not even halfway done

Me: *Hides ass*


Offender: Come here little one


Unknown Child's voice: Daddy!

"What's going on? Why did i hear that?"

Another child's voice: I want to hug daddy first!"

"Two small children? what the hell?"

My voice: Are you ready to see Uncle Slendy?

"Wait what? Hold on! That. Was. Me. Uncle Slendy?"

Brian's voice: Please don't die, what about your kids?!

"I have kids?! Woah hold on, when?"

Diane: Classified dead, 1 A.M.

'What the hell is going on?"

Shay: This is all your fault Offender!

'Oh god, what did he do? Wait, BRIAN!'

Brian: You're not allowed to take care of the newborns, you might hurt them.

"When did all this happen? Newborns? HEY CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE I AM?"

Shay: BB

"Shay. SHAY!"

Shay: I'm going to kill him, Offender

"Shay what the hell is going on? Why is everything dark?"

"It's not dark, open your eyes."

"I am, I'm standing and walking around."

"No, you're not. It's called Lucid dreaming." Shay shook me. Light penetrated my eyelids,

"Brian, you're hesitating tell me what happened."

"You're...pregnant..." Brian looked as if he was going to cry. I stayed quiet trying to process what he had just said, "Y-You m-must be j-joking." I just started sobbing, "H-How?"
Brian hugged me tightly, "Shay went after him...he won't be a problem. He won't hurt you." I leaned into his warmth. "Don't leave me."

"I won't." We hugged for a couple minutes until someone walked in slamming the door behind them, "Fuck... ugh shit!" Shay fell to the ground holding her side as part of her arm was burning. I looked over at Shay and immediately tensed up, "S-shay. SHAY!" I felt tears fall down my face. "DIANE GET IN HERE!" Diane transported into the room and looked at Shay flabbergasted, "What happened, I told her not to go, I knew she was going to get hurt!" Why didn't you stop her!" Diane was looking straight at Jack and Hoodie running up the stairs. They stopped in their tracks once they saw Shay breathing slowly on the ground. "Could someone please tell me what's going on?" I said looking at Brian.

Brian was hesitant, "Offender got you pregnant...Shay went after him because she...didn't was anyone to touch you. She thinks she has failed as a mate and a best friend. She...wasn't in the right mind to go off, but we knew that we wouldn't be able to stop her." Brian kept his gaze on Shay and Diane. Diane picked up Shay and took her to a different room.

I let out a sigh, "I was the one who failed her, she did everything all these years and I never did anything in return for her." I started sobbing uncontrollably, "this is all my fault Shay." There was distant screaming heard through the hallway. Shay's scream. Jack sprinted down the hall, unsure of what was happening. "Oh what now?" The screams automatically stopped . Diane walked into the room with bloody surgical gloves on, "BB? You need to talk to her. She wont talk to me or Jack." I don't know why i was so jumpy, after the news of the pregnancy I don't know what to do anymore, "Bring me to her Diane."

Diane nodded. I followed her all the way down the hall to a black door. Diane slowly opened the door as i saw everything was destroyed, the wall's wave been viciously punched, the surgical table bent in half, the light's barely hanging on their hinges, and all the surgical tools thrown into the wall. 'And I thought she was terrifying when she was on her period'. i thought "Shay you here?"

"I'm sorry, I'M SORRY! I failed you, I FAILED AT EVERYTHING! TRYING TO PROTECT YOU, TRYING TO BE YOUR MATE, TRYING TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND!.....and look where that got me. I almost died, i lost my family, I...became this..." Shay was quiet, "A monster, that's all I am." Shay started to cry and whimper loudly. I lifted up Shay's chin and looker at her, "I'm still here aren't I? You're still here and my mate, I will still love you and you'll still have me." I leaned down to lightly press my lips against hers, and held her close. She yelped and stepped back, "My arm."

"What happened?"

"Offender used his tentacle to throw a garlic powder and silver shards bomb at me. I blocked it with my arm. I can't heal properly."

"Well I know who I am going to castrate now." Shay chuckled a bit, but it made her side burn, 'Promise me something BB? If he hurts you, tell me. Don't hide last time."

"Got it, now there's a clown waiting for you." Shay smiled, " Yeah, I know. Get him in here."

-Time Skip-

Third POV

Everyone woke up in the Creepypasta Mansion and got ready for school. It didn't take them long to get to school and wait for the bell that signaled for classes to start. Shay has made a full recovery and BB's belly is very noticeable. The little-big baby bump seemed like it was growing bigger everyday due to BB's powers speeding up the process a bit. Whispers of fellow classmates hung low but audible to BB, "Hey, I can hear you asshats." Unconsciously BB started rubbing his baby bump. Shay wrapped her arm around BB's side and glared at the whispering classmates.

The classmates ran off scared as Shay watched them run. Both students snickered at the response. "BB, Shay, hey wait up!" Ben's voice rang throughout the halls. A few minutes of conversing and the group headed to Mrs. Diane's class. Alice jumped from her seat as Shay walked into the classroom. Alice ran and hugged Shay, "I missed you!" Shay showed a small smile, "I missed you too."

"Alright you two, I'll take BB to Slender." Brian said offering a hand to BB. BB took Brian's hand. Shay sat at her desk quietly as she fiddled to pull down her sweater sleeves past her fingers. Alice and Jack talked to her as BB and Brian left.

-Time skip to Office-

"Thanks for walking me to the office Brian, I really appreciate it." I leaned up to him and captured his soft lips. "You're welcome, I'll do anything for you." Brian kissed me once again and headed back towards Mrs. Diane's.

Chapter 15

I walked into Mr. Slender's office and immediately knew something was off, "S-Slendy?" I stuttered.

"It's okay Bronson, come in and sit." I started to rub my stomach, "Offender." In one swift motion, Offender was in front of me in his regular trench coat with a giant grin, "How did you know?"

"I can smell you." I stared at him and I felt tears fall down my face. Offender wrapped his lanky arms around my body into a hug, "It's okay Darling...I'm here, i wouldn't leave even if i had to."

"I-I honestly don't know what to do. I liked Brian but you are also the father of the kids." I started shaking and my anxiety kicks in. Offender rubs my head soothingly, "It's okay, I can take all the pain away. Just close your eyes and dream."

"I don't know."

"It'll be okay, close your eyes. i can take you to a place where everything will be a peace and quiet place." My thoughts were having their own battle, my mind was racing faster than ever. My breathing quickened and my vision became blurry, "I feel-" I passed out before I could finish my sentence.

-Some mind dream-

'Wake up Darling, we have to take the kids to school.' I felt someone gently shake me awake. 'Huh, what? Five more minutes.'

'PAPA, DADA!' i felt two kids jump on me. 'Oof, alright I'm up, I'm up, munchkins. Papa is up.' I rubbed my tired eyes to see my children. My son who has dark brown shaggy hair, with bright orange eyes, and two sharp fangs. My daughter who has long silky blonde hair, with dark hazel blue eyes, and silver wings tinted, with red and shades of black. 'Mimic and DD, go to the car. We're coming.' they ran downstairs as I went to the bathroom. 'Something feels off, what is it?' i thought to myself as i finished getting dressed, 'Hey hun?'

I saw offender putting his tie on in the mirror, 'What is it darling?'

'What do I have planned for today?'

'Um...I think you were going to go to the store, visit Shay's grave, go by the Creepypasta Mansion, and i think buy something else?'

'Shay's grave?' Offender looked at me confused, 'Yeah, she's been dead for about a year and a half. After what happened with Malcolm and your father.'

'Alright, I have to go drop off the kids at their Uncle's and go run the errands.'

-Time Skip-

After dropping the kids off and getting the groceries, and ran into Brian, 'Brian? Is that you?' The familiar looking Brian turned around as I remembered the brown hair, 'BB?' a small blush appeared on my face, 'Y-Yeah it's me.' he seemed very nervous as he looked around us, 'It's been awhile, I heard you were coming to visit today.'

'It's been to long, I missed you very much and I am coming over later as well, the kids are there right now.'

'I know, I was there, but I left right after. I have to get food and stuff for the party tonight.'

'Mind if I go?' I asked

'No, but I'm sorta in a rush though.' Brian started walking towards what he needs. 'I just finished with what I need, want some help?' Brian smiled a bit, "Yeah, sure, I need drinks, candy, mostly beer, and snacks. Thanks for helping.'

'Let me guess, LJ and Jeff?' i laughed thinking of the two dummies. 'Yeah,' Brian laughed as he went into the snack aisle, 'Get anything, it doesn't matter to anyone.' I walked down the aisle and nearly ran into someone. 'Oh I am so sorr-' Before I could look at their face they drove a dagger through my stomach, 'Urk'

-Out of the Some Mind Dream-

"Darling wake up, we're here." I gasped as my body started trembling and sweating, "Who was that?"

"It's me, Offender. The father of our children." He sounded a bit worried and confused. "I know what, but there was someone else, I just died in the dream and that person, who ever it was had that dagger." I moved around a bit and felt the soft bed around me. offender wrapped his arm around me and my baby bump, "She isn't sane, she's just holding on piece by piece."

"After what she's been through, i don't think anyone would be." I turned to look up at him, his blank pale white face slowly shifted to a really good looking god like guy. I felt my cheeks heat up, 'Damn it, not now hormones.' i thought. "Shit you heard that." now i know by now I was bright red. "I did hear you, but since you are harvesting my children, I plan on not putting any harm to them."

"But why me? Out of anyone else in the world, you picked me." Offender rolled to the side of the bed and stood up, "You can't know that until it's the right time. You can ask around, but...I'm just saying you might not like the answer."

"I already broke the mate bond between me and Shay. How bad can it be? That I'm going to end up dead from giving birth to these two in my stomach, or you wanted to make Hoodie miserable? Offendy just say it." Offendy was quiet for a bit too long, :It's about Shay, what i did to her...what i did to"

"Well knowing that this baby bump is getting bigger and is getting harder to move, I have time for a story." My phone rang loudly in the room.

Shay Dawg: Where the hell are you?

Me: Bed rest and maybe lucid dreaming, I still don't know what's reality and what's still a dream.

Shay Dawg: I can't smell or sense you anywhere, get your ass here!

Me: If only I could Move and know where I was.

Shay Dawg: Ask Offender, I sure as hell know he's with you! He can transport you!

Realization hits me
Shay Dawg: ...Shit

I look up from my phone, "OFFENDY GET OVER HERE!" Offendy teleports to his room, "Yes my love?" he cooed. "I'm needed, take me to Shay and I might give you a reward."  

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