Chapter 3

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Walking towards the lunchroom with our lunch, I couldn't shake this odd feeling that I get when I'm around these guys. Maybe it's just my imagination but there's something about these guys that I don't know, well I'll figure that out later. Clearing my head I lead the group down a flight of stairs near the library and headed to the cafeteria near the gymnasium. "Hey um BB is it?" Tim asked, "Yeah what's up?" turning around and walking backwards. "Ummm never mind I forgot."

"Okay." I said turning around. I could hear them whispering but I paid no attention to them because the lunchroom is right in front of me. Weaving through the lunch tables I drop off our lunch where Shay was and showed them where the lunch line is. Sitting back down I forgot my milk, "Crap um hey Shay can you get me some milk please, my ex keeps texting me."

"I'll handle your Ex and get your milk, I'll be back." Shay got up and walked towards the milk coolers. Shay ran into Lela and Brittany flirting with the boys and they got denied so hard. Shay laughs and walks up to the boys wrapping her arms around them, "Excuse me ladies, why are you talking to my men?" they scoffed and walked away. They walked back to their group of dummies. Shay came back to the table with my milk. "Thanks Shay, saw them already hitting on the new kids. Nice save." I said opening the milk carton, "thank God you stopped them."

"I know; those are my men, except for Jeff...anyway, what did you make for lunch!"

"Your favorite" Shay gasped loudly, "You made PIZZA CROISSANTS!" Shay said as the new kids sat with us. "Yep and I did make mine gluten free cause I don't feel like getting sick. And I also brought some mini cheesecakes." Shay grabbed the container of pizza croissants and opened it, smelling them, "You're the best!"

"Did I hear cheesecake?" Tim looked across the table at me.

"Yes Tim I did say mini cheesecakes."

"Can...I have one please?" Brian saw the mini cheesecakes, "Can I have one too please?" Shay started growling at Brian and Tim, "Those are mine."

"Shay YOU GREEDY WHORE, let them have some." I said giving Brian mine. "It's strawberry I don't know if you like it."

"I-It's fine, I like BB." Brian took it from my hand and sat down quietly eating it.

"So where did you guys go before you came here?" BB asked the group. They all stared at me before answering. Ben answered, "We were homeschooled by our parents."

"So what made you decide to come here?" Ben was the only one answering as everyone including Shay was stuffing their faces, "Our parents got jobs here and wanted us to be closer." BB nodded his head, "Seems reasonable." I heard Shay ask Ben a question, "Who are your parents, just asking." I stayed quiet, waiting for Ben's response. Ben sighed, "The principal and Mrs. Diane." Shay gasped, "Your dad hates me, as many times I've been in there for something I did."

I forgot about that, what did you do last time? I forgot." BB looks at Ben, "this is why she's crazy." I sang.

"Well everyone!" everyone at the table looked at Shay, "It was a couple days ago, before I got suspended, that we were playing dare and dare. Now I was dared to put ice in the principal's pants. I did the dare, but yeah, got suspended after. Thanks BB." The table was quiet. I laughed, "With it." "Shut up BB!" the bell rang for lunch to end. Everyone was getting up and dumping their lunches. We got up and started to dump our trash. Brittany and Lela were glaring at Shay as they were getting closer. Shay and me turned around, but were hit with trash and food.

Shay got the worst of it, "FOOD FIGHT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Brian and Tim said, "PROTECT THE CHEESECAKES." Food was thrown everywhere and at a few students as well. The principal walked into the cafeteria and yelled at the students, "EVERYONE STOP THROWING FOOD!" everyone stopped in their tracks and stood quietly. The principal looked straight at me and Shay. We both cursed and walked to Mr. Slender.

"Oh shit, we're fucked." I looked at Shay, "Best lunch ever."
"That bitch did this on purpose, she got food all over my shirt and I'm not allowed to wear my tank top." Shay said as we followed Mr. Slender to somewhere too familiar, his office.

"Let the fun begin." I said walking with Shay to the office, "Hey if we get suspended do you want to bs hours on end?" whispering to her. Shay looked over at me and smiled evilly and nodded. The office was quiet as Mr. Slender sighed, "Why does this happen so many times?"

"Because bitches be trippin and we are trippen them." BB sasses. Shay held back her laughter as Mr. Slender stood up, "Bronson language! You guys are getting suspended for today and tomorrow. Get out of my office."

"Can do boss!" I said grabbing Shay's hand and running towards the front door of the school. We yelled while running out of the school, teachers and students looking at us. "No more school!" Shay yelled. Laughter was heard from both of us as we were running. I stopped laughing when I ran into someone. "Hey Jack and Brian, whatcha doing here; BB are you okay?"

"Yeah, just hit my head on something hard that's all." They were quiet before speaking again, I heard Shay speak with a laugh, "Um hit your head on Brian." I tried to hide my blush, "Ummm where?" I said in a shaky voice. Jack chuckled and whispered a bit loudly to Shay, "Things are getting heated." Shay playfully punched Jack in the arm, "Shut the crap up. BB, you hit the chest."

"Ummm Shay you didn't answer my question." I softly whispered in her ear." Was it in his stomach I ran into?"

"I said his chest, but either one is fine." Shay whispered back. "He has a hard chest, must work out a lot I guess." Turning to Brian I looked at him, not paying much attention to his face before. I saw the most perfect jawline and lips. Holding onto my nose, making sure no nosebleeds will happen. I turned and ran behind Shay burying my face in her back, "He's kinda hot Shay, what do I do?" I whisper yelled. "Um BB, I don't think you have noticed, but Jack and Brian have seen everything that's happened right now and probably heard everything also." Shay paused, "Okay Jack and Brian, nice seeing you both, but me and BB have to get home before we get in trouble again, bye!" Shay grabbed my wrist and we ran out of the school.

I got stiff as a board and tripped Shay as my face turned a beet red. Shay fell on her face as she cursed like a sailor, "Goddammit BB, aaahhhh!!! That hurt!"

"S-sorry!" I cried and started to shake, "Damn anxiety." "It's fine, I'll be fine. Let's go to your house." Shay got off the ground and patted me on the back with a smile, blood running down her nose. "Let's just head home already, I already embarrassed myself enough and head to the bathroom to clean yourself up, it looks like you go into a fight." I said shaking and trying to calm myself down. "Good, I had a fight with the cement and I won because I'm a badass!" Shay put her hands up in victory."As the badass you are, let's go I need to calm down." "Okay, we can eat ice cream and talk about CREEPYPASTA!!" "Yaasss, OKAY SHIPPING TIME!" I yell.

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