Chapter 12

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Shay and BB walked into the house, the lights were off and her mom had gone to bed, "Let's get to my room."

"Okay, but let me change first I..." Shay looked at BB, "What's wrong?"

"Think of that moment in the woods Shay." Shay looked at BB confused, "What about it BB."

"All I'm going to say is that I'm horny."

"No, what about the woods." Shay walked to BB.

"It's a good thing you can't remember." BB said blushing and running to the bathroom. Shay banged on the door, "I do remember, you made it seem like there was a problem around us."

"N-No there was no problem just that I almost lost control of myself."

"I know how you lose control, that's why I fix it. We need to talk, okay?"

"Okay, so what's up?"

"It's about your dad; you need to know about his relations with my family." Shay went to her room BB following.

"What about it?"

"Um, your dad assigned me and my mom to protect you. Your dad knew my brother wasn't a good person so he banished him away from my family. I was never to let you out of my sight, if I dad would kill me. I'm...he assigned me to be your, you could say 'best friend', but in werewolf terms it's different since I follow those rules."

"Great so this friendship is basically a lie great, and I do have to say if he wanted to protect me wouldn't he just do it himself or better yet from who?"

"No it's not a lie, it's real, but there's problem about the 'friendship'..." Shay was embarrassed.

"W-What's going on?" Shay jumped off the bed angrily. She ruffled her hair as she walked around her room, "I can't do this."

"How about I just head back to the underworld and save you the trouble." The room was quiet before Shay spoke almost in a whisper, "I'm you...mate..." BB shot Shay a look, "Shit no wonder I can smell something different around you, but what about Jack and Brian?"

"Ugh, my head hurts. The bond between us can't be broken, BUT we can love others. The bite was meant for us to be mates and for us to love someone else." Shay sat on her bed. BB sat on Shay's lap and pecked her lips, "Maybe we can be mates in secret but love other," BB hugged Shay. Shay wrapped her arms around BB's body, "That's the point."

"Once in a while we can you know?" Shay smiled, "Yeah, but you're the one being fucked by my shape shifter side."

"And I'm fine with it, as long as it's with you, you're fine."

"I'm fine with it too." Shay kissed BB. BB blushed, "People at school will give us shit or say I knew they would make a cute couple."

"True, but the way you're sitting on me is hot as fuck." Shay had her hands on BB's hips as he straddled her lap.

"Do you want me to take you right now?"

"No, it's not the right time. I'll just kiss you." Shay lay on the bed with BB on top of her.

"You're comfortable and alright I'll wait."

"Stop talking and kiss me, I've been waiting seven years." BB pulled Shay into a deep quick kiss, "Sorry for making you wait so long."

"You didn't know, I made sure that you didn't know I was your mate till now." Shay said in between kisses.

"And people called me the secretive one." BB smirked and kissed Shay again, "Can't wait for school tomorrow."

"We can hide the mate thing if you want, but you'll smell like me for a while." Shay layed down with BB. "I'm always at your house so I'll have your scent no matter what."

"Yeah, but it will roam more around you. Like a smell of protectiveness."

"And my pheromones will still be out for people to smell but we can look after each other."

"Yeah we can, now go to sleep we have school."

"Yes mom." BB pecked Shay's lips and curled up next to her and brought out a wing to cover her, "You're not cutting these off this time."

"I won't, but don't leave my side. I want you to know he'll come for you since he knows you have wings." Once Shay said her statement she fell asleep. BB thought to himself, 'Not only that, but I'm going to have to get pregnant so my scent will disappear for a while.' After a few minutes of thinking to himself BB finally fell asleep.

-Time Skip to School-

Shay and BB were in Mrs. Diane's class messing with each other like always. "Shay watch this," BB walked next to one of the cheerleaders was doing their makeup, 'Okay Mimic, time to have some fun, scare that shit out of her." BB thought to Mimic. 'Got it,' BB motioned Shay over. Shay sneaked over to BB. Shay and BB looked over at Jenny's mirror to see her go wide eyed when her reflection morphed into Mimic, trying to grab her from the small makeup mirror. Jenny threw the mirror across the room screaming. BB tapped her on the shoulder, she jumps, "Looks like you wear to much makeup for a Barbie." Her eye rolled back and she fainted. Mrs. Diane turned around quickly and looked at BB, "Mr. Bronson, if you could please sit back down, you too Shayren."

"I didn't do anything yet, but alright," BB and Shay went back to their seats. BB thought to himself, 'I wish this class was more fun.' He hooked up the telepathic connection between himself and Shay, 'wanna mess with people Shay?"

"I'd rather not; I'm not trying to put my scent in this class.' Shay looked over at BB.

'Only with their minds, like the voices in their head. Teacher!" BB yelled in their heads. The ones awake looked around and the ones asleep woke up. Mrs. Diane looked at the class, "Who needed me?" The class went silent, "I was wondering what will be on the test coming up next week." BB tried to keep himself from laughing.

"We will talk about the test next week." She went back to writing notes on the board. A kid went back to sleep and BB put up a private connection between him and the kid, 'WAKE THE FUCK UP MATT! And quit dreaming about Amber; just tell her how you feel after class.' BB yelled at the kid. He slung his head up and looked at Amber; she was also doing her makeup. Shay decided to speak to Amber, 'Matt likes you A LOT! You should ask him out after class.' Amber looked at Matt; they made eye contact and looked away blushing. BB gave Shay a high five. A rock was thrown through the open window and was about to hit BB. Shay grabbed the mid-air rock while growling. She looked out the window and saw someone run through the bushes. BB pulled Shay back, "Down girl," BB opened up the connection to everyone in class, 'SHIT MY POT!' BB yelled at everyone.

Mrs. Diane threw her chalk at the class, "Everyone leave the class and stay in the halls." Everyone stood up and left. Shay ran off towards the scent of the rock thrower. BB said to Shay, 'Be careful.'
'No!' Shay saw the rock thrower and jumped on them, her teeth were bearing and her eyes were shining. 'Ah hell, it's my twin Romeo.' Shay was furious with anger as she growled and barked at Romeo.

'Dad got worried BB, there's a rumor of an assassin out for you and it's not Malcolm and I know you're suspicious of me being one and telling you the news does seem fishy, but you know that the bond between us can't be broken by family.'

'Romeo be careful what you think, you don't know who else might be listening in.'

Romeo nodded, 'I know, I know, I need to warn you coming back home for our birthday will end up getting us both killed, so you need to stay up here and we'll come visit tomorrow. I need to head back, dad set a curfew.' BB hugged Romeo, 'Bring me some cake while you're at it and stay in the shadows.' And just like that Romeo vanished in the shadows back in the underworld. Shay was still growling, 'I don't trust him!'

'I do, he knows that killing me will release the demons inside me so it's a blood bath. Head back to class, the teacher is coming out,' BB grabbed Shay and teleported her to the girl's bathroom, leaving Shay then teleporting to the boy's. Shay walked out of the bathroom to meet BB, "Stay with me."

"Okay," BB caught up to Brian, "Hey, what's up?"

"H-Hey BB, I'm just heading back to class with Jack." Shay ran and jumped into Jack's arms, "Sugar Daddy!"

"Looks like everything is back to normal, oh, did you see Matt in class?"

"I don't know who that is yet...I'm sorry."

"Oh well the kid with blonde hair who sits near the books."

"Oh yeah, I've seen him, what about him?"

"I totally saw him looking at Amber, like how I look at you." Brian blushed, "Oh really, do you think they like each other?"

"Oh yeah and you're blushing again Brian. Wow, one, you're tall, and two, whenever you blush in that hoodie it's so cute." BB said hugging Brian. Brian hugged back as Jack and Shay said, "Awww" in unison. BB blushed and hid in Brian's chest, "Hold me." Brian held BB in his arms gently as the bell rang.

"Class was fun, now onto our next class," Ben said jumping on Evan's back. They group grabbed their stuff and headed to chemistry. They walked into Mrs. Nina's class as she greeted them, "Hello clas-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence and sniffed around. She spoke again, "I'm sorry class I got side tracked for a second, today we are having a free day, do whatever you want!" she jumped up and down.

BB pulled Shay aside, "Did you see that?"

S: "Yeah, she's a wolf newbie."

B: "Your pack or?"

S: "I don't have a pack because my brother is an Alpha I'm a Beta, she's someone else's."

B: "Might as well protect her as well."

S: "She's Malcolm's mate, don't get near her." Shay went closer to her.

B: "For fuck sakes, your brother was hitting on me for crying out loud."

S: "He was faking it, plus, he wanted to give you the bonding bite"

B: "That slut, I'll personally neuter him myself."

"Stay here for a second; I'm going to do something." Shay went up to Mrs. Nina, "Mrs. Nina, can I talk to you please." Mrs. Nina nodded and they walked into the hall.

'Don't kill her Shay, this teacher is actually fun, who else will let us play dare and dare?"

'I'm putting my scent on her." Shay said out from the hall.

'Okay then,' "Sorry guys that we had to cut short our sleepover."
"It's fine; we had a party at our house anyway." Jeff said slapping Jane's ass.

"Lucky and please tell me condoms were used."

"Maybe, maybe not," Jeff laughed. BB face palmed, "If I was there I might get knocked up." BB said to himself. Jeff walked up to BB and leaned over him, "That can be arranged." Shay growled from across the room. BB blushed, "Settle down killer, maybe if you let me handle your knife we can have some fun."

"Oh I'll let you handle something else." Jeff backed BB onto a desk. Shay walked out of the classroom. BB blushed, "If you're wondering Jeff, no you're not playing me and you're not putting me to sleep. Just look in a mirror for a surprise hun, I promise you there will be no roses." BB pecked Jeff's jaw, "and besides I like the tall, silent, and shy types." Jeff frowned, "BRIAN!"

"Y-Yeah Jeff?" Brian said putting his head up.

"You broke him." Shay walked into the class, "BB I need to see you." BB walked over to Shay, "Yesh?" Shay grabbed BB's wrist and took him into the hall. Shay pushed BB up against the wall and smashed her lips onto his. BB moaned, his mouth opened giving Shay the opportunity. "Sh-Shay, Nani?"

"I don't care; I just hugged her to put my scent on her." Shay danced around BB's mouth with her tongue. Once they parted BB was panting, "Looks like I have to get used to being dominated huh?"

"Yeah, since you're in heat, it doesn't mean you get to parade your body around."

"I'm just teasing him." BB poked Shay's nose. Jack walks in the hall finding Shay with BB pushed up against the wall, "SHAY?" Shay backs up from BB, "It's not what it looks like Sugar Daddy. I was angry at BB, and I accidently got up in his face."

"It's true; I piss her off more than normal at this time of year." BB said hiding on top of a locker. The bell rang as Jack glared at BB, "Let's go Sugar Baby."

-Le time skip cause Yaoi-

Jack was over protective towards Shay, every move BB made Jack would look in his direction. "Jeez, Jack really has it out for me this time."

"I'll talk to him later and tell him the situation.

"Alright, and I'll see you at our table Toby needs me for something."

"Okay, see ya." Shay waved bye.

"Bye, see ya around," BB said heading to the locker rooms. BB walked through the halls until he was at the locker rooms. "Toby, you in here," there was a sound from the showers. "Who's there?" BB turned around. "WAAAHHHH!!" Toby screamed as BB in a scary clown mask. BB yelped and teleported into the mirror sitting in the principal's office. BB heard the Principal's voice, "What are you doing in here?"

"Is it normal to be in a mirror? Or is it weird seeing something else for once?" BB turned his back to Mr. Slender, "And why are you in here?"

"I'm not in here, but my conscious is. I'm actually asleep on my desk." Mr. Slender pointed to his sleeping body.

"Ah hence the penis on your face and why is your consciousness in here?" BB walked up to the principal.

"I come in here because it's quiet and peaceful. Your friend is coming, you should get out here."

"Eh, if she needs me, she can drag my ass out of here, and I'm surprised you're not asking why I'm in here either. So I guess this is normal for you. BB said looking out of the mirror.

"No, I just don't care."

"Shay owes me money now."

"BB, WHERE ARE YOU!" Shay yelled from the hall.

'In the Principal's office.' BB said telepathically. The Principal and BB hear Shay running down the hall. She ran in the office and looked in the mirror, "I sensed you were in trouble, are you okay?"

"Meh, Toby scared me and I ended up with the Principal so I'm fine and Shay, can you clean his face, I sensed that Jeff was here."

"He was, I sensed him. Come out of the mirror." Shay whimpered.

"Alright, might as well leave the principal in peace, would anyone be concerned of why I have wings and started flying around the school?"

"Don't do that, I don't need people screaming and yelling. Just leave so I can have peace and quiet." The Principal said sitting down.

"You're no fun but I guess I'll do it tonight in that forest everyone is afraid of." BB hopped out of the mirror and headed towards the door. "See you tonight" BB walked out of the office behind Shay. Shay stopped and hugged BB as she nuzzled her nose in his neck, "Are you sure you're okay? You're tense."

"Yeah, I'm always tense, what else is new?"

"You smell scared..."

"Na I'm just hungry, you probably smell yourself."

"Probably...let's get to lunch." Shay stayed close to BB protectively as they went back into the cafeteria.

"Awe, is my little guard dog scared?"

"Scared that you're hurt and you're not telling me what's wrong. I can smell when you're lying."

"Na I'm just horny again."

"Want me to fix that?" Shay smiled.

"I'll let Brian do the fixing on this one." She whimpered and walked into the cafeteria and sat with Jack as he fed her candy.

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