how you met

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You met when you stopped Murphy from fighting Wells, you were a really good fighter and had a lot of sass, attitude, and sarcasm, not to mention your drive to help people, he was impressed by how you handled Murphy by kicking him in the chest without even breaking a sweat


You met back at the ark, you were in the engineering classes with Monty and grew close, he decided to introduce you and you instantly hit it off


You met when he came back from exile with the sickness, you knew of him but never met him, you tried to avoid him but with the sickness her hands were full so you nursed him back to health and he did the same for you when you got sick


You met when he accidentally bumped into you, he apologized profusely, you couldn't help but think he was cute


You met while looking for Jasper, Jasper was your older brother, only by seven minutes and he never let you forget about it, he told you to split up and took you and Clarke with him, but Clarke was really pissed so she was ahead of you as you walked, he sparked up a conversation and hut it off


You met when you were walking around the woods with your daggers, you had impeccable aim and never missed, he was spying on you as you walked and was surprised when you spotted a rabbit and threw your knife at it and hit it in its eye, killing it instantly, to say he instantly fell in love was an understatement


You met roan when he fled from azgeda, you were banished from your tribe for having a birthmark on your face, it was a prophecy that a girl born with a mark on her face would rule the people of their greatest enemy, azgeda, you nursed him back to health after he was stabbed, beaten, and tired, he didn't judge you when he saw the mark you desperately tried to hide

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