Chapter 9

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When BB spun the bottle it landed on Jeff. The silence around them felt suffocating. "Ummm," BB said, "What about-" Jeff smashed his lips onto BB's forcefully. Everyone was wide eyed at the site. BB fell and landed on his back with Jeff on top of him. Shay walked into the room and saw Jeff on top of BB. her nose started to bleed again as Jack caught her limp body. "J-Jeff, nyeh, ah ah." BB said. The next thing BB knew Jeff was hit across the room and someone was standing in front of him. BB looked up at Brian, who was fuming with rage, "Don't touch my Little Demon!" Brian yelled angrily.

"Little...Demon?" Jane said confused. BB blushed from embarrassment and hid in Brian's chest. BB said muffled, "N-Nothing." Jane stood up, "I understand Jack calling Shay Sugar Baby, but...Little Demon? No."

"Actually there's some truth to that Jane." BB hung his head in defeat. "Looks like we have to end the sleepover."

"But Sugar Baby, I don't want to leave you!" Jack complained. Shay went to him and put her hand on his cheek, 'You have to leave Sugar Daddy," Shay looked at BB and continued, "We I have problems to deal with."

"We all do." BB said looking at the ground. Shay pecked Jack's lips then turned around to face everyone, "If you all could exit BB's house please and thank you."

"Sorry if it didn't go as planned." BB said.

"Actually, could you explain a little more please." Jane and Ben asked. Shay sighed, "BB, you be quiet, I'll explain myself. Everyone sit down on the couch or somewhere." Everyone did as Shay asked and waited for her to speak. Everyone sat around BB and Shay. BB pulled his knees up to his chest.

"I've been this way my whole entire life, my a demon and my mom is a vampire. I'm a demon and a vampire, or known as a hybrid. My powers only work once a year...and usually I go insane and the beginning."

"I thought you were always insane Shay" BB said.

"I am, I lose my sanity a bit when my powers start." Shay's eyes changed so she could show the group. BB smirked, "Now you, about Shay." BB said in Mimic's voice.

"Hey BB, when did your voice change?" Evan said. BB looked at Shay. BB covered his mouth and his eyes changed from white to red and back to hazel when he looked at the group. "Since BB is full demon, he can't tell others about him being one or I have to...'put him down'." BB smiled as he looked at the group and headed to the kitchen; he held up two fingers. Mouthing Mimic and DD, BB headed to the fridge for a blood bag. "Stay in the kitchen when you drink that." Shay said pointing at him.

"Got it, tell them about those two Shay." BB said shutting the door and opening the blood bag. Shay sighed, "Sometime ago, BB was in a coma; during that time he was possessed by two other demons by the names of Mimic and DD. Mimic is a guy and D is a girl."

"Whoa." They said out loud. BB walks through the kitchen door with a blood drop coming from his mouth. "H-Hey." BB smiled. Brian got up and headed towards BB. Brian used his hoodie's sleeve to get the blood off of his face, "Y-You had something." BB blushed and hugged Brian. Brian hesitated, but hugged back. "I won't bite Brian." BB assured Brian. Brian whispers in BB's ear, "Shay does..."

"I know, I'll protect you from her." BB pecked Brian's cheek, "So you guys are not weirded out by us?" BB asked.

"No, Ben and Evan are together while Tim and Toby fuck each other every damn day!" Jeff said looking at the couples.

"Fuck you Jeff." Tim said.

"I don't accept offers." Jeff turned away from Jeff. Tim tackles Jeff as Toby follows. "DOG PILE ON JEFF!" BB yelled. Everyone jumped on Jeff as everyone laughed happily. They heard a knock at the door, everyone turned silent.

BB looked up, "We're not home go away, we don't need any of your religious crap." BB yelled at the door.

"I'm looking Shayren Smith. Is she here?" An unfamiliar deep voice said outside of the door.

"Fuck...BB, take the others to the bunker." Shay got out of the pile.

"Everyone follow me." BB got up and motioned everyone to the basement. "What's going on?" Evan said. "People we know." BB said shoving Toby into the bunker. Shay waited till everyone was gone before opening the door. She opened the door and grimaced at who she saw, "What do you want Malcolm?"

"So you don't miss your brother, I'm so hurt." There was sarcasm in his voice. "Actually no, not after last time. That stunt you pulled almost killed BB.""I said I was sorry." He walked inside without permission. "But the stunt you pulled the other day, I KILLED SOMEONE!" Shay yelled. "Calm yourself, people die everyday, so what?" Malcolm sat on the couch. "I killed a student, I tasted their blood...human blood." Shay lost her concentration remembering the taste. "Looks like you're almost ready little sister. Soon we kill all those worthless demons." He stood up and stood in front of Shay. Shay grabbed Malcolm's throat tightly, her nails digging into his neck, "I'm not going to be like dad, never!" "One day you will and your friend will watch you kill him." Malcolm said turning towards the door, "Oh and there isn't much time before he finds out." he walked out of the door, Shay's eyes turning. She punched one of the doors down. 

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