he saves you

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You were walking around the cliff where a lake is below when you heard a twig snap, you turned around to see a grounder glaring at you, you reach for your dagger and hold it in front of you, he stalked towards you until you threw the knife at him, which he dodged, he charged at you and picked you up by the throat and started strangling you

"I heard the sky people can't swim." He says in perfect English, making your eyes widen, realizing what he was about to do, he lifts you above the edge and squeezes your neck tighter, after you almost pass out from lack of oxygen he lets you go and you fall into the lake, you try to swim up but the grounder was right, you couldn't swim, you kicked and punched at the water but it was no use, your about to lose consciousness when you hear a splash and you look up to see Bellamy, he grabs you and puts his mouth on yours to give you some air, then he drags you up out of the water and pulls you to the shore, he lays you on your back and does mouth to mouth and cpr, soon you cough up the water

"It's ok, your ok." He coaxes

"I thought he was going to kill me." You struggle out

"Shh, don't speak, save your energy, let's get you back to camp." He says and picks you up bridal style

"I can walk on my own."

"I told you to save your energy, and you can't save energy by walking." He says, you nod and lay your head on his chest

"Thank you."

"I'm not going to let you die."

"Wait, how'd you get to me so fast?" You ask

"Uh, well I was uh." He stammers

"You were following me weren't you?"

"Ok, I was, it was just to make sure you were ok, and I'm glad I did."

"How would I repay you?"

"I got a few things in mind."

"Your pushing it Blake."



You were out hunting with Jasper and a few others when Jasper sees a grounder point his bow at you and fire, he tackled you out the way right before it hit right between your eyes, you all ran all the way back to camp and hugged and thanked Jasper over and over, you even gave him a kiss on the cheek


A few days after he got better from the sickness, your eyes started bleeding, and you got really sick, you almost died, but Murphy was there to help you onto your side when you coughed up blood, he helped feed you, gave you his jacket when you got cold, gave you water, kept you warm, without him you would have died, and you could never thank him enough


(Same as Murphy)


Someone accidentally picked poisonous berries and you were about to eat them when Finn smacked them out of your hand and told you not to eat them since they were poisonous, you were greatful, and helped him whenever needed


A grounder shot you in the thigh with his arrow, you snapped it in half so you could run better, but it didn't help much since you were losing blood, suddenly the grounder drops dead with a hatchet in his back and another grounder appears, you scoot back and try to get away fr him but stop when your back comes in contact with a tree, he crouches down in front of you and looks at the arrow in your leg, the blood loss gets to you and you pass out, you wake up in a bed with your leg wrapped, you look around to see your in a cave, the grounder that helped you was at a desk drawing something, you sat up and the noise made him look over to you

"Where am I?" You ask but he doesn't respond

"Do you not understand me?" You ask again

"Great, you must think I'm crazy trying to talk to someone who clearly doesn't understand me." You say and he lets out a little laugh

"So you do understand me?" You say smiling

"Thank you for saving me."


After helping roan get better he decided to stay and help you, he was out hunting when suddenly three men enter, you obviously couldn't take any of them on but you still got your knife out and pointed it at them

"Looks like he has a little girlfriend." One of them says in their native tongue, And they walk over to you, one ransacks to place, another searches through your stuff, while the other slams you against the wall and starts strangling you, you claw at his hand and start to lose consciousness when roan appears and throws a hat her at the man strangling you, killing him, you drop to the floor trying to catch your breath as he fights the other two, soon he comes over to you and helps you up

"We can't stay here, they know where we are, we have to leave." He says, you nod and get some stuff ready and you leave the only home you e ever known

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