Chapter 13

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Shay walked up the stairs almost dragging herself. I tagged behind her waiting to catch her if she falls, "Wow tired out, from what?" I said getting closer to her.

"Someone came in my house last night, I stayed up all night scared."

"Here I'll carry you." Picking up Shay I headed towards our lockers and friends. "Oh sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's fine, I think it was Jack anyway. I wasn't sure." Shay fell asleep on my back.

"Rest easy now." I continued walking and met our group, "We need to talk."

"Sure, what is it?" Tim asked leaning on the lockers.

"I'm done playing dumb. Right now it's a good thing she's sleeping."

"What's wrong BB?" Jane asked worried.

"If you see what I see, a normal person would run, but fangirls would run after you guys."

"What are you trying to say?" Jeff asked getting close to me.

"Well for one, you never stop smiling."

"Because I'm always happy." Jeff had a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"and you're pale as a ghost." Getting closer to Jeff's face I sensed a small blush on his face, "Jeff the freaking killer, how's your latest victim," I looked at Jane, "Hey Jane?"

"Yes BB?"

"Can I ask why the Creepypastas are at school, or mostly how I ended up so close to Jeff's face?"

"Creepypastas, what is that?"

"Don't be dumb, Evan is Eyeless Jack, Ben is Ben Drowned, Jack is Laughing Jack, Jeff is Jeff the Killer, you're Jane the Killer, and those three are Slenderman's proxies. Speaking of Slenderman he's our principal."

"BB, stop being so loud." Shay said half asleep.

"I forgot you were sleeping on my shoulder." Shay nodded and went back to sleep. "Yes, we know Lazari, she's friends with our little sister." Jane stayed close to Jeff.

"How is she? Has she brought up anything similar to the mysterious face or so along those lines?"

"She doesn't talk to us about family things; you'll have to ask Slender after school." Evan said holding hands with Ben. After hearing that I had a bit of a pained look on my face; I gave Jack Shay and headed towards the roof, "I-I need to go check on something." The bell rang as I went to the roof. Letting a sigh escape my mouth I leaned against the rail overlooking the parking lot, 'I hope she's alright.' Thinking to myself I hopped on the rail and let my feet hang over the ledge. "I know you're there so come out."

"I didn't mean to disturb you, I was listening to your conversation in the hallway. An unknown girl with long black hair, and a blue and white dress came out of the shadows. "It's fine, we tend to call ourselves them sometimes, cosplay. I haven't seen you before what's your name?"

"My name is Alice, I'm a friend of Shay's."

"Well hi." I got up and walked towards her.

"You must be BB, I've heard a lot about you." Alice started walking towards the stairs.

"W-What! Hey wait up. What do you mean?" I ran towards her, "Alice, what have you heard?" She turned around, her eyes red, "From Malcolm of course."
"So this Malcolm person, how does he know me?"

"Well if you know Shay, Malcolm knows you; he is very protective over his family."

"And who are you? Like I didn't notice the eye change. Plus I'm always over at her house and never saw him once."

"That's not what he told me. The sweet aroma that came off his body as he flirted with me. I'm not here to fight, I'm just here to see my good friend."

"Wait, he has my scent on him? And your friend, I can lead you to their class."

"Well thank you; that would be nice." Alice smiled as her eyes changed back to brown.

"Well following me then, you didn't tell me who they are." I started to walk down the stairs.

"It's Shay, I told you a few minutes ago, she's one of my old friends."

"Oh sorry," I rubbed the back of my neck. "She's in my class come on."

~Time skip to class~

"Everyone if I could get your attention please," Mrs. Diane stood in front of the class with Alice by her side, "We have another new student, her name is Alice Mad." Everyone said hi.


"Alice, you can sit beside Jeff." Mrs. Diane pointed beside of Jeff. Alice nodded and sat beside him. "Hey lovely," Jeff said smiling. She looked at Jeff disgusted, "No thanks."

"Denied." I laughed. The whole class laughed at Jeff getting denied. Shay woke up rubbing her eyes, "What's so funny?"

"I'll tell you at lunch."

"Okay, anything happen while I was dead?"


"Alice." Gray ears and a tail popped out of Shay as she stood up abruptly, "Alice!" Alice turned in her seat and looked at Shay. "Alice!!" Shay jumped out of her seat and onto Alice.

"Woah, easy there Shay."

"Okay, what's the story between you two?" Jane asked.

"You all can discuss that when it's lunch time! Shayren get back to your seat!" Shay whimpered and went back to her seat. As the day went on Shay's tail kept wagging and Alice wouldn't stop moving her leg. The bell run signaling the end of class and everyone rushed out of class. Shay ran and hugged Alice, "I missed you so much!!"

"I missed you too!" Alice laughed happily

"Friends I'm guessing? Or is there more to that?" Ben teased.

"Is there a relationship like Evan's and mine or what?"

"Me and Shay we're...together. We were separated by the vampire king because Shay was a hybrid."

"Huh, I ship it." I said bringing their heads closer together.

"How did you find me?" Shay was too excited to be acting like her normal self.

"Your brother, he told me I could find you here." Shay let go of Alice. Shay grabbed BB's arm and ran to the roof. The familiar sound of a whistle blew through Shay's ears. She screamed as she stumbled on the roof. I grabbed her and teleported into Slender's office, "It's alright, it's-

"NO IT'S NOT OKAY, MALCOLM IS LOOKING FOR US. BB how is any of this okay?" Shay got up and leaned against the wall. "This won't end, not while you're still alive."

"I know, look, all this hunted down by your brother I'm starting to get used to it. All the things that happened before, it's just part of my life now."

"Yeah, I'm used to it, but I don't like to think of you dying one day because of me. Your blood on my hands."

"Hey, living in a mirror doesn't sound too bad."

Shay laughed a bit, "I guess not."

"What are you doing in there?" Mr. Slender was looking in the mirror.

"Ummm, Shay can you explain."

"I almost killed someone and we sort of need protection, can you help us?"

"You can stay at my residents for as long as you need too." Mr. Slender said sitting at his desk.

"Thank you but what about my aunt? The people that are hunting us know about her too, and this school isn't safe either. If people figure out who we are, they'll experiment on Shay and they will just exercise me."

"There are no heat signatures coming from your house." Shay said.

"Then where is she?" Shay's eyes turned completely white, "I can't find her, no heat, and her smell is gone so that means someone covered it up."

"They're trying to lure me out; she's the only family I have left. I know it's suicide but I have to go after her."

"No you are not! I will go; you can stay here with Slender to be safe."

"You'll need someone to get you out of there in a blink of an eye." Shay walked up to me and put her hand on my cheek, "I'm fast, the last thing I need is you getting hurt."

"I'm not a baby Shay."

"Well...still I'm going and you're not that's final."

"Ugh, fine. I really wish Ryan was here."

"I'm going to head home so I can't get ready for tonight."

"I'll stay here with Slender and yes you can use my collection." Shay smiled, kissed me quickly, and ran out of the school. "Good luck."

~Time skip to the end of the day~

"I guess you guys you've heard about what's going tonight."

"No, what going on? Where's my Sugar Baby?" Jack asked worried.

"Family matters and I'm sleeping over! Once she's back, she is too."

"Cool, let's get home then." Jeff said walking hand in hand with Jane. "Let's play a game."

"What kind of game?" Ben asked on Evan's shoulders.

"Tag or...truth or dare."

"Are you a child or something?" Tim asked almost annoyed. "Why yes Masky, I am at heart." Tim scoffed and walked ahead of the group through a portal. They walked inside and saw the amazing Creepypasta Mansion. "Someone's grumpy since they didn't get their smoking in." Tim rolled his eyes as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. I teleported right in front of him just as he lit the cigarette, "Masky?" Tim blew smoke into my face, "What?" I coughed from the smoke, "Wanna hang out sometime, since you're prone to headaches I'll bring some aspirin. I'll be me, you and whoever else you want to bring. So?" Tim blew smoke away from my face, "I'm hanging out with Toby all day every day. So? No."

"Alright, I was just wondering if you- I turned my head towards the voice. I started to growl. "What's wrong?" Tim asked confused.

"We need to get out of here now!" I yelled. Yelling at them, I took my jacket off and let my wings out and my claws. Eyes turning black and sounds of bones breaking as I turn into a demon. 'BB, they're gone.' Mimic said to me. I turned around and looked at the group, "So yeah, that happened. You guys okay?"

"What happened!" Jane yelled.


"Don't what me, who did you sense?"

"Trouble. Yes so this is what I look like underneath."

"UGH!! I'm leaving!" Jane walked into the house.

"Okay then? Wait- I turned my head to the house. They all looked at BB. I started walking towards the house still as my true form. "There is nothing to be afraid of." Jeff laughed.

"No, not afraid. There's something good." I smiled and opened the door to be greeted by a houseful of people, "LAZARI!" I yelled. 'Where is she?' I thought looking at the crown of people staring at me. A teen looking girl pushed past the crowd and smiled brightly, "BROTHER!"

"There you are!" I ran and picked her up in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much. I got worried you forgot."

"I don't remember much and dad I don't remember, or your name, but I know you're my brother!" she kept smiling. "That's all I wanted to know. Umm I'm guessing I should change back, huh?" I let go of Lazari and sat down in front of her. Smile dog came up to us and started sniffing, "Hi boy." I said petting the dog. "Okay anyone else confused," Laughing Jill asked, "Like there's a hot demon in our living room and Lazari called him brother. I'm lost."

'Don't worry sis, he's a friend from school, and a demon." Jack put his arm around me.

"That still doesn't explain the hotness part, even some of the other girls are drooling a little." She walked up to me, "His skin is like leather and looks a shade darker than Eyeless Jack's skin."

"Okay one, I'm not hot, two, I'm not hot, and three, I'm a dork."

"You better back off of him Jill, he's got a triple hybrid protecting him." Jack chuckled.

"Had to take the fun out of everything didn't you? Well I'm still in heat."

"Shay will kill me if she smells someone that's not me or her on you."

"Sorry, and besides I'm going to talk to her about that problem." With that sentence that caught a certain Pasta's attention. "Well who is this demon?" He stuck out a rose, "I insist that you take this, think of it as a gift."

"Do you always have to go and flirt with people from the underworld brother?" Slender came down the steps holding a little girl in a pink dress. "Ah the fun police are here, and he's in heat so I was going to help with that." He said standing up.

"I don't like the sound of that." I looked at Slender and the girl he was holding, "And who's the cuteness in your arms Slender?"

"This is Sally, the youngest of the eight."

"Hi Sally, you know Lazari right? Well I'm her brother."

"Hi Lazari's brother."

"Wanna hug?" I open my arms. 'The guy in the fedora is tempting, but I know if I take that rose, it will end badly for me.' I thought to myself as I changed back into my human form. Sally hugged me gently, her small arms around my neck. "So what do you want to do, having sex with a demon is not on the activities list, yet."

"Yet," Offender said smiling. I mentally face palmed myself, "Walked into that one. I can smell your testosterone sir."

"Good." I blushed a little bit, "Ummm," I put down Sally and teleported to the rafters of the ceiling, "Dang hormones." I said to myself. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body, "I can hear you." I yelp, "How the heck did you get up here?" He got close to my ear and licked it, "I'm a Slenderman." I felt myself get hard, 'Dang it!' he laughed as his tentacles went into my clothes. "Woah getting a little fresh don't you think?" Offender rubbed his hands up and down my body, "Your little Shay friend, you don't love her, do you?"

"I do but ugh dang you." I started to feel hypnotized by Offender's words, "You can't save someone from their nightmares, as for Shay, she lives them now for the rest of her life. Seeing you die over and over again." He teleported away somewhere.
"" is all I managed to say after darkness consumed me.

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