Chapter 16: Shay's POV

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"Okay everyone, make sure to turn in your homework when you leave. Especially you two, BB and Shay!" Diane said glaring a the two. Shay laughed at her inside joke, "She said her jacket was in her closet, I said so is her boyfriend!"

"Shay, we may all now Max is gay, but you don't have to tell everyone else." The bell ring as Alice ran to Shay hugging her tightly, "Hey Shay!" Shay's enhanced smelling inhaled Malcolm's scent on Alice.

Shay put Alice down, "You smell." Alice felt hurt and smelled inside her shirt, "I took a shower last night, or I think I did?"

"Not smelly, you smell like him. Why do you sleep with him if you love me?" Shay started towards class with BB and the newbies following. Alice took Shay's hand, "I don't know, we haven't been together for a long time. I have to get used to it...used to us." Shay sighed and walked into the class and stood beside BB instead for his smell, sweet, almost intoxicating.

"Hey Shay?" Shay turned to see Brian twiddling his thumbs, "Yes?"

"Do you mind if I stand beside BB?" Shay growled under her breath, "I do mind, but you can stand here." Shay went and stood back beside Alice. Shay couldn't help but growl at the awful smell resonating off of Alice and the teacher. 'BB, I'm going to the roof, don't follow.' BB looked over at Shay as he was rubbing his baby bump, 'Why?' Shay didn't respond, she grabbed Alice's hand and walked out of the classroom.

Alice freely followed behind confused, "Shay, where are we going?"

"To the roof, I'm getting the smell off of you." Shay opened the roof doors and pushed Alice against the wall gently. Alice put her hands on Shay's chest, "Don't hurt me please."

"I would never." Shay kissed Alice and trailed down to her neck. Shay bit down on Alice's neck making her grip Shay's gray hoodie, "Shay! That's huurts!"

Shay pulled back, her eyes red and blood dripping from her chin, "Sorry, you might need to wear my hoodie, your shirt is ruined." Shay took off her hoodie and handed it to Alice.

Alice hugged Shay, "I love you." Shay hugged back, "I love you too. Come to my house tonight, I have a surprise." Alice nodded as they walked back to class just in time for the bell to ring for lunch.

They all got to the cafeteria and sat in there regular seats. Brian pulled out a small container from his hoodie pocket, "I need to give you something BB." Everyone in there group looked at the container and watched Brian, "I want you to make sure that I'll always be there for you. So...I got this ring for you so I can promise my life with you forever." Brian pulled out a ring from the container.

The ring band was black; the band shaped around to look like wood, then the center had an upside down ruby, the point up. Shay looked at the ruby as pain coursed through her head. She put her head on the table and gripped her hair, 'Where have you lane....In the woods...Huckleberry...Find me...'

"Shay? Shay what's wrong?" Shay flung her head up sweating. She looked straight at the ring. "The ring. I...It spoke...I heard it." Everyone looked at Shay confused. Jack put her arm around her, "Are you okay Sugar Baby?"

"Yeah, are you okay Shay?" BB asked. Shay shook her head trying to remember, "Drive lane... Huckleberry. He said to find him."

"Who are you trying to find? Is it someone important?" Evan asked wanting information. Shay stood up, making the others do the same. "We're going to find out."

As everyone was leaving, the newbies told their dad, and we left to the Creepypasta Mansion. "BB and Brian, stay here."


"No buts, I don't want you getting hurt, especially in your condition." BB pouted and walked into the house with Brian. Shay sighed and started walking with Alice, Jack, Evan, Toby, and Tim. Shay got out her phone and went to Google, "Huckleberry Drive Lane." There was a few seconds of silence then a small ding, "Huckleberry Drive Lane...Located five miles away."

"Fuck...We are going to walk five miles." Toby complained. Alice and Shay looked at each other and smiled. Shay put out her hand, "Hold on tight." Everyone grabbed Shay and Alice's hand.

They used their vampire speed to get to the destination. The guys were lightheaded as we were looking around for anyone. There were multiple sounds, but all different....Except one. It would repeat every couple seconds. The sound was coming from two ways. Shay held Alice's hand, "I'll have to see through this area. You have to help me." Alice smiled and closed her eyes. They were quiet as they stood with their eyes closed.

There was an aura around them, a thick atmosphere. Shay opened her eyes, no color, just white orbs. "Guys...We have to lea- who is....DAD!" Shay sped off in the directions she heard the sound.

'I thought he was dead!' Alice thought running after Shay. Shay stood in a bare part of the woods looking around. "Shay, it's finally nice to see you." Shay looked and saw her father, brown hair, caramel skin, red eyes, and a black suit. Shay smiled as tears fell down her cheeks, "Dad!" Shay ran to him and hugged him. Shay took a whiff of him....

It wasn't Dad

Shay tried to push the man away but was stabbed in the back. She fell to the ground as multiple memories rushed through her head. She looked at the person as her eyesight started to go blurry. The unknown man started to shape shift into...


I woke up unknown of my surroundings, 'Where the hell?'

"I see you've woke up." someone was in the dark corner, but I knew that voice from anywhere, "Malcolm, get me out of here! Or I swear-"

"Swear what! You have nothing, no friends, no family to come and save you. Swear all you want. Because everyone knows I'm stronger than you." I didn't want to listen to his bullshit. I have friends, I have family. 'I have BB, Mom, the Slender Family, and Alice.'

"Stop thinking, how are they your family? BB isn't your mate anymore, Mom hates you, and the Slender family only took you in because of pity! They've felt pain in their family, they've had people go after them."

"Stop lying!!" I yelled at Malcolm. He was in my face. He was trying to convince me that there is no love, no happiness. Malcolm started to laugh maniacally, "You were always a softy, never in reality. I'll be back, and you will listen to me." Malcolm's voice darkened as he walked out of the padded room. I tried to rip the cuffs off my wrists, but they didn't budge.

I tried harder and broke the cuffs. They fell on the floor loudly banging around. I blocked the channel to my thoughts, 'There has to be a way out.' I was ripping the pads off the walls as I pondered about what Malcolm said, 'Why did I chose to protect BB? Maybe because I felt devoted to being responsible? His dad told me to, I listened and did. What actually is love? Did me and BB actually love each other? He loves Brian, I love Jack and Alice. Does Mom like me? Does she really care? She never asks where I go, or where I'll be staying all the other nights.' I sat on the ground and looked at the ripped up pads on the ground, 'Should I fight? Or give up?'

Time Skip/*/*/

I heard my cell door open as I was quietly sitting on the ground. I saw the familiar blue dress with white frills, "Alice!" I stumbled up and hugged her. I used vampire speed to quickly put her up against the wall softly. I sniffled around her neck to smell that it really is Alice. I licked her neck gently, making her shake and moan lightly. I bit into her neck and drank, hunger almost taking me over the edge. If I drank anymore I probably would have killed her.

She sunk into my arms with her eyes dosing. "Alice, are you okay?" she nodded, "Yeah, just...I've never felt so....mmmhhhmm." she moaned quietly as she gripped onto my arm. I couldn't do anything here, especially with Malcolm probably watching me. I kissed Alice lightly, but she deepened it. "I want" Alice said between kisses. I shook my head, "We can't, Malcolm is probably watching."

Alice threw her hand up, making what seemed like a small bubble around us, "He...can't see us." Alice pushed me to the ground.

Time skip/*/*/ once again

I looked at Alice's small body as I kissed it. From her neck to her thighs, I'd bit her in random places to make her jump lightly. She was nuzzled in my chest as I rubbed her head. She had a lot of bite marks, but they should heal in a few minutes. The cell door opened once again. I smelled Malcolm walking to the bubble. I shook Alice, "Get up, Malcolm is here." she rushed awake and got dressed quickly. I threw my shirt on and zipped my pants. Malcolm walked up to the bubble. I saw him put his finger on it then....POP! 'He popped it! How!' I thought scrambling to my feet and keeping Alice behind me.

I know what Alice is capable of...and it's nowhere close to Malcolm. Malcolm smiled at Alice, "Oh the sweet smell of someone in heat." Alice gripped the back of my shirt. I flashed my eyes at Malcolm, "Back off Malcolm, she's mine." Malcolm smiled mischievously. He disappeared in a flash. I turned around to see Alice gone. I felt anger bubble up. I went to the door and punched it, I kept punching multiple times until my knuckles started to bleed. "No one is taking her away from me again!" one last punch was all it took to blow the whole wall off. I sniffed around and found her scent down a hallway.

After hours of running around a giant facility the scent took me to the woods. I didn't recognize these parts, but I kept on. The scent was long, and getting more potent as I went on. I saw someone in the distance, they were in all black, a white mask with a long nose. I ran up to him, "Sir?" he turned around and looked into my soul, his dark eyes piercing my every move. I got out of his trance, "Have you seen a man wearing a tux and him caring a girl with a blue dress?" the man looked over in a direction. I nodded confused and went on in the direction. I smelled her scent from inside a cabin. I ran in, not caring what happened to me.

She was tied up to a dirty mattress, blood pooled from her stomach. I ran over to her and gently picked her head up, "Alice, baby answer me." she opened her eyes slowly. She pointed to a room, "My...bab.....y." she closed her eyes and fell limp, breathing slowly. I bit her neck, giving her some of my healing abilities. She was healing, but not fast enough. I kissed her head, "I'll be right back." I went into the room quietly, and turned the light on. There was a bloody trail to the sink. I slowly walked to sink to see a very small, fragile fetus. I wanted to puke, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry...but I didn't have time for any of that, I had to get Alice to the mansion. I went back to Alice and see her standing, silently crying in her hands. I went up to her and hugged her, her wounds already healed. She cried loudly into the nape of my neck.

She started to get stiff and growl loudly. She picked up her head, her eyes shining red, "He's going to die."

As much as I wanted to go kill Malcolm, I needed to get Alice somewhere safe and some place where she can handle the loss. She was shaking madly and still crying as I sped to the mansion. I busted through the door as the others stared at me surprised. "Mom!" Jack yelled towards upstairs. Diana teleported I'm front of me and looked at Alice, "Did she?" I nodded as I nuzzled my cheek to her head. Diana picked her up out of my arms and went upstairs. I needed to let off some anger.

I went upstairs and changed into black shorts and a white tank top. I went down stairs and to the weight room that was beside Jeff's room. I punched the sandbag, ran, bench pressed, did everything to take the anger off. I laid on the cold cement as I blocked out everything and thought, 'What does Malcolm want? He's lucky I can't find him.' I stood up as someone walked in, it was Jane. I sat down on the bench and leaned over with my hands holding my head. Jane sat over with me, "It was a boy."

I looked at her confused, "How did you-"

"We would talk to each other. She slept with me in my room. I heard the baby's heartbeat, I felt him move. The baby is yours." I felt my chest compress as tears fell from my eyes, "She never told me. I just guessed that she was pregnant. When BB was gone she was getting morning sickness and having weird cravings. I didn't think it would be mine, I mean, yeah I didn't use protection, but...I'm a shape shifter, I didn't think my shape shifted dick would actually work."

"Alice is going to be okay, I promise you." Jane gave me a quick hug before leaving.

I took a shower and got some sleep...the worst part was the dream...

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