Chapter 10 & 11

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After Shay punched one of the doors down she headed to the bunker, she opened the door and interrupted a make out session between BB and Brian. Shay was staring at BB and Brian just going at it with their lips, everyone around them taking pictures with their phones, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes," BB said to Shay.

"Damn BB, if you want to act like a bitch, take your man upstairs." Shay grabbed Jack's hand and walked with everyone out of the bunker. BB and Brian followed, "Brian, I'll show you my room."

"Make sure you use a condom Brian, we don't want him pregnant." Jeff snickered.

"Jeff, go to sleep." BB said giving Jeff the middle finger. Jack whispered to Shay, "Guys can get pregnant...and Brian tops?"

"No to both of those questions."

"Actually Shay I can. I'm not human remember." BB said to Shay sticking his tongue out.

"Oh yeah, because DD is a girl and all, USE A CONDOM, I'M NOT DEALING WITH YOUR CRAVINGS!" Shay threw a box of condoms at BB.

"BB...I don't care, use a goddamn condom. Brian, I swear to god if you don't use protection. I will rip your dick off and that's a promise." Shay glared at Brian.

"She won't touch what's mince that's for sure." BB said to Brian grabbing his crotch playfully, "Ah crap Shay I'm in heat." Shay stepped back, "That crap gets bad every year, if everyone could leave the house immediately."

"And it doesn't help that DD is a Succubus."

"And it doesn't help that I'm insane...that doesn't make since you stupid voices. Why can't they be smart?"

"I don't know Shay, how about you ask them that and it's better if we take care of me in heat before it gets worse." BB said. Shay smiled mischievously, "It's actually pretty funny when you're sexually frustrated. Where the fuck is everyone...they left."

"Then I can use your things to help my frustrations." BB said running to Shay's house. Shay ran after him and jumped on him, "My mom made me get rid of them."

"Well you forgot one, in-between your mattress bottom left corner in a small compartment there." BB smiled and teleported to the car mirror in Shay's driveway. Shay cursed every word and used her vampire speed to get to her house. She ran inside and saw her mom, "MOM!!!" she shakes her mom. Her mom punches her across the room, "STOP FUCKING SHAKING ME, I SEE YOU. WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!?"

"BB, he's, he's-"

"If you trying to tell me that BB is in heat, he has nothing to use. Even the one you tried to hide."

"That's actually what I came here about, but you know he's in the mirror right here." Shay pointed to the mirror hanging in the living room.

"I know, I can smell him, his awful blood smells bad. BB, get out of my mirror please." She walked up to the mirror.

"It's not my fault that I have two demons in one. Plus what do I smell like to you? And for the mirror, no, I will not get out, it's comfortable in here." Shay's Mom's eyes turned black ad she reached into the mirror and grabbed BB and pulled him out. She was face to face with him, "Don't talk back to me Bronson."

"You're just like my dad, always yanking me around at the worst times're gentler." BB hugged Shay's mom.

Chapter 11

"So how are we going to deal with me being in heat and in the process of growing wings." BB said hugging Shay's mom.

"I could probably cut those off; you grow wings and Satan might find be able to find you." Shay's mom said touching the little wings.

"I want to keep them this time, whenever Shay cuts them off I feel like she's after by blood and besides I'll be on the down low with them.

"I'm not after you, the smell lingers through the house," Shay turned quiet, "It smells good..." BB hides behind Shay's mom, "It's not my fault that my scent is everywhere."

It's not because it's everywhere, it's because I can recognize it." Shay sat on her couch.

"Oh but how will I hide it from other demons and vampires. Plus I'm practically living with you guys and my aunt, with that I forget my parents sometimes." BB sighs and sits next to Shay pulling his knees close. Shay put her arm around the demon, "No one else can recognize your scent if they haven't been with you for so long."

"Well they will recognize a demon in heat for sure and you know how others get." BB thinks to himself, 'Why can't I remember who my real parents are? I know Shay and her mom remind me, but it feels like there's more than what they are telling me.'

"Don't think like that BB, it hurts my feelings, to know that you think I'm not telling the truth, I try-" Shay was interrupted by her mother, "Don't worry BB, I don't think there are any other more demons in this town, you're safe."

"Crap, I forgot you read minds as well, well since Mimic and DD don't really know what's going on with my family, would guys like to explain, and sorry for hurting your feelings." BB leans into Shay. Shay messes with BB's hair, "You're mom, a demon and fallen angel, and you're dad, a demon, loved each other very much. They made love and you popped out."

"I know that but who are they. Is what they need to know." BB poked Shay's nose.

"Don't do that, you know I don't like it. That's all we know about your parents really."

"I know I know, but being part Incubus and Succubus isn't fun. Or..." BB slapped BB in the face, "Shay, you dumb face hole child. Now we need sleep and head back over yo my house, we have guests there."

"They left because we were arguing and the others didn't want Brian to knock you up. Calm down." Shay stood up and grabbed two blood bags out of the fridge; she gave one to BB. "Hopefully this will go our way for once Shay, unlike last time." BB drank from the blood bag. The phone rings and BB jumps a little from the rings. Shat sits on the couch and puts her arm around BB, "Don't worry, it's just the phone. Mom answer the phone." Her mom answered the phone, but crushed it in her hands, 'What is he doing here?"

"Who's here? SHAY I'M STARTING TO PAN!C AGAIN!" Shay hugged BB, "It's fine, and you don't need to panic." The next thing that happened, Shay was held up on the wall by her neck. Her mom was holding her by her neck, "Why is he here, you led him here. WE CAN'T RUN FROM HIM!" BB ran and tackled Shay's mom, "Calm down what's even going on?" Shay landed on her hands and knees gasping for air, "My brother, he's here. He was at your house, that's who knocked on the door at your house."

"Ah TITS, I'll go grab the stakes." BB said.

"You can't kill him he's immortal, all hybrids that are vampire and werewolf...are immortal." Shay stood up.

"Well we're boned." BB threw his hands up in defeat.

"You need to stay with me at all times, Malcolm is a heat hunter. He can smell you 5 miles away. I don't want you to leave my side. It's my jo-you're my friend and I don't want you to get hurt by him."

"Okay and can I grab some stuff from my room?" BB said pointing at his house, 'Job? What did my dad assign her family this?"

"Sure, let's go." Shay grabbed her 16 inch black gunmetal construction Jackal, the words 'Jesus Christ is in Heaven Now' engraved on the sides from under her couch and led BB out of the house.

"Are you going to shove that up his ass or something Shay? I mean it's like twelve feet to my house." BB said pointing to the gun.

"No, I'm going to shove it up yours dumbass. It's a gun, he's fast, but I'm fine. He wasn't born with werewolf blood in him."

"One, I might enjoy that cause that might help me since I'm in heat, two, I know you have werewolf blood and not him, and three, once I have my wings I'll be faster than both of you." BB paused at his door. Shay grabbed BB neck. "Don't tempt me. We need to get to your house and get back without any casualties."

"I think that might be a problem." Shay let go of BB's neck, "He's behind me, isn't he."

"Yep and covered in blood. Where's my aunt?" Malcolm whistled into Shay's ear. Her head started to twitch as her eyes turned red, she laughed mischievously. She backed away from BB and screamed loudly. She fell to her knees and grasped her head, "Leave BB...get help!" She screamed again. BB ran and jumped kicked Malcolm in the head and was stopped when he was hit in the gut by him. "You're so pity, you can't beat me. You better listen to your little friend before you get hurt." Malcolm threw BB at a tree.

BB landed with a thud and started laughing. Shay was standing over BB, her head twitching, "Those voices said that you're worthless and weak. They say I should kill you." Shay pointed her gun at BB's head and laughed. BB teleported away right as Shay pulled the trigger. Laughter filled the streets, 'I may be weak, but there's one thing I can do and that's mess around, good luck trying to find me." Shay growled and looked at Malcolm, "I can smell him. He's in heat, you can smell him too~" Shay saw BB in a tree and shot at him.BB teleported away and into a nearby car mirror. "Am I pissing you off Malcolm? How can a hot guy be such an ass?" BB shadow walks behind Malcolm and licked his neck. Malcolm catches BB by his neck, "Oh what a bad kitty, would I love to make you mine." He licked BB's neck. BB purrs and grabbed Malcolm's crotch then teleported away, "You need to be faster than that babe." Malcolm teleported behind BB and wrapped his arm around BB's waist, "You smell so good." Malcolm was about to bite down on BB's neck until Shay pushed Malcolm off, "MINE!""He won't benefit from that Shay. My blood turned black when I became in heat so he'll be poisoned hence why I smell amazing. Since my species give off pheromones, it attracts other and we use that to hunt. So being an Incubus and Succubus, this will be fun for you Malcolm. Shay coming in and out of sanity, "Don't touch him!" Shay jumped onto Malcolm and started scratching at him. BB stops her hands and brings it to his back, "If you be a good boy I'll reward you Malcolm." BB started to nibble at his earlobe.Shay ran off into the woods and sat at a tree whispering to herself and gripped her head. BB kicks Malcolm in the crotch hard and teleports next to Shay holding her, "I took it too far sorry." Shay pushed BB away, "Don't touch me, I can't do this...he assigned me to you, but he has control over me. THE CONTROL IS GONE!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Shay was rolling on the ground laughing. BB teleported back to her house, grabbing a blood bag, and teleports back to Shay laughing hysterically. "I went through hell to get this, now drink up." BB said throwing the blood bag at Shay. Shay backed away from it, "I don't want that," Shay looked at BB, "I want you!" Shay jumped on BB and started biting at him. BB grabbed Shay's throat and started to press down lightly, "I will do something to you that will help me with me being in heat, so you better be a good girl and I'll let you suck on my arm.""Neck and I'll be good." Shay sat down on BB."You'll have to wait a few seconds my blood is still black, but I'll let you drink till you're good, and trust me I regenerate blood faster than I fuck."Shay laughed, "I doubt that, we have to get home." Shay started towards the house."Three demons in one is a lot of blood." BB leaned his head to the left, "I know you're hungry so do it already, Jack can come over again if you want." Shay smiled happily and latched onto BB's neck."Easy does it Shay." BB said wrapping his legs around her waist. Shay pushed BB against a tree to keep him up. She unlatched, "You'll be fine." She latched back like a leech."Don't make me moan Shay." BB held her tight and felt his wings grow."But it's cute." Shay bit harder. BB moaned, "Sh-Shay t-take it easy, I know we're friends, but do you really want me to fuck you?" BB said as he started grinding against Shay, "I'm sorry, I'm in heat I can't help it.""If anyone is doing the fucking it's me, I'm part shapeshifter remember.""And you forget I'm both the sex driven demons of the underworld, so I can make you my bitch, I may not look like much but trust me when it comes to this. You're mine and I'm in my prime every year at this time Shay." BB said straddling Shay, "now are we done here, I still smell like our brother so I need a shower.""You smell like me now, I could have marked you now, but I decided not to.""Good, save that for your clown, now can we please go home, I'm tired." BB said laying on Shay, "oh I forgot, look." BB got up and took his shirt off, "My wings grew out." Out from under his shirt BB's black, silver stained wings was outstretched to their maximum length."Damn BB, lookin' good and I can't mark a clown.I'll tell you later why." Shay walked with BB to her house and inside.

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