Chapter 6

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"Hey Shay, can we not talk to the new kids today?" I said shaking from other night.

"But what about Jack...nevermind, how are we supposed to ignore them if they're in all of our classes and sit with us in lunch. THE NEXT BELL."

"How about you talk to them and I'll try to avoid them or talk to Principal during lunch; besides they like you more than me." I said with a small grin and headed to Mrs. Nina's class. Shay and I walked into the class. "Looks like the new kids are coming, lead them to our table and I will sit near the window alone. It'll be fine okay." I said to Shay placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I would slap you, but I don't want to hurt you. You are not sitting alone, I don't care if you don't want to talk to them; you will sit beside me like we always do!" Shay dragged me to our table, "Sit yo butt down!"

"Shay I had that dream again." A single tear rolled down my face. I roll up my sleeves to show her the scars from last night, "It's happening again and you know what happens once they both come out." My eyes start to change colors. "You're staying at my house until this washes over. I don't need you killing people." Shay said as the new kids walked over to the table.

"I'll try not to but you will have to use heavy force next time when it happens."

"I think I'll be fine since my powers kick in a couple days before you go coo coo." Shay drank her orange flavored water. The new kids walked up to our table in the middle of our conversation, "Yeah, but will that be enough to hold them back?" "Hold-Hold what back BB?" Toby said while sitting down, his tourettes kicking in. "N-nothing that will concern you, Toby it's just that I'm dealing with a lot after my accident a few years back. Now things are coming up again. We will tell you guys if things get out of hand." I said trying to worry anyone else. 'I think you gave out a little bit too much information BB. One of his counterparts said. "Shut up." I said a bit out loud.

Shay made it seem like it was her fault, "I don't stop talking do I?" she laughed, but stopped almost automatically, "BB, I gotta go, I'll be right back." She walked out of the cafeteria.

"Don't leave me here alone! WHAT IF THEY BITE?" I yelled at Shay. "HEY WE DON'T BITE THAT HARD!" Tim and Toby said in unison. Shay walked back her eyes flicking red to brown, "If I don't go I'm going to bite someone." She walked/ran out of the cafeteria.

"SHAY, GET THE CRAP OUT OF HERE NOW! AND DON'T BITE ANYONE ON THE WAY!" I yelled. She was long gone as everyone looked at me confused. Jeff spoke up, "What was that about?" I got up, "Something that happens once every now and then and since you guys can't be left alone, come on, and we need to talk to your parents about something." I said to Jeff running down the hall to the Principal's office. "BB HOLD UP!" Jeff yelled back. "Ah, come on guys." He said to the group and they ran after me towards the front office. We made it to the office and Mrs. Diane was already in there eating lunch with her husband. "What do you want kids?" Mr. Slender said with his head down.

"Can you have them stay here? I have a huge problem I need to address before things go crazy," I said slightly panicking. 'Crap, why does it have to be now that she starts turning. Once that's over those two will take control and then she'll have to put me down.' I thought to myself.

Mr. Slender's POV

'What is up with this child; might as well check what he's thinking.' Slender looks into BB's thoughts, "Children stay here, BB, I need a word with you."

'Ah crap, what did I do now?' BB thought. I led BB into the hall, "Now BB..."

"Y-yes sir?" he said in a panicked voice.

"What is so important that you need to leave so quickly?" I crossed my arms.

"Just some things are happening again, and this time it's getting worse, but Shay and I have it somewhat under control. Speaking of which I hope she's okay."

"Do I need to call the ambulance? Is she hurt?" I said confused.

"No it's just a phase or a stage we go through every year."

"....Okay then, I guess go help her?" You two are so stressful." I walked into my office.

'You have no idea we are practically killing ourselves.' He thought.

"What the fuck!" I said as BB walked away, "What is up with these kids!?"

Third POV

BB runs up to the roof to check on Shay. "Hopefully her condition is getting better," he said as he sprinted up the stairs. Shay was knelt in the corner, facing away from BB. Blood dropped from her fingers. "Shit, how bad was this time Shay?" BB carefully walked up to her to see if she's stable.

"I caught a bird this time. It tastes like shit, but I can't eat humans." Shay stood up and looked at BB, her eyes shining red.

"Thank god you're stable, for now. Come here." BB said open arms. 'Hopefully Mimic and DD won't be that much trouble. "At least she was careful with you this time." Shay wiped the blood from her face, "Okay BB, I might have accidentally attacked you two years ago, but that doesn't mean you need to keep bringing it up."

"I know I know, and I attacked you after as well. So we are even. Now come here let's get you cleaned up and head out of here." BB picked Shay up. "You need to stretch everything out tonight if you plan on keeping me calm." He said spinning around with Shay on his back. Shay clawed BB's shirt, "Don't spin me!"

"Ow! Fine gotta ruin the fun huh? This is my favorite shirt."

"Don't spin me; just get me out of here before I hurt someone or something else." Shay declawed BB's shirt.

"Alright, alright, just let me think. Got it you stay up here and I'll trip the fire alarm. Once everyone is outside, we take the back exit and head home where you and I can worry about our demons coming out." BB said putting down Shay, "Good thing I brought a hoodie huh?"

"Or I could jump off the building with you on my back and I can let us run home." Shay stood on the edge.

"Yeah, but I like it when people panic. But your way is faster; alright since we have little time left, let's just jump off the building." BB said hopping on Shay's back.

"Oh yeah before we jump, I'm not a demon." Shay jumped.

"But I am, or we are." BB said.

"I'm part demon, just not fully. I'm part demon and what other people...make fun of for saying, 'Blahblah blaah'." Shay made fangs with her fingers.

"Well try having a demon as a father and having two of them possessing you when you were in a coma, that's why there was a lot of brain activity when I was in the hospital." BB buried his head in Shay's shoulder.

"Have your abusive father be a vampire, your mom a demon. I can't drink humans; I have to eat animals and nasty crap. Listen to people talk to you randomly in your head and tell you, 'Who cares if you kill yourself in class, no one cares about you!" Shay stormed off and stopped at a tree. BB took out a blade from his pocket, "This'll get her back." He took the blade and made a long incision across his arms. Shay grabbed the blade and his arm, "Don't do this and don't do this around me," Shay's eyes turned back to their shining red, "I don't care if this is Mimic or DD, but I want it to stop. I never said I could control myself when I see human blood."

"We know, just got a little bored just standing here." BB laughed, "Thanks to Mimic, pain is one thing I can barely feel." Shay stared at the blood on her hand, "Get this off!" Shay started shaking, "GET THIS OFF!" BB grabbed her hand and licked the blood off of her hands. Shay's face turned a dark crimson, "Don't do that while we're demons, I smell the hormones on you." BB just smiled. "Let's just get to my house." Shay scoffed and started walking with BB following.

"Ah come on you don't missus we're hurt from that." Shay looked at BB's now white and red eyes. Shay gripped BB's neck, ".....I miss DD, maybe."

"Told you Mimic, she missed me more than you," BB said to himself. "Let us guess you want us to wait a little bit?" Little did the two or well four know, is that they're being watched. Shay gripped harder around his neck, "Yes...I you don't mind."

"All right, all right, we just wanted to stop by early to check on you and BB." Mimic said. "And don't think that you two are alone here right now, you're being watched." Just like that the left; BB's eyes returned to their hazel brown/green. Blood starts to drip down from his nose, "Crap, did those two numbnuts come back?" BB said trying to stop the bleeding.

"No those numbnuts didn't come back, sometimes I can't control my powers. You'll be fine." Shay opened her front door. 'Oh really then why is my blood white?' BB thought to himself.

Shay went to her fridge and grabbed a clear bag that looked like it had blood in it, "Hey BB, want a soul?"

"I'll wait till those twats come back." BB said to her.

"Okay, more for me." Shay sat on the couch with BB and stuck her fangs into the blood bag. "Anyone else feel like they were watched?" BB asked Shay as he looked out the window.

"Yeah, it felt like Jack's stare; I know his stare from anywhere." Shay glared out the window randomly.

"And how do you know that? Do you stalk the clown?" BB said raising an eyebrow. "Hey, maybe we can ask the bossman if we can have a sleepover with their kids at my house. Because we all know once my aunt has her drinks she's a log." BB asked Shay, "Might as well give the two scariest staff members at our school a break huh?" Shay's eyes turned red, "That clown will be mine..." Shay continued drinking her blood bag.

"And the shy one is mine, so back off." BB headed towards the door. "Well since you have your blood bags I'll be seeing you tomorrow Shay. Oh and Shay, you are a terrible liar, I saw everything, they may take over my body but I am still able to see outside of my body. Plus DD missed you too," and BB headed home for the night. 'Wonder how Friday will do for us?' He thought to himself.

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