Chapter 5

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*After Shay and BB got suspended*

Shay ran to BB at the front of the school and jumped on him, "Hey BB!" BB yelled, "NYEH, SHAY YOU SHCURED THE CRAP OUT OF ME." Shay hopped off of BB laughing, "Hahaa, have you seen the newbies?"

"We're over here oldies!" someone who sounded like Jeff said. Shay and BB turned around and saw the whole gang was there.

"Oh hi peeps and we are not that old, yet." BB said lying on the ground, 'I'll be in this hoodie cya." He said flipping on his stomach and hiding his face. Shay mumbled, "And you say I'm crazy." Shay started walking into the school with the rest of the group. "You are and I'm the one that keeps you in line. And just as long as I don't get a sugar high we are good." BB jumped on Shay's back, "To the mansion knave!" Shay held onto BB and started running with him on her back. They got to their first class with Mrs. Diane. They walked into the classroom and sat in the back. "Heyo Mrs. Diane." BB said to his teacher.

"What is it BB?" she sounded annoyed.

"Just wondering how you and your husband are after we put you both through so much hell." BB hid behind Shay.

"Well if you want to know so badly, when we're done working we go home with our '8' kids, take care of '9', we don't get a day of rest, it's never quiet and my husband complains about you two being to troublesome." She was now face to face with Shay and BB.

"S-sorry, it's just now that I'm a little paranoid now." BB turned a little from embarrassment, "after finding this hoodie that is." BB takes the yellow hoodie out from his backpack to show Mrs. Diane.

"BB, is that Brian's hoodie? Did you take it?" Mrs. Diane was scanning it with her eyes.

"N-no ma'am I found it in my house when I tripped on it when we were eating ice cream; due to anxiety." BB said handing it to the teacher. Mrs. Diane threw it over her shoulder, "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to hold onto this for a while, I might return it." She walked away and set the hoodie on her desk. "It's fine if you don't, but I would like to know what store it came from. It was very comfortable and for some odd reason it smells like cheesecake."

Shay let's head to our seats, people are pouring in fast." BB said to Shay. The two went to their seats as the newbies came in behind everyone else. Shay saw Mrs. Diane tell the newbies to stand outside the class, Shay poked BB, "Hey BB, look in the hall." BB looked in the hall, "Uh what's going on? Did they get in trouble?" Turning back to Shay, "Brian's not wearing his..." he stopped and stared at Shay.

"Oh fuck BB; I knew Brian was...Hoodie. What do you think is going to happen, we might die. You know what happens when I think of people dying." Shay gripped the sides of her head. BB hugged Shay, "If that does happen just run and I'll buy you as much time as I possibly can, just don't run in the woods." BB looked out in the hall and back at Shay, "Can't believe I'm actually crushing on Hoodie. I'm going to die." Hugging Shay tighter, "maybe we can shake this off like a bad dream or something."

"BB...can't breathe...squeezing too hard." Shay tried to breathe. BB let's go, "Hehe sorry just got caught in the moment that's all." Taking his seat Shay looked at the teacher. Shay would flick her head around the room multiple times, "Shut up I'm in class, shhh." She whispered. BB looked at Shay with a confused look, "Need a breather?" Shay looked at BB and smiled, "Yeah, can you get the teacher?" BB walked up to the teacher's desk while everyone was working on homework, "U-um Mrs. Diane could Shay and I got out in the hall for a breather, she's kinda freaking out a bit. Mind if I help her calm down?" Mrs. Diane shooed the two away. They walked out into the hall, Shay stood against the wall, "We need to go to the roof; too cramped in here." Shay started towards the staircase.

BB followed, "I'm surprised, she's usually on our asses but what's going on?" They made it to the roof. Shay walked to the edge of the school and stood on the ledge, facing the town; her arms out for balance, she whispered to herself, "1...2...3...4..." BB ran to her and grabbed her from the edge and sat down near it holding her, "Please don't do that again; you know how I get when shit like that happens. Let's just stay up her for a while okay?" Shay was quiet before speaking, "It helps me calm down when the voices won't stop talking. I'm sorry I scared you."

BB rested his head on hers, "I know those voices get overwhelming sometimes just be careful, you're like a sister I've never had before." BB got up and carried Shay to the class, "Someone maybe Jack will let you suck his lollipop." He cooed. Shay punched BB in the arm as the bell rang. They ran inside the class and grabbed their things; the newbies following behind them as they went to Chemistry.

Mrs. Diane's POV

I walked off with my son's hoodie in my hands. As the kids walked in I saw my kids walking in behind them. I stopped them, "Stand outside, we need to talk."

"Uh oh what did we do this time?" Ben said out loud, "We haven't even done anything to anyone. Yet." I shut the door behind me as we stood in the hall. I walked up to Brian and held up his hoodie, "Why the fuck was this in BB's house!" Brian and the others stayed quiet. I looked at Evan, "I know you can't lie, tell me why Brian's hoodie was in BB's house."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Evan turned his head.

"Bull crap Evan, you're still mad at me for kicking your butt in training last week." Brian said to Evan poking the teen in the chest. I took a deep breath, "If one of you doesn't tell me how this go to BB, then I will take Jake's candy away and you will all have a bad day." Evan sighed, "I saw how BB was acting towards Brian so I wanted to see how he reacted and he and Shay are Creepypasta fans so we do have something to worry about."

"So do you WANT them to figure out who you guys are? You know what...get in class." I walked back in with the boys and girl following. "He knows who Brian is." Brian froze, "W-what!?" I turned and faced the kids and smiled, "You know what...Shay is already insane, we can keep her, but BB...I'll think about it." "If all else fails I'll kill him." Jeff smiled.I felt a grin across my face, "Good, I won't stop you. Let's get to class."Everyone else smiled and headed to class. 

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